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Schricker, Klaus; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Hopfeld, Marcus; Spieß, Lothar
Effect of thermoplastic morphology on mechanical properties in laser-assisted joining of polyamide 6 with aluminum. - In: Welding in the world, ISSN 1878-6669, Bd. 65 (2021), 4, S. 699-711

This paper examined the joining zone between semi-crystalline polyamide 6 and aluminum EN AW 6082 in laser-based joining and evaluated the mechanical properties of the joint. The joint tests were carried out in overlap configuration and a characterized in terms of energy per unit length. The mechanical properties were examined to the point of cohesive failure. An increasing energy per unit length resulted in a reduced crosshead displacement in short-term testing and a decreased fatigue strength. Further material testing was carried out locally at various positions within the joining zone. The mechanical properties were correlated with results of a hardness test, thermoplastic morphology, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). By combining the findings with heat-treated samples at elevated temperatures, secondary crystallization was identified and evidenced as a primary effect among the changes in mechanical properties due to the heat treatment of the thermoplastic material.
Biele, Lukas; Schaaf, Peter; Schmid, Florian
Method for contact resistance determination of copper during fast temperature changes. - In: Journal of materials science, ISSN 1573-4803, Bd. 56 (2021), 5, S. 3827-3845
Wang, Anni; Oliva Ramírez, Manuel; Caplovicova, Maria; Vretenar, Viliam; Böttcher, Julius; Hopfeld, Marcus; Kups, Thomas; Flock, Dominik; Schaaf, Peter
Formation of CuCrCoFeNiO high entropy alloy thin films by rapid thermal processing of Cu/CrNiO/FeCo multilayers. - In: Surface and coatings technology, ISSN 1879-3347, Bd. 405 (2021), 126563
Torres, Carlos; Quispe, Roger; Calderón, Noely Z.; Eggert, Lara; Hopfeld, Marcus; Rojas, Christopher; Camargo, Magali K.; Bund, Andreas; Schaaf, Peter; Grieseler, Rolf
Development of the phase composition and the properties of Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC2 MAX-phase thin films - A multilayer approach towards high phase purity. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 537 (2021), 147864

MAX phase thin films have been synthesized by thermal treatment of a Ti-Al-C multilayer system. The preparation of the multilayer system was carried out via magnetron sputtering. Based on the thickness ratio among the individual nanoscale monolayers (Ti, Al, C), the resulting MAX phase stoichiometry can be controlled. This paper describes the synthesis of both Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC2 MAX phases from the same precursor multilayer system which is composed of a sequence of Ti/Al/C pure elemental single layers with thicknesses of 14, 6, and 3.5 nm, respectively. This sequence is repeated 22 times with a total thickness of around 500 nm. Rapid thermal treatment tests were performed to study the phase development. The Ti2AlC MAX phase forms in a temperature range below 850 ˚C, whereas the Ti3AlC2 MAX phase starts to form at temperatures above 850 ˚C and reaches its highest phase purity at 950 ˚C. The thin film structures were studied by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. Furthermore, the electrical and mechanical properties were investigated to gain more insights regarding the phase transformation and their influence on the thin film properties.
Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Synthesis and characterization of size controlled bimetallic nanosponges. - In: Multifunctional materials, (2020), S. 1-34

Metallic and bimetallic nanosponges with well-defined size and form have attracted increasing attention due to their unique structural properties and their potential for many applications. In this chapter, the recently developed methods for the synthesis and preparation of metallic and bimetallic nanosponges are presented. These methods can be mainly cataloged in two groups: dealloying-based methods and reduction reaction-based methods. Different topographical reconstruction methods for the investigation of their structural properties are then reviewed briefly. The optical properties of the metallic nanosponges are clearly different from those of the solid counterparts due to the tailored disordered structure. The recent advances in the exploration of the distinct linear and non-linear optical properties of the nanosponges are summarized.
Marschick, Georg; Schell, Juliana; Stöger, Berthold; Gon¸calves, J. N.; Karabasov, Maksim O.; Zyabkin, Dmitry; Welker, Andree; Escobar Castillo, Marianela; Gärtner, Daniel; Efe, Ipek; Santos, Robinson Alves; Laulainen, Joonatan E. M.; Lupascu, Doru C.
Multiferroic bismuth ferrite: perturbed angular correlation studies on its ferroic α-β phase transition. - In: Physical review, ISSN 2469-9969, Bd. 102 (2020), 22, S. 224110-1-224110-11
Ziegler, Mario; Dathe, André; Pollok, Kilian; Langenhorst, Falko; Hübner, Uwe; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Metastable atomic layer deposition: 3D self-assembly toward ultradark materials. - In: ACS nano, ISSN 1936-086X, Bd. 14 (2020), 11, S. 15023-15031

Black body materials are promising candidates to meet future energy demands, as they are able to harvest energy from the total bandwidth of solar radiation. Here, we report on high-absorption near-blackbody-like structures (>98% for a wide solar spectrum range from 220 to 2500 nm) consisting of a silica scaffold and Ag nanoparticles with a layer thickness below 10 m, fabricated using metastable atomic layer deposition (MS-ALD). Several effects contribute collectively and in a synergistic manner to the ultrahigh absorption, including the pronounced heterogeneity of the nanoparticles in size and shape, particle plasmon hybridization, and the trapping of omnidirectionally scattered light in the 3D hierarchical hybrid structures. We propose that, in the future, MS-ALD needs to be considered as a simple and promising method to fabricate blackbody materials with excellent broadband absorption.
Große-Knetter, Jörn; Schaaf, Peter
Das physikalische Praktikum : Handbuch 2020/2021 für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik. - Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2020. - (Universitätsdrucke)
Wang, Hongmei; Xiong, Jie; Cheng, Xing; Fritz, Mathias; Ispas, Adriana; Bund, Andreas; Chen, Ge; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Ni3N-coated Ni nanorod arrays for hydrogen and oxygen evolution in electrochemical water splitting. - In: ACS applied nano materials, ISSN 2574-0970, Bd. 3 (2020), 11, S. 10986-10995
Im Titel ist "3" tiefgestellt

Designing high efficiency non-noble metal catalysts for electrochemical hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactions (HER and OER) is a challenging and promising task. In the present work, a large-scale self-supported black nickel sheet composed of nickel nanorod arrays (B-Ni) was successfully fabricated via electroplating with a nanostructured Si template assisted strategy, and Ni3N coating layer was coated on the structured surface followed by a nitrogen plasma treatment with different treatment durations. The black color is due to the immensely enhanced light absorption through the surface nanostructures with high aspect ratio. The samples show promising catalytic performance when used as electrochemical catalysts for both HER and OER in alkaline electrolyte. Benefiting from the nanostructure and the Ni3N coating, B-Ni_N2_10 min exhibits low onset potentials of 1.560 and 0.165 V at a current density of 10 mA/cm2 for OER and HER, respectively. The calculated electrochemical surface area (ECSA) for B-Ni is 10 times higher than the pristine Ni sheet (P-Ni), while after nitrogen plasma treatment, the ECSA for B-Ni_N2_10 min is 21 times higher than that of the P-Ni. In addition, all the catalysts show good electrochemical stabilities. All the improvements for the electrochemical performances suggest that nanostructured nickel nitride could be a promising inexpensive catalyst system for both OER and HER processes.
Reiprich, Johannes; Isaac, Nishchay Angel; Schlag, Leslie; Kups, Thomas; Hopfeld, Marcus; Ecke, Gernot; Stauden, Thomas; Pezoldt, Jörg; Jacobs, Heiko O.
Localized and programmable chemical vapor deposition using an electrically charged and guided molecular flux. - In: ACS nano, ISSN 1936-086X, Bd. 14 (2020), 10, S. 12885-12894

Chemical vapor deposition is a widely used material deposition technique. It commonly provides a uniform material flux to the substrate to cause uniform thin film growth. However, the ability to precisely adjust the local deposition rate would be highly preferable. This communication reports on a chemical vapor deposition method performed in a localized and programmable fashion by introducing an electrically charged and guided molecular flux. This allows for local adjustments of the deposition rate and three-dimensional shape by controlling the electric fields. Specifically, the precursor molecules are charged and then guided by arrays of electrodynamic funnels, which are created by a patterned dielectric layer, to predetermined deposition locations with a minimal spot size of 250 nm. Furthermore, nearest neighbor coupling is reported as a shaping method to cause the deposition of three-dimensional nanostructures. Additionally, the integration of individually addressable domain electrodes offers programmable charge dissipation to achieve an ON/OFF control. The described method is applicable to a wide variety of materials and precursors. Here, the localized and programmable deposition of three-dimensional copper oxide, chromium oxide, zinc oxide, and carbon nanowires is demonstrated.