25 years of successful cooperation with Indonesia: Christina Schumann takes over from Martin Löffelholz

Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In a ceremony at the Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (UAJY), Dr. habil. Christina Schumann from the Department of Empirical Media Research and Political Communication recently took over responsibility for the cooperation between the Institute of Media and Communication Studies and the Department of Communication at UAJY from Professor Martin Löffelholz from the Department of Media Studies.

Dr. G. Sri Nurhartanto, Rector of UAJY, thanked Prof. Löffelholz for his many years of commitment in establishing and deepening the cooperation, which began in 1999 and is the basis for the double degree program between the two universities from 2022. "We are very happy that our close cooperation is in good hands with Dr. Schumann," said Dr. Nurhartanto at the ceremony, which was attended by the two scientists from TU Ilmenau as well as the Vice Rectors, Deans and Institute Directors of UAJY.

During their one-week stay in Yogyakarta, Martin Löffelholz and Christina Schumann also led a workshop on the challenges of the rapidly increasing relevance of artificial intelligence for communication science. The workshop was attended not only by professors from various Indonesian universities, but also by journalists from Indonesian media and PR practitioners. Christina Schumann also discussed the requirements for international research cooperation with UAJY faculty and held several lectures for UAJY students.

"The excellent technical equipment for media production, the wide range of practical courses and the almost family atmosphere provide the best conditions for the AMW students from Ilmenau who are accepted for the double degree," Christina Schumann summarized after her first stay in Indonesia: "Earning degrees from TU Ilmenau and UAJY at the same time in three years of AMW studies and living in a fascinating country like Indonesia for a year – what a great opportunity!"

More information about the double degree: https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/en/international/tu-ilmenau-worldwide/double-degrees/angewandte-medien-und-kommunikationswissenschaft

Rector G. Sri Nurhartanto (center) and Martin Löffelholz with representatives of UAJY at the ceremony of handing over the responsibility for the cooperation to Christina Schumann.
The workshop moderated by Christina Schumann on the challenges and opportunities of international research cooperation met with great interest among UAJY lecturers.