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Show results 231 until 240 of 460
“There is no digital teaching, but there is teaching with the help of digital tools”   On 29th March TU Ilmenau’s Digital Teaching Day took place online and offered a global higher education audience cutting-edge contributions on diverse topics – ranging from virtual teaching spaces,…    
Niko Krohn   Niko Kron has been the new student consul at TU Ilmenau since the beginning of the summer semester on April 1, 2022. He succeeds Jan Lemmen in office and will form an important link between…    
Flora Incognita: Plant identification app on tour with MS Wissenschaft   When the exhibition ship MS Wissenschaft embarks itsa tour of Germany in May, Flora Incognita will also be on board. The plant identification app developed by researchers at Technische Universität…    
New large-scale facility inaugurated for research work on the electrical power supply of the future   With a scientific colloquium, Technische Universität Ilmenau inaugurated a new large-scale facility for research work on the energy supply of the future at the Center for Energy Technology (ZET ) of…    
New Managing Director of the Studierendenwerk Thüringen   Torsten Schubert (50) is the new managing director of Studierendenwerk Thüringen. He succeeded the long-serving managing director Dr. Ralf Schmidt-Röh, who retired from this position. Torsten…    
President of the TU Ilmenau new chairman of the TLPK   Professor Kai-Uwe Sattler, President of the Technischen Universität Ilmenau is the new Chairman of the Thuringian State Presidents' Conference, the association of state universities in…    
Thuringian Research Award 2022   Professor Thomas Hannappel from Technische Universität Ilmenau and his research team have won the Thuringia Research Award 2022 in the "Basic Research" category. With its research work, the team of…    
System analysis of corrosion resistance on ground surfaces of metastable austenites.   Theuniversity publishing house of the TU Ilmenau has published the dissertation paper "System Consideration of Corrosion Resistance on Ground Surfaces of Metastable Austenites" by Arnulf Klemens…    
Innovative process for the adhesive joining of aluminum and copper   The book "Hybrid Friction Eutectic Bonding - stoffschlüssiges Fügen von Aluminium und Kupfer unter Nutzung der eutektischen Reaktion" (Hybrid Friction Eutectic Bonding - material bonding of aluminum…    
TU Ilmenau and Studierendenwerk Thüringen sign cooperation agreement   The TU Ilmenau and the Studierendenwerk Thüringen are intensifying their cooperation. To this end, the President of TU Ilmenau, Prof. Kai-Uwe Sattler, and the Managing Director of Studierendenwerk…    
Show results 231 until 240 of 460