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Show results 91 until 100 of 482
Online teaching at TU Ilmenau: "We are very well prepared for the future"   The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed the way we work and learn. One of the biggest challenges at TU Ilmenau has been the conversion of teaching to online formats. How has online teaching…    
Materials research: Prof. Jorge Dos Santos awarded IIW Prize   For his many years of outstanding achievements in the field of materials research, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jorge Dos Santos, Honorary Professor at TU Ilmenau, has been honored with the "Fellow of the IIW…    
"We need sustainable product innovations"   Prof. Rainer Souren, head of the Group for Sustainable Production and Logistics Management, has been working on sustainable production since the 1990s. The economist uses his knowledge of…    
"The openness of the Ilmenau scientists convinced me".   Choosing Ilmenau as a place to work when you have the whole world to choose from seems unusual at first glance. That's exactly what Dr. Sukhdeep Singh did in 2008 and has been a satisfied resident…    
Summer University: Schoolgirls become students at the TU Ilmenau   Schoolgirls spent a week at the TU Ilmenau's Summer University experiencing everyday life as a student in Ilmenau. They got a taste of all the university's faculties and got to know campus…    
TU Ilmenau as a driving force: "Sustainability and the university go hand in hand"   Sustainability is increasingly gaining a hearing - in all areas. The topic also has a high priority at the TU Ilmenau. With the Sustainability Year and the founding of a Sustainability Task Group,…    
E-learning made easy: New studio opens for the production of high-quality instructional videos   A professional teaching video in just a few clicks - this is possible in the new teaching video studio at the Central Institute for Education. Equipped with modern video and audio technology,…    
"Researchers have optimal location conditions at the TU Ilmenau".   Short distances, individual coaching and courses for further education or extensive offers for reconciling career and family - the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV)…    
Bertha Benz becomes namesake of the main building of the Thuringian Innovation Center Mobility at the TU Ilmenau   On June 30, the ThIMo main building was ceremoniously named after the pioneer of the automobile and wife of inventor Carl Benz, Cäcilie Bertha Benz. Her great-granddaughter, Jutta Benz, traveled…    
FuturING: Researchers of TU Ilmenau honored at Engineering Day   Shaping the future together: Under this motto, researchers, employees and young scientists of the THÜRING Alliance from seven Thuringian universities came together at the Engineering Day in…    
Show results 91 until 100 of 482