Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen ohne Studienabschlussarbeiten bis 31.07.2024

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Hochschulbibliographie den Datenstand 31.07.2024 hat.
Alle neueren Einträge finden Sie in der Universitätsbibliographie der Technischen Universität Ilmenau (TUUniBib).

Anzahl der Treffer: 829
Erstellt: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 21:49:40 +0200 in 0.0906 sec

Voges, Danja; Carl, Kathrin; Klauer, Gertrud J.; Uhlig, René; Schilling, Cornelius; Behn, Carsten; Witte, Hartmut
Structural characterization of the whisker system of the rat. - In: IEEE sensors journal, ISSN 1558-1748, Bd. 12 (2012), 2, S. 332-339

Carl, Kathrin; Hild, Wolfram; Mämpel, Jörg; Schilling, Cornelius; Uhlig, René; Witte, Hartmut
Characterization of statical properties of rat's whisker system. - In: IEEE sensors journal, ISSN 1558-1748, Bd. 12 (2012), 2, S. 340-349

Haueisen, Jens; Fiedler, Patrique; Griebel, Stefan; Fonseca, Carlos; Vaz, Filipe; Zentner, Lena; Zanow, Frank
Multichannel-EEG measurements with dry electrodes. - In: Neurophysiologie clinique, ISSN 1769-7131, Bd. 42 (2012), 1/2, S. 63

Naletova, Vera A.; Turkov, Vladimir A.; Pelevina, Daria A.; Rozin, Alexander V.; Zimmermann, Klaus; Popp, Jana; Zeidis, Igor
Behavior of a free surface of a magnetic fluid containing a magnetizable cylinder. - In: Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, ISSN 1873-4766, Bd. 324 (2012), 6, S. 1253-1257

Behn, Carsten; Zimmermann, Klaus
Straight worms under adaptive control and friction - part 2: adaptive control. - In: IUTAM Symposium on Dynamics Modeling and Interaction Control in Virtual and Real Environments, (2011), S. 65-72

This is the second part of the contribution to the adaptive control of worm-systems, which are inspired by biological ideas. Part 1 is the basis for this part. We focus now on the adaptive control since one cannot expect to have complete information about a sophisticated mechanical or biological system in general. Only structural properties (known type of actuator with unknown parameters) are known. Additionally, in a rough terrain, unknown or changing friction coefficients lead to uncertain systems, too. The consideration of uncertain systems leads us now to the use of adaptive control. We still assume that the worm-system contacts the ground via spikes and track gaits from the kinematical theory (preferred motion patterns to achieve movement) by means of adaptive controllers (lambda-trackers). Then we replace the worm-ground interaction by stiction combined with Coulomb sliding friction (modification of a Karnopp friction model) and point out the main differences for the worm-like locomotion.

Behn, Carsten; Zimmermann, Klaus
Straight worms under adaptive control and friction - part 1: modeling. - In: IUTAM Symposium on Dynamics Modeling and Interaction Control in Virtual and Real Environments, (2011), S. 57-64

This paper is a contribution to the adaptive control of worm-systems, which are inspired by biological ideas, in two parts. We introduce a certain type of mathematical models of nite DOF worm-like locomotion systems: modeled as a chain of k interconnected (linked) point masses in a common straight line (a discrete straight worm). We assume that these systems contact the ground via 1) spikes in Part 1 and then 2) stiction combined with Coulomb sliding friction (modification of a Karnopp friction model) in Part 2. We sketch the corresponding theory. In general, one cannot expect to have complete information about a sophisticated mechanical or biological system, only structural properties (known type of actuator with unknown parameters) are known. Additionally, in a rough terrain, unknown or changing friction coefficients lead to uncertain systems, too. The consideration of uncertain systems leads to the use of adaptive control in Part 2 to control such systems. Gaits from the kinematical theory (preferred motion patterns to achieve movement) in Part 1 can be tracked by means of adaptive controllers (lambda-trackers) in Part 2. Simulations are aimed at the justification of theoretical results.

Behn, Carsten; Steigenberger, Joachim
Adaptively controlled bio-inspired locomotion systems with friction. - In: Nonlinear dynamics and control, ISBN 978-83-7283-448-5, (2011), S. 81-88

Behn, Carsten;
Singular perturbation in worm-like locomotion systems and adaptive control. - In: Nonlinear dynamics and control, ISBN 978-83-7283-448-5, (2011), S. 73-80

Zimmermann, Klaus; Zeidis, Igor
Motion of two interconnected mass points in a resistive medium. - In: Analytical/numerical methods, stability, bifurcation and chaos, ISBN 978-83-7283-447-8, (2011), S. 109-114

Taubmann, Peter; Zeidis, Igor; Zimmermann, Klaus; Schorcht, Hans-Jürgen; Kletzin, Ulf
K opisaniju mechaniki vraščenija klapannoj pružiny v dvigateljach vnutrennego sgoranija v zavisimosti ot skorosti vraščenija raspredvala :
On the mechanics of valve spring rotation depending on the rotational speed of the camshaft. - In: Problems of mechanics, ISSN 1512-0740, (2011), No. 4(45), Seite 25-36


... bis 2022 vom ehem. FG Technische Mechanik

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Hochschulbibliographie den Datenstand 31.07.2024 hat.
Alle neueren Einträge finden Sie in der Universitätsbibliographie der Technischen Universität Ilmenau (TUUniBib).

Anzahl der Treffer: 519
Erstellt: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 21:22:19 +0200 in 0.1004 sec

Zentner, Lena; Petkun, Sergey; Blickhan, Reinhard;
From the spider leg to a hydraulic device. - In: Technische Mechanik, ISSN 0232-3869, Bd. 20 (2000), 1, S. 21-29

Preuß, Roman; Zimmermann, Klaus;
Miniaturgreifer mit opto-thermo-mechanischem Antrieb. - In: Technische Mechanik, ISSN 0232-3869, Bd. 20 (2000), 4, S. 319-327

Zeidis, Igor; Zimmermann, Klaus;
Ein mathematisches Modell für die peristaltische Bewegung als Grundlage für das Design wurmartiger Mikroroboter. - In: Technische Mechanik, ISSN 0232-3869, Bd. 20 (2000), 1, S. 73-80

Zeidis, Igor; Schneider, Anatoli
Stability of cooperating manipulators with hybrid position/force control and time delay. - In: Technische Mechanik, ISSN 0232-3869, Bd. 19 (1999), 2, S. 149-159

Adolf, Haiko; Dammer, M.; Jungnickel, G.; Weißenberger, M.
Integration of design and calculation for the development of machine tools :
Integration von Gestaltung und Berechnung bei der Produktionsmaschinen-Entwicklung. - In: Konstruktion, ISSN 0373-3300, Bd. 51 (1999), 10, S. 19-26

Kolev, Emil; Zimmermann, Klaus;
Optimierung schwingungsfähiger Systeme in der Entwurfsphase : Integration von Gestalten und Berechnen. - In: Konstruktion, ISSN 0373-3300, Bd. 51 (1999), 1/2, S. 33-35

Kolev, Emil; Zimmermann, Klaus;
ANSYS-Modul zur Optimierung von Mehrkörper-Systemen im konstruktiven Entwicklungsprozess. - In: 44. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (1999), insges. 6 S.

Gerlach, Erik; Zimmermann, Klaus;
Analyse und Simulation von mechatronischen Systemen am Beispiel des Industrieroboters. - In: 44. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (1999), insges. 6 S.

Lysenko, Viktor G.; Zimmermann, Klaus;
Eine Methode zur Entwicklung neuer Funktionsprinzipien technischer Systeme in der Entwurfsphase. - In: 44. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (1999), insges. 6 S.

Zentner, Lena; Zimmermann, Klaus;
Vom Spinnenbein zum stoffschlüssigen Gelenk. - In: 44. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (1999), insges. 4 S.