
Media Technology degree programme at TU Ilmenau prepares students for careers in the modern media world

The TU Ilmenau has completely redesigned its bachelor's degree programme in Media Technology and adapted it to developments in the modern, digital media world. When the winter semester 2021/22 begins in October, students will enjoy the benefits of a curriculum with new content: Use of Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, Algorithms and Media Informatics, Streaming, and Data Analytics. The flexible curriculum offers graduates the best career prospects in a dynamic media world whose content and diversity are changing rapidly.


In order to prepare the students of the Media Technology programme for the broad and constantly changing methods and requirements in practice, a number of basic modules are prescribed in their studies. For example, they have to take the subjects Video Technology, Communication Acoustics or Web Technologies. In future, they will have a much wider choice of optional modules from the fifth semester onwards. This will allow them to set their own priorities in their studies, such as audio or video technology, virtual reality or media applications on the Internet. Students will not only have greater flexibility due to the elective modules, but also practice-related study components, for example in the form of practical workshops and the choice of topic for the Bachelor's thesis, will offer them the opportunity to pursue personal preferences already in their Bachelor's studies. In the subsequent Master's programme, which can also be completed at TU Ilmenau, they are then trained to become specialists in their field.

New technology for the changing media world
TU Ilmenau/Stephan Fremerey
Students in the Media Technology program have access to state-of-the-art equipment.

The technical equipment needed for teaching in new media has also been adapted to the requirements of the changing media world in recent months. The Institute of Media Technology procured a large number of new devices that are particularly needed for the application and research of so-called immersive technologies, i.e. technologies that depict reality completely virtually or enrich it with selected virtual information: virtual reality, augmented reality, high dynamic range, 8K video and many more. The infrastructure is also being modernized accordingly: A center for immersive technologies is being created in the new IT service center, which will begin operations in the first half of next year.

Best career prospects

Graduates of the Media Technology programme have excellent career prospects in the media world. The fields of application range from development engineers for audio and video technology to the programming of virtual worlds and the management of large amounts of (media) data with the help of artificial intelligence.

The modernizations that the Institute of Media Technology has undertaken benefit not only teaching, but also research. They offer TU Ilmenau and its partners a wide range of opportunities in a wide variety of application areas: in gaming or edutainment, from broadcasting to streaming services to the cinema industry, in healthcare, education or industry.



Prof. Alexander Raake

Director Institute for Media Technology
+49 3677 69-1468
