
Summer University of the TU Ilmenau: Trial study for schoolgirls

TU Ilmenau

The 23rd Summer University of the Technische Universität Ilmenau starts on July 17. During their summer vacation, schoolgirls in grades 10 to 13 from all over Germany can spend a week getting a taste of scientific and technical studies. In this way, they learn that the STEM subjects of mathematics, computer science, natural science and technology not only offer excellent career opportunities, but are also fun. The participants get to know the entire university with all its faculties, but also in contact with students.

After a two-year break, the TU Ilmenau is once again hosting the Summer University for female students this year. From July 17 to 22, the Summer University informs young women about the various scientific and technical courses of study at the TU Ilmenau and about the excellent career prospects after graduation. During the one-week trial study, the participants get to know the entire university, the campus and the city of Ilmenau. The varied program includes not only lectures, seminars, laboratory practicals and experiments, but also a diverse range of leisure activities.

TU Ilmenau

On each day, the participants get to know one of the five departments of the TU Ilmenau and receive first-hand information from students about the university, studying, student life and the city of Ilmenau.

Schoolgirls in grades 10 to 13 from all over Germany can register for the TU Ilmenau Summer University. The registration fee is 50 euros and the number of participants is limited. The registration deadline is June 30. Information and registration:


The Summer University of the TU Ilmenau has already existed for 25 years and is one of the oldest summer universities in Germany. It is organized by the Division of Equality, Diversity and Health and the Center for Motivation to Study at TU Ilmenau in cooperation with the Thüringer Koordinierungsstelle Naturwissenschaft und Technik (ThüKo NWT).



Nadine Heuchling
Division Equality, Diversity and Health
+49 3677 69-2551