
TU Ilmenau Citizens' Campus: Start of the lecture series on September 9, 2022

The lecture series of the TU Ilmenau Citizens' Campus (previously Seniorenakademie) will start into the fall semester on September 9, 2022. Every week for three months, 14 selected speakers will give lectures on current topics from a wide range of social fields: from technology and industrial history to medicine and politics to communication and literature. The lectures are open to anyone from Ilmenau and the surrounding area who is interested and take place every Friday from 3 to 4:30 p.m. in one of the three buildings of the Georg-Schmidt-Technikum of the TU Ilmenau, Weimarer Straße. Admission costs 5 euros.


Information and program: www.tu-ilmenau.de/buergercampus.

Printed program flyers also in each event or to request by e-mail: buergercampus@tu-ilmenau.de.



September 9, 2022

The abdominal aortic aneurysm - a ticking time bomb

Ilhami Benli, Ilm-Kreis-Kliniken Arnstadt-Ilmenau, Chief Physicianfor Vascular Surgery


September 16, 2022

5000 years of glass production - From the beginnings to the glass industry in the Thuringian Forest

Klaus Jahn, Ilmenau Glass Tradition Association, Managing Director of Ilmenauer Glasmaschinenbau GmbH until 2003


September 23, 2022

The Internet of Things - An Overview and Current Trends

Prof. Dr. Jörg Robert, TU Ilmenau, Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Head of the Department of Reliable Machine-to-Machine Communication


September 30, 2022

Quo vadis product development? Implications for research and teaching

Prof. Dr. Stephan Husung, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Head of Proproduct and system development


October 7, 2022

TheraTin - Theranostics of Tinnitus via Headphones

Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Brandenburg, Founder and Managing Director Brandenburg LABSGmbH Ilmenau


October 14, 2022

Green electronics - What does environmentally friendly and secure IT of the future look like?

Prof. Dr. Martin Ziegler, TU Ilmenau, Department of Electrical Engineering andInformation Technology, Head of Department Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems


October 21, 2022

Germany in the grip of crises - political background and economic consequences

Prof. Dr. Fritz Söllner, TU Ilmenau, Department of Economics and Media, Head of the Department of Finance


October 28, 2022

How do we perceive technology risks? Artificial intelligence and autonomous mobility in Ilmenau and the world.

Dr. Andreas Schwarz, TU Ilmenau, Department of Economics and Media, Head of Department Public Relations and Technology Communication and Co-Director International Research Group Crisis Communication


November 4, 2022

From the "Last Dances" via the Discoveries to Other Patterns - Changing of the Guard in German-Language Contemporary Literature

Prof. Dr. Ilse Nagelschmidt, University of Leipzig, Head of Department of Modern German Literary Studies


November 11, 2022

"Worpswede, Worpswede. You are always on my mind." Paula Modersohn-Becker, Heinrich Vogeler and the Artists' Village Worpswede.

Uwe Ramlow, cultural scientist, freelancer Bauhaus Weiterbildungsakademie Weimar.


November 18, 2022

Governmental crisis communication about the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany

Kathrin Schleicher and Johanna Radechovsky, TU Ilmenau, Department of Media Science at theDepartment of Economicand Media at the Ilmenau University of Technology, and the International Crisis Communication Research Group.


November 25, 2022

From the Nippur ulna to the gravitational wave interferometer - the exciting development of length measurement

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Kissinger, TU Ilmenau, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Head of Department Nanofabrication and Nanometrology


December 2, 2022

Fabrication and properties of porous metals, especially aluminum foams

PD Dr. Günther Lange, TU Ilmenau, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Head (comm.) of the Department of Metallic Materials and Composites


December 9, 2022

Design in the GDR - A Project of the German Research Foundation

Dr. Christoph Hoock, TU Ilmenau, Head of the State Patent Center Thuringia (PATON)



Dr. Uwe Geishendorf
TU Ilmenau Citizens' Campus

+49 3677 69-4675