
The use of the referred documents is only allowed for internal purposes at our university.
If you need the documents for other purposes, please ask potential right owners.


Viktar Beliautsou, Valentin Ivanov, Aleksandra Fedorova:
(2024) Arragement And Method For Determining Parameters Of A Roadway In Front Of A Vehicle (EP4386501).
Europäisches Patentamt. https://register.epo.org/application?number=EP22212854.

F. Bedini, T. Räth, R. Maschotta, KU. Sattler, and A. Zimmermann:
Automated Transformation of a Domain-Specific Language for System Modeling to Stochastic Colored Petri Nets.
Systems Conference 2024 (SysCon 2024), Montréal, Canada, Apr 2024.

F. Bedini, T. Jungebloud, R. Maschotta, and A. Zimmermann:
An Analysis and Simulation Framework for Systems with Classification Components.
in 12th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering (Modelsward 2024), Rome, Italy, Feb 2024.