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Weise, Konstantin; Poßner, Lucas; Müller, Erik; Gast, Richard; Knösche, Thomas R.
Pygpc: a sensitivity and uncertainty analysis toolbox for Python. - In: SoftwareX, ISSN 2352-7110, Bd. 11 (2020), 100450, S. 1-6
Moller, Sebastian; Resagk, Christian; Cierpka, Christian
On the application of neural networks for temperature field measurements using thermochromic liquid crystals. - In: Experiments in fluids, ISSN 1432-1114, Bd. 61 (2020), 4, 111, S. 1-21

This study presents an investigation regarding the applicability of neural networks for temperature measurements using thermochromic liquid crystals (TLCs) and discusses advantages as well as disadvantages of common calibration approaches. For the characterization of the measurement technique, the dependency of the color of the TLCs on the temperature as well as on the observation angle and, therefore, on the position within the field of view of a color camera is analyzed in detail. In order to consider the influence of the position within the field of view on the color, neural networks are applied for the calibration of the temperature measurements. In particular, the focus of this study is on analysis of the error of temperature measurement for different network configurations as well as training methods, yielding a mean absolute deviation and a mean standard deviation in the range of 0.1 K for instantaneous measurements. On the basis of a comparison of this standard deviation to that of two further calibration approaches, it is shown that neural networks are suited for temperature measurements via the color of TLCs. Finally, the applicability of this measurement technique is illustrated at an exemplary temperature measurement in a horizontal plane of a Rayleigh-Bénard cell with large aspect ratio, which clearly shows the emergence of convective flow patterns by means of the temperature field.
Kostochka, Alexandr V.; Stiebitz, Michael
The minimum number of edges in 4-critical digraphs of given order. - In: Graphs and combinatorics, ISSN 1435-5914, Bd. 36 (2020), 3, S. 703-718
Kröger, Jörg; Néel, Nicolas; Wehling, Tim O.; Brandbyge, Mads
Local probes of graphene lattice dynamics. - In: Small Methods, ISSN 2366-9608, Bd. 4 (2020), 5, 1900817, S. 1-18
Ghoshal, Sushanta; Mattea, Carlos; Denner, Paul; Stapf, Siegfried
Effect of initial conformation on the starch biopolymer film formation studied by NMR. - In: Molecules, ISSN 1420-3049, Bd. 25 (2020), 5, 1227, insges. 17 S.
Heinemann, David; Dutz, Silvio; Knabner, Steffen; Haueisen, Jens; Baumgarten, Daniel
Camera calibration and orientation for PCB jet printing inspection. - In: SN applied sciences, ISSN 2523-3971, Bd. 2 (2020), 3, 322, insges. 14 S.
Kronfeld, Klaus-Peter; Ellinger, Thomas; Köhler, Michael
Microfluidically prepared sensor particles for determination of chloride by fluorescence quenching of matrix-embedded lucigenin. - In: SN applied sciences, ISSN 2523-3971, Bd. 2 (2020), 3, 366, insges. 8 S.
Stauffenberg, Jaqueline; Durstewitz, Steve; Hofmann, Martin; Ivanov, Tzvetan; Holz, Mathias; Ehrhardt, Waleed; Riegel, Wolf-Ulrich; Zöllner, Jens-Peter; Manske, Eberhard; Rangelow, Ivo W.
Determination of the mixing ratio of a flowing gas mixture with self-actuated microcantilevers. - In: Journal of sensors and sensor systems, ISSN 2194-878X, Bd. 9 (2020), 1, S. 71-78
Leimbach, Martin; Tschaar, Christoph; Schmidt, Udo; Bund, Andreas
Low-frequency pulse plating for tailoring the optical appearance of chromium layers for decorative applications. - In: Journal of applied electrochemistry, ISSN 1572-8838, Bd. 50 (2020), 4, S. 489-499
Yan, Chengzhan; Zhao, Huaping; Li, Jun; Jin, Huile; Liu, Long; Wu, Wanyi; Wang, Jichang; Lei, Yong; Wang, Shun
Mild-temperature solution-assisted encapsulation of phosphorus into ZIF-8 derived porous carbon as lithium-ion battery anode. - In: Small, ISSN 1613-6829, Bd. 16 (2020), 11, 1907141, insges. 7 S.