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Show results 281 until 290 of 460
Inventors' Trade Show iENA 2021: Medal Shower for the TU Ilmenau   At the international trade fair "Ideas - Inventions - Innovations" iENA 2021 in Nuremberg, scientists from the TU Ilmenau did extremely well in the award ceremony for the best inventions: They…    
GMM Prize for Nanolaser made of Gold and Zinc Oxide   For their work on optical nanoparticles published in the renowned journal Nature Communications, Ilmenau researcher PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Dong Wang and his colleague Dr. Zhong from the University of…    
Award of the LIONS Club Arnstadt-Ilmenau   Janek Fehlbier, a student of the Master's degree program in Technical Cybernetics and Systems Theory, has received this year's sponsorship award from the LIONS Club Arnstadt-Ilmenau. The club…    
TU Ilmenau researches long covid in children and adolescents   TU Ilmenau is involved in a large-scale research project of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research on Long Covid. Many people who were infected with SARS-CoV-2 still suffer from symptoms…    
Humboldt Fellow at the Institute for Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics   Since November 1, 2021, Dr. Shashwat Bhattacharya has been at TU Ilmenau for a two-year research stay as a postdoctoral researcher with a fellowship from the renowned Alexander von Humboldt…    
IHK Award 2021 for graduates of the TU Ilmenau   For his Master's thesis on "Design of a machine concept for inserting sodium filaments into engine pistons", M.Sc. Robert Wegner, a graduate of the Master's program in Mechanical Engineering at the…    
Start-up Week 2021 at the TU Start-up Service "Ilmkubator   This year, the Ilmkubator, the start-up service of the TU Ilmenau, is again involved as a partner of the nationwide start-up week of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. From…    
Large-scale DFG project: DDR form treasure digitised for the first time   As part of a project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), PATON I Landespatentzentrum Thüringen, together with the University Library and the Department of Computer Graphics at Ilmenau…    
TU Ilmenau involved in two 6G research hubs   To research the mobile phone generation of the future, 6G, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding the establishment of four large-scale national research hubs with 250 million…    
More psychosocial support for students   The Studierendenwerk Thüringen improves the services for students with psychosocial counseling needs. Especially in the still difficult Corona period, this support is indispensable for…    
Show results 281 until 290 of 460