Conference contributions

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Werner, Michael; Halbedel, Bernd; Halbedel, Bernd *1953-*; Rädlein, Edda;
Numerical study of magnet systems for Lorentz force velocimetry in electrically low conducting fluids. - In: Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Material Processing, (2010), S. 233-238

Lüdtke, Ulrich; Kelm, André; Halbedel, Bernd; Krieger, Uwe
Numerical simulation of Lorentz force enhanced flow patterns within glass melts. - In: Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Material Processing, (2010), S. 227-232

Schadewald, Uwe; Halbedel, Bernd; Ziolkowski, Marek; Brauer, Hartmut
The manipulation of paramagnetic ions by magnetic field gradient forces. - In: Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Material Processing, (2010), S. 127-132

Geza, Vadims; Krieger, Uwe; Jakovics, Andris; Halbedel, Bernd
Influence of material properties on the electromagnetic homogenization of glass melt in the special melter. - In: Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Material Processing, (2010), S. 115-120

Kosc, Ivan; Hotovy, Ivan; Kompitsas, Michael; Grieseler, Rolf; Wilke, Marcus; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Predanocy, Martin; Kups, Thomas; Spieß, Lothar
The compound oxides based on TiO2 and NiO thin films for low temperature gas detection. - In: 8th International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices & Microsystems (ASDAM), 2010, (2010), S. 337-340
Predanocy, Martin; Fasaki, I.; Wilke, Marcus; Hotovy, Ivan; Kosc, Ivan; Spieß, Lothar
Study of optical and electrical properties of sputtered indium oxide films. - In: 8th International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices & Microsystems (ASDAM), 2010, (2010), S. 297-300
Novotný, Ivan; Kotorová, D.; Flickyngerová, Sona; Tvarožek, Vladimir; Spieß, Lothar; Schaaf, Peter; Netrvalová, Marie; Šutta, Pavol
Effect of substrate temperature on oblique-angle sputtered ZnO:Ga thin films. - In: 8th International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices & Microsystems (ASDAM), 2010, (2010), S. 73-76
Wilden, Johannes; Drescher, Viktor E.; Schaaf, Peter; Günschmann, Sabine
Composite coatings with drag reduction and self-cleaning properties. - In: Conference proceedings, (2010), insges. 5 S.

Hofer, Manuel; Stauden, Thomas; Kouakouo Nomvussi, Serge Ayme; Pezoldt, Jörg; Rangelow, Ivo W.
Silizium-Nanoresonatoren. - In: Sensoren und Messsysteme 2010, (2010), S. 330-333

Pätz, Daniel; Leopold, Steffen; Knöbber, Fabian; Sinzinger, Stefan; Hoffmann, Martin; Ambacher, Oliver
Tunable compound eye cameras. - In: Micro-optics 2010, 2010, 77160K, insges. 7 S.