Publikationsliste des FG Werkstoffe der Elektrotechnik

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Lebedev, Vadim; Wang, Chunyu; Cimalla, Volker; Hauguth, Sindy; Kups, Thomas; Ali, Majdeddin; Ecke, Gernot; Himmerlich, Marcel; Krischok, Stefan; Schäfer, Jürgen A.; Ambacher, Oliver; Polyakov, Vladimir M.; Schwierz, Frank
Effect of surface oxidation on electron transport in InN thin films. - In: Journal of applied physics, ISSN 1089-7550, Bd. 101 (2007), 12, 123705, insges. 6 S.
Wang, Chunyu; Cimalla, Volker; Romanus, Henry; Kups, Thomas; Niebelschütz, Merten; Ambacher, Oliver
Tuning of electrical and structural properties of indium oxide films grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition. - In: Thin solid films, ISSN 1879-2731, Bd. 515 (2007), 16, S. 6611-6614
Wang, Chunyu; Lebedev, Vadim; Cimalla, Volker; Kups, Thomas; Tonisch, Katja; Ambacher, Oliver
Structural studies of single crystalline In2O3 films epitaxially grown on InN(0001). - In: Applied physics letters, ISSN 1077-3118, Bd. 90 (2007), 22, S. 221902, insges. 3 S.
Romanus, Henry; Schadewald, Jens; Cimalla, Volker; Niebelschütz, Merten; Machleidt, Torsten; Franke, Karl-Heinz; Spieß, Lothar; Ambacher, Oliver
Preparation of defined structures on very thin foils for characterization of AFM probes. - In: Microelectronic engineering, Bd. 84 (2007), 3, S. 528-531
Romanus, Henry; Schadewald, Jens; Cimalla, Volker; Niebelschütz, Merten; Machleidt, Torsten; Franke, Karl-Heinz; Spieß, Lothar; Ambacher, Oliver
Markers prepared by focus ion beam technique for nanopositioning procedures. - In: Microelectronic engineering, Bd. 84 (2007), 3, S. 524-527
Reháková, Andrea; Tengeri, David; Hotový, Ivan; Lalinský, Tibor; Reháček, Vlastimil; Spieß, Lothar; Romanus, Henry; Ha&bovko;s&bovko;cík, Stefan
Preparation and characterization of microhotplate for gas sensors. - In: International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems, 2006, (2006), insges. 4 S.
Hotovy, Ivan; Lalinsky, Tibor; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Spieß, Lothar; Gubisch, Maik; Hascik, Stefan; Rehakova, Andrea
Fabrication and characterization of a microheater on GaAs for gas sensors. - In: Information technology and electrical engineering - devices and systems, materials and technologies for the future, (2006), insges. 9 S.
Rehacek, Vlastimil; Hotovy, Ivan; Spieß, Lothar; Gubisch, Maik
Determination of trace heavy metals by anodic stripping voltammetry at mercury-plated silicon microelectrodes. - In: Information technology and electrical engineering - devices and systems, materials and technologies for the future, (2006), insges. 7 S.
Fischer, Michael; Stubenrauch, Mike; Kups, Thomas; Romanus, Henry; Morales, Francisco M.; Ecke, Gernot; Hoffmann, Martin; Knedlik, Christian; Ambacher, Oliver; Pezoldt, Jörg
Self organization and properties of Black Silicon. - In: Information technology and electrical engineering - devices and systems, materials and technologies for the future, (2006), insges. 9 S.
Schadewald, Uwe; Halbedel, Bernd; Romanus, Henry; Hülsenberg, Dagmar
New results of the crystallization behaviour of hexagonal barium ferrites from a glassy matrix. - In: Information technology and electrical engineering - devices and systems, materials and technologies for the future, (2006), insges. 8 S.