Publication list of the Group of Materials in Electrical Engineering

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Yan, Yong; Han, Moyan; Konkin, Alexander; Koppe, Tristan; Wang, Dong; Andreu, Teresa; Chen, Ge; Vetter, Ulrich; Morante, Joan Ramón; Schaaf, Peter
Slightly hydrogenated TiO 2 with enhanced photocatalytic performance. - In: Journal of materials chemistry, ISSN 2050-7496, Bd. 2 (2014), 32, S. 12708-12716
Wang, Dong; Gruber, Patric Alfons; Volkert, Cynthia A.; Kraft, Oliver
Influences of Ta passivation layers on the fatigue behavior of thin Cu films. - In: Materials science & engineering, ISSN 1873-4936, Bd. 610 (2014), S. 33-38
Schaaf, Peter;
Kleine Werkstoffe für die große Energiewende : Nanomaterialien. - In: Nanotechnologie aktuell, ISSN 1866-4997, Bd. 7 (2014), S. 40-44

Alassaad, Kassem; Soulière, Véronique; Cauwet, Fran¸cois; Peyre, Hervé; Carole, Davy; Kwasnicki, Pawel; Juillaguet, Sandrine; Kups, Thomas; Pezoldt, Jörg; Ferro, Gabriel
Ge incorporation inside 4H-SiC during homoepitaxial growth by chemical vapor deposition. - In: Acta materialia, ISSN 1873-2453, Bd. 75 (2014), S. 219-226
Camargo, Magali K.; Schmidt, Udo; Grieseler, Rolf; Wilke, Marcus; Bund, Andreas
Electrodeposition of Zn-TiO2 dispersion coatings: study of particle incorporation in chloride and sulfate baths. - In: Journal of the Electrochemical Society, ISSN 1945-7111, Bd. 161 (2014), 4, S. D168-D175
Hotovy, Ivan; Spieß, Lothar; Predanocy, Martin; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Racko, Juray
Sputtered nanocrystalline NiO thin films for very low ethanol detection. - In: Vacuum, ISSN 0042-207X, Bd. 107 (2014), S. 129-131
Yan, Yong; Wang, Dong; Wang, Dong *1977-*; Schaaf, Peter;
Fabrication of N-doped TiO 2 coatings on nanoporous Si nanopillar arrays through biomimetic layer by layer mineralization. - In: Dalton transactions, ISSN 1477-9234, Bd. 43 (2014), 22, S. 8480-8485
Wang, Chengliang; Wen, Liaoyong; Kups, Thomas; Vellacheri, Ranjith; Fang, Yaoguo; Schaaf, Peter; Zhao, Huaping; Lei, Yong
Growth control of AgTCNQ nanowire arrays by using template-assisted electro-deposition method. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section [SKM] together with the DPG Divisions: Microprobes, the Working Groups: Industry and Business, young DPG as well as the Committee Accelerator Physics ; March 30 - April 4, 2014, Technical University of Dresden, 2014, HL 117.4

Schaaf, Peter; Höche, Daniel;
Industrial applications of laser-material interactions for coating formation. - In: Lasers in materials science, (2014), S. 345-357

Wang, Dong; Ihlemann, Jürgen; Schaaf, Peter;
Complex patterned gold structures fabricated via laser annealing and dealloying. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 302 (2014), S. 74-78