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Nagel, Falk; Simon, Flaviu; Hildebrand, Jörg; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Kümmel, Benjamin
Optimization strategies for laser welding high alloy steel sheets. - In: Thermal forming and welding distorsion, (2014), S. 95-107

Patschger, Andreas; Güpner, Michael; Bliedtner, Jens; Bergmann, Jean Pierre
Remote micro welding with multi-mode and single-mode fiber lasers - a comparison. - In: Journal of laser applications, ISSN 1938-1387, (2013), 1, S. 805-815
Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Bielenin, Martin; Witzendorff, Philipp
Effects of dual-beam laser welding and pulse shaping on cracking susceptibility of AA 5754 aluminum. - In: Journal of laser applications, ISSN 1938-1387, (2013), 1, S. 415-421
Paper number 1505
Witzendorff, Philipp; vonGehrmann, Lorenz; Bielenin, Martin; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Kaierle, Stefan; Overmeyer, Ludger
Laser micro welding of aluminum with the superposition of a pulsed diode laser and a pulsed Nd:YAG laser. - In: Journal of laser applications, ISSN 1938-1387, (2013), 1, S. 400-404
Franz, Markus; Haupt, Conrad; Bliedtner, Jens; Bergmann, Jean Pierre
Automated laser metal deposition welding in the field of tool and mould making. - In: Journal of laser applications, ISSN 1938-1387, (2013), 1, S. 386-391
Paper #1405
Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Stambke, Martin; Ruhdorfer, Benedikt
Laser joining of endless long fiber reinforced thermoplastics with aluminum. - In: Journal of laser applications, ISSN 1938-1387, (2013), 1, S. 140-146
Paper number 601
Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Petzoldt, Franziska; Schricker, Klaus; Günther, Karsten; Hübner, Marc
Prove di saldatura ad arco in short arc di leghe di magnesio e soluzioni per incentivare la riproducibilità del processo. - In: Rivista italiana della saldatura, ISSN 0035-6794, Bd. 65 (2013), 3, S. 355-360

The adoption of magnesium and magnesium alloys is an interesting option for lightening the car body in the automotive field. The weldability of magnesium is affected by the low melting temperature and the reduced range between melting and boiling temperature. In case of excessive heat input, the magnesium begins to boil, generating gas porosity and spattering. GMAW short arc welding fine tuned allows the heat input reduction, even if the poor wettability due to the high cooling speed at the weld start promotes lack of fusion and other imperfections. In this article the GMAW short arc optimized for magnesium alloys is described. More in detail, the focus is in the heat input control, with the target of establishing the process limits and proposing solutions for increasing the wettability, specially at the weld start, close to the fusion line.

Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Schricker, Klaus; Schricker, Klaus *1987-*; Stambke, Martin
Prozessbezogenes Benetzungsverhalten beim laserbasierten Fügen von hybriden Metall-Kunststoff-Verbunden. - In: Oberflächentechnik für die Praxis, (2013), S. 70-74

Die Nutzung von Leichtbaupotenzialen in Ingenieurkombinationen kann durch die zunehmende Verwendung von hybriden Materialkombinationen vorangetrieben werden. Durch laserbasierte Fügeverfahren können dabei flächige Verbindungen großer Tragfähigkeiten hergestellt werden, wobei die hohe Flexibilität des Werkzeuges Laser dessen Einsatz für unterschiedliche Bauteilgeometrien ermöglicht. Insbesondere das laserbasierte, thermische Fügen von thermoplastischen Kunststoffen mit Metallen kann für den Leichtbau in vielfältigen Anwendungsbereichen, beispielsweise der Automobilindustrie, dem Maschinen- und Analgenbau oder im Energiesektor, großes Entwicklungspotenzial bieten.

Simon, Flaviu B.; Nagel, Falk; Hildebrand, Jörg; Bergmann, Jean Pierre
Optimization strategies for welding high-alloy steel sheets. - In: Simulationsforum 2013 Schweißen und Wärmebehandlung, (2013), S. 189-200

Welding thin steel plates using laser beam technologies is an essential process in many manufacturing sectors, such as the home appliance sector, the vacuum technology sector or the medical equipment sector. A problem that the industry faces, is the deformation caused by residual stresses during laser welding. The standard methods to combat this, such as fixings and clamps, tend to be expensive and restrictive. The focus in the present study is on implementing a technique involving additional heat sources, which can reduce residual stresses in the plates and therefore optimize the outcome of the entire laser welding process. The experiment consists of two 1 mm Nickel-Chromium steel plates (1.4301) being laser welded to each other in a square butt weld. The special characteristics of the steel used, its high thermal expansion and low thermal conductivity, make it a good test subject for the problem at hand. The numerical simulation of the problem was used for a finer understanding of the processes and a better control of determining factors such as the temperature curves and the deformation of the steel plates.

Kotschote, Christian; Neudel, Christian; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Rudolf, Heiko
Widerstandspunktschweißen von Aluminium-Stahl-Blechverbindungen mittels innenliegenden Stanzelementes. - In: Treffpunkt Widerstandsschweißen, (2013), S. 161-166