Complete list from the university bibliography

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Berlt, Philipp; Jäger, Lisa; Schwind, Andreas; Wollenschläger, Frank; Bornkessel, Christian; Hein, Matthias
Over-the-air testing of automotive antennas and wireless links in the installed state on the basis of LTE downlink communication parameters. - In: Advances in science, technology and engineering systems journal, ISSN 2415-6698, Bd. 4 (2019), 1, S. 282-291
Sewalkar, Parag; Seitz, Jochen
Vehicle-to-Pedestrian communication for vulnerable road users: survey, design considerations, and challenges. - In: Sensors, ISSN 1424-8220, Bd. 19 (2019), 2, 358, insges. 18 S.
Klemm, Matthias; Sauer, Lydia; Klee, Sascha; Link, Dietmar; Peters, Sven; Hammer, Martin; Schweitzer, Dietrich; Haueisen, Jens
Bleaching effects and fluorescence lifetime imaging ophthalmoscopy. - In: Biomedical optics express, ISSN 2156-7085, Bd. 10 (2019), 3, S. 1446-1461
Seeland, Marco; Rzanny, Michael Carsten; Boho, David; Wäldchen, Jana; Mäder, Patrick
Image-based classification of plant genus and family for trained and untrained plant species. - In: BMC bioinformatics, ISSN 1471-2105, Bd. 20 (2019), 4, insges. 13 S.
Wuttke, Heinz-Dietrich; Parkhomenko, Anzhelika; Tulenkov, Artem; Tabunshchyk, Galyna; Parkhomenko, Andriy; Henke, Karsten
The remote experimentation as the practical-oriented basis of inclusive engineering education. - In: International journal of online and biomedical engineering, ISSN 2626-8493, Bd. 15 (2019), 5, S. 4-17
Henning, Stefan; Linß, Sebastian; Zentner, Lena
detasFLEX - a computational design tool for the analysis of various notch flexure hinges based on non-linear modeling. - In: Mechanical sciences, ISSN 2191-916X, Bd. 9 (2018), 2, S. 389-404

A novel computational design tool to calculate the elasto-kinematic flexure hinge properties is presented. Four hinge contours are implemented. It is shown, that FEM results correlate well with the analytical design tool results. For a given deflection angle of 10˚ and a corner-filleted contour, the deviations of the bending stiffness are between 0.1 % and 9.4 %. The design tool can be beneficial for the accelerated and systematic synthesis of compliant mechanisms with optimized flexure hinges.
Krug, Silvia; Aumüller, Matthias; Seitz, Jochen
Hybrid scheme to enable DTN routing protocols to efficiently exploit stable MANET contacts. - In: EURASIP journal on wireless communications and networking, ISSN 1687-1499, (2018), 237, S. 1-13
Sousa, Marcelo Nogueira de; Thomä, Reiner
Enhancement of localization systems in NLOS urban scenario with multipath ray tracing fingerprints and machine learning. - In: Sensors, ISSN 1424-8220, Bd. 18 (2018), 11, 4073, insges. 30 S.
Mattern, Anne; Sandig, Romy; Joos, Alexander; Löwa, Norbert; Kosch, Olaf; Weidner, Andreas; Wells, James; Wiekhorst, Frank; Dutz, Silvio
Magnetic nanoparticle-gel materials for development of joint phantoms for MPI and MRI. - In: International journal on magnetic particle imaging, ISSN 2365-9033, Bd. 4 (2018), 2, 1811001, S. 1-5
Bartsch, Heike; Peipmann, Ralf; Klett, Maren; Brauer, Dana; Schober, Andreas; Müller, Jens
PEDOT coated thick film electrodes for in situ detection of cell adhesion in cell cultures. - In: Biosensors, ISSN 2079-6374, Bd. 8 (2018), 4, 105, insges. 13 S.