The tropical rainforest is not as far away from us as you might think! We find it in many places in our everyday life, because rainforest is hidden in many food and consumer goods of our daily life.

The travelling exhibition "Consumption and the Rainforest" gives the viewer an insight into the global consequences of today's consumption and looks at the biggest drivers of deforestation: whether it is palm oil from Indonesia and Malaysia or paper, for the production of which pulp is imported from Brazil. Every time we reach for our smartphones, we are essentially holding a piece of rainforest in our hands, too, because: Every mobile phone contains metals and rare earths that originate from rainforest areas (especially in Africa). The exhibition invites us with simple, practical tips to make our own shopping behaviour more sustainable and thus creates an arc from the shopping trolley to the tropical rainforests.

The exhibition was developed by the tropical forest foundation "OroVerde". This foundation has been active for 30 years and is breaking new ground with pilot projects in order to achieve long-term success.

The exhibition can be visited from 30.09.2021 to 06.11.2021 in the university library. It is freely accessible during the opening hours of the university library.