
New managment GRK NanoFab

On 24.03.21 Prof. Steffen Strehle was elected as the new head and Prof. Thomas Fröhlich as the deputy of the DFG Research Training Group NanoFab. They succeed Prof. Eberhard Manske and Prof. René Theska, who led the research training group in a proven manner over the last years. The election took place as scheduled in a subproject leader meeting, of course via video conference. Prof. Strehle is head of the Microsystems Technology department and Prof. Fröhlich is head of the Process Measurement Technology department. In this constellation, the Research Training Group is ideally positioned to master the scientific challenges of the next 5 years. During this time, 26 doctoral students are expected to successfully complete their doctorates on the basis of funding from the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), in three years each. Research will focus on the development of new AFM tip-based and laser-based 2D and 3D nanofabrication techniques based on high-precision nanopositioning and nanomessing machines. The official handover of office will take place on 01.04.21.