Project funding

German Academic Exchange Service

Countless international cooperation programmes are funded by the DAAD. Bundled calls are issued on three prescribed dates per year. Short-term special announcements are also distributed to the faculties by the International Office outside of the deadline. All funding programmes can be found at any time in the DAAD project database.

Last central DAAD calls for proposals: June 2024 [in German only]


Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Logo des Ministeriums für Bildung und Forschung

The BMBF also funds projects worldwide. Funding is announced on the ministry's website. In addition, the BMBF offers an overview of so-called current announcements, which are sorted by region and, if applicable, continent.

The BMBF portal Kooperation international as a communication platform facilitates networking between research and educational institutions as well as companies. It serves as a signpost for international cooperation in research, education and innovation.

Cooperation projects with Erasmus+

Erasmus+ Logo

Erasmus+ offers various instruments and programme lines for the establishment and implementation of joint strategic partnerships and cooperation projects Higher Education Projects. These are applied for via the German National Agency of the EU at the DAAD. These include Strategic Partnerships, Knowledge Alliances, Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees, Capacity Building Projects and Jean Monnet Activities.

An overview of the possibilities can be found on the website of the National Agency.

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

JSPS offers various funding opportunities for cooperation between Japan and Germany. In addition to specific programme lines for doctoral and postdoctoral students, there are fellowship grants for scientific visits, bilateral cooperation programmes and funding opportunities at the institute level.

In Germany, the JSPS is based in Bonn. An overview of all funding programmes and scholarship opportunities can be found on the following website.

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation - Calls for proposals

The AvH regularly announces various fellowships for researchers. Please check the relevant websites of the Alexander von Humboltoldt Foundation for a suitable program for you.

The Azrieli Foundation

The Azrieli Fellows Program funds visits by young researchers to Israel's leading academic institutions and promotes academic and scientific innovation for the benefit of society. Enriched through interdisciplinary and cross-cultural exchange, mentorship, leadership training and community engagement as part of the activities supported by the program. It is open to all disciplines.

International Postdoctoral Fellowship

Application deadline NEW: 9. Mai 2024

Special invitations to tender

Congress funding

International congresses

Open Calls

no calls at the moment