
Citizens' Campus: The fascination of mathematics - from mathematical order to magic to chaos

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Fr. 11.10.2024
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Mathematics, the "art of learning", first flourished in Mesopotamia, India, China and ancient Greece. It is not defined as a binding science, but because of its abstract structures it is still sometimes the terror of schoolchildren and adults alike.

But there is another way.

Mathematics does not have to be dry and exhausting, nor does it always have to involve calculations. Many entertaining problems, puzzles, games and even magic tricks are based on mathematical principles.

Some interesting examples and applications of mathematics, such as regular polygons, the 5 Platonic solids, packing density, magic squares, the ecological model "grass, hare, fox, hunter" and the chaotic sets of Julia and Mandelbrot are presented and explained.

In his book "Mathematische Zauberkiste", Dr. Werner Neundorf shows young and old, laymen and experts interesting and magical things from popular scientific disciplines as well as from everyday life. The numerous examples and more than

2000 illustrations contribute to the enthusiasm for mathematics.


Admission: 5 Euro