
Visit to Buchenwald Memorial

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Sa. 22.06.2024
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Visit to Buchenwald Memorial

The Third Reich, anti-Semitism, the Holocaust - terms that you have probably heard before and are closely linked to German history. On Saturday, June 22, 2024, we want to explore these topics during a visit to the Buchenwald Memorial. The Buchenwald Memorial was a concentration camp from 1937 to 1945 where the National Socialists imprisoned people who did not fit in with their world view. These included Jews, Sinti and Roma, political opponents, Poles and other groups whose imprisonment was characterized by violence and humiliation and often ended in death.

We will travel together by train and bus to the memorial site (near Weimar). On site, we will watch a film about the former concentration camp, visit the exhibition and explore the grounds with an audio guide. The excursion is free of charge for you, but be sure to bring your Thoska. We will meet at 10:00 am at Ilmenau train station and will be on the road until the evening. We recommend that you bring comfortable shoes, snacks and drinks. Registration is possible via TURM 2.

To prepare you for the visit, we offer you a workshop on the topic on 20.06.2024, 17-19 o'clock. You can find more information here: Link to the workshop