Conference papers

Please note, the Hochschulbibliographie has the data status 07/31/2024.
All newer entries can be found in the University Bibliography of Technische Universität Ilmenau (TUUniBib).

Results: 978
Created on: Fri, 27 Sep 2024 04:39:52 +0200 in 0.1216 sec

Fritzsche, Paul; Niemöller, Sven; Laqua, Daniel; Husar, Peter
ECG-multichannel frontend for quick stimulus response based on FPGA with implemented real-time, online QRS detection algorithm. - In: Biomedical engineering, ISSN 1862-278X, Bd. 57.2012, Suppl. 1, Track-F, S. 619-622
Hauke, Alexander; Krämer, Juliane; Laqua, Daniel; Ley, Sebastian; Husar, Peter
High performance triple LED driver with digitally controlled analog dimming for reflection pulse oximetry. - In: Biomedical engineering, ISSN 1862-278X, Bd. 57.2012, Suppl. 1, Track-E, S. 580-582
Just, Thomas; Riedel, Florian; Husar, Peter;
A low-cost system for recording auditory brainstem responses. - In: Biomedical engineering, ISSN 1862-278X, Bd. 57.2012, Suppl. 1, Track-F, S. 673
Strohmeier, Daniel; Kowalski, Matthieu; Haueisen, Jens; Hämäläinen, Matti S.; Gramford, Alexandre
MEG/EEG single trial source estimates based on inter-trial priors in the time-frequency domain for source connectivity analysis. - In: Biomedical engineering, ISSN 1862-278X, Bd. 57.2012, Suppl. 1, Track-F, S. 391
Lau, Stephan; Petkoviâc, Bojana; Di Rienzo, Luca; Haueisen, Jens
Optimizing a magnetic sensor vest for cardiac source imaging. - In: Biomedical engineering, ISSN 1862-278X, Bd. 57.2012, Suppl. 1, Track-E, S. 1016
Fiedler, Patrique; Biller, Sebastian; Fonseca, Carlos; Vaz, Filipe; Griebel, Stefan; Zanow, Frank; Haueisen, Jens
Signal quality of titanium and titanium nitride coated dry polymer electrodes. - In: Biomedical engineering, ISSN 1862-278X, Bd. 57.2012, Suppl. 1, Track-E, S. 1083
Behnke, Thomas; Laux, Eva-Maria; Hoffmann, Katrin; Peters, Sven; Haueisen, Jens; Klemm, Matthias; Resch-Genger, Ute
Simple approaches to fluorescence lifetime standards using dye-quencher pairs. - In: Biomedical engineering, ISSN 1862-278X, Bd. 57.2012, Suppl. 1, Track-E, S. 613
Graichen, Uwe; Zanow, Frank; Fiedler, Patrique; Strohmeier, Daniel; Haueisen, Jens
Spatial harmonic analysis of EEG data. - In: Biomedical engineering, ISSN 1862-278X, Bd. 57.2012, Suppl. 1, Track-F, S. 99
Weber, Jacqueline; Laqua, Daniel; Williamson, Adam; Husar, Peter; Schober, Andreas
Capacitive sensor concept for monitoring neuronal activity in vitro. - In: Biomedical engineering, ISSN 1862-278X, Bd. 57.2012, Suppl. 1, Track-G, S. 1055-1058
Wagner, Stefan; Lucka, Felix; Burger, Martin; Grasedyck, Lars; Haueisen, Jens; Wolters, Carsten H.
Comparison of direct and reciprocal forward modeling approaches in EEG source analysis. - In: Biomedical engineering, ISSN 1862-278X, Bd. 57.2012, Suppl. 1, Track-M, S. 310