
October 25 and 26 – inova 2022: Career fair at the TU Ilmenau

übereinander gestapelte Kataloge© TU Ilmenau/SWING e. V.
The current exhibition catalog of inova 2022

On October 25 and 26, TU Ilmenau will host inova 2022 one of the largest career fairs in eastern Germany. For two days, students and companies will meet: The students will get their first entry-level opportunities with companies. And the companies, for their part, can find students from a wide range of disciplines as possible interns or employees. The entire spectrum of regional and national companies is represented: from small firms to medium-sized companies to large corporations. The inova 2022 is not only open to students and graduates of the TU Ilmenau, but also to those of all Thuringian universities.

The inova 2022 is a perfect forum for companies and students to get to know each other. On the two days of the trade fair, students and graduates can find out about internship and job opportunities at 200 companies from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Campus Sports Hall of the TU Ilmenau, Ehrenbergstraße 51, and get in touch with the company representatives – a win-win situation for both, companies and students: The companies find highly qualified interns, trainees and employees and the students get an entry-level opportunity in exclusive companies: for an internship, a thesis or even a permanent position.

© TU Ilmenau/SWING e. V.
The inova 2022 will take place in the campus sports hall of the TU Ilmenau

At JOB.wall, students and graduates will find a wide selection of job advertisements from participating companies. Specialist presentations not only give them deep insights into the companies, they also deal with topics and problems in the various industries and show possible solutions. In the run-up to the fair, the companies already had the opportunity to announce vacancies for which the students could apply. Now the actual job interviews are scheduled for October 25 and 26. In doing so, inova will not leave applicants to their own devices: during Warm.up.Week, the week from October 17 to 21 before the trade fair, interested parties can take part in workshops on job interviews and the entire application process to prepare for the job interviews.

In addition to providing a forum for students to meet with companies, inova 2022 also offers a variety of opportunities for students to get themselvesfor a job application. Those who are already ready to apply can bring along their application portfolio and have it put through its paces. In a personal meeting, you will then receive tips for the perfect portfolio. Even professional, attractive portrait photos can be taken on site. Numerous information and consulting opportunities round out the offerings at inova 2022.

The inova Ilmenau has been planned, organized and carried out by the student SWING association at the TU Ilmenau for 27 years. 1994 byStudents of industrial engineering and business informatics founded SWING in 1994. Today, students from a wide range of disciplines volunteer at SWING in order to help students of the TU Ilmenau to start their professional life with the inova fair and other projects.


Sophie Haufe
Project Management inova Ilmenau 2022
+49 1573 2767302