On 18.05.2024 you have the opportunity to visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Wartburg Castle with the we4you tutors. Together you will travel by train to Eisenach and receive a guided tour of the Wartburg in English. Wartburg Castle is particularly famous for its most famous guest, Martin Luther, reformer of the Christian church. Apart from that, Wartburg Castle is well worth a visit. Afterwards, you can explore the museum on your own.

The meeting point is at 11 a.m. at Ilmenau station. The participation fee is €3.50 (please bring the appropriate fee with you when you register). Please don't forget your Thoska!

We also recommend that you bring snacks and drinks as well as sturdy shoes. You will be back in Ilmenau between 6-8 pm.

Registrations are possible at the coffee2meet on 15.05.2024. Please bring the money with you.