
Poppo VII. von Henneberg – a medieval count in troubled waters

TU Ilmenau Citizens' Campus

Topic:          Poppo VII of Henneberg - a medieval count in difficult waters

Speaker:     Dr. Janis Witowski, Deputy Director of the Natural History Museum Schloss Bertholdsburg Schleusingen

Time:           Friday, 21.04.2023, 3:00 p.m.

Place:         TU Ilmenau,Faraday Building, Weimarer Straße 32

Admission: 5 Euro


They were burgraves of Würzburg, monastery bailiffs, Franconian counts: In the 12th and 13th centuries, the Hennebergs enjoyed great prestige. One of them, Count Poppo VII of Henneberg, inherited a rich fortune around 1200. But asserting his position of power was not easy for him, a high medieval ruler: political goals had to be fought for in tough negotiations and possessions had to be won in bloody battles.and possessions had to be secured in bloody battles. In his efforts to secure his inheritance, Count Poppo von Henneberg had to deal with powerful opponents: Bishop Hermann I of Würzburg and Landgrave Ludwig IV of Thuringia.

In his lecture as part of the TU Ilmenau Citizens' Campus, the deputy director of the Natural History Museum Schloss Bertholdsburg Schleusingen, Dr. Janis Witowski, traces the conflicts with the two powers. And Witowski, who has written a book about Count Poppo VII of Henneberg, also shows how the disputes shaped the development of the county of Henneberg for centuries.



Dr. Uwe Geishendorf
Central Institute for Education
+49 3677 69-4675