Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen ohne Studienabschlussarbeiten bis 31.07.2024

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Hochschulbibliographie den Datenstand 31.07.2024 hat.
Alle neueren Einträge finden Sie in der Universitätsbibliographie der Technischen Universität Ilmenau (TUUniBib).

Anzahl der Treffer: 829
Erstellt: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 21:49:40 +0200 in 0.0899 sec

Platl, Vivien; Lechner, Leo; Mattheis, Thomas; Zentner, Lena
Development of a calculation tool for the natural frequencies of planar compliant mechanisms :
Entwicklung eines Berechnungstools für die Eigenfrequenzen von planaren nachgiebigen Mechanismen. - In: Achte IFToMM D-A-CH Konferenz 2022, (2022), insges. 2 S.

Henning, Stefan; Zentner, Lena
Analytical calculation of the deformation behavior of spatial compliant mechanisms :
Analytische Berechnung des Verformungsverhaltens räumlicher nachgiebiger Mechanismen. - In: Achte IFToMM D-A-CH Konferenz 2022, (2022), insges. 2 S.

Jahn, Hannes; Henning, Stefan; Zentner, Lena
CoMSys - a GUI-based calculation tool for the analysis and optimisation of compliant mechanisms :
CoMSys - ein GUI-basiertes Berechnungstool zur Analyse und Optimierung nachgiebiger Mechanismen. - In: Achte IFToMM D-A-CH Konferenz 2022, (2022), insges. 2 S.

Torres Melgarejo, Mario André; Henning, Stefan; Zentner, Lena; Theska, René
On the influence of geometrical deviations of flexure hinges on the trajectory behaviour of straight-line compliant mechanisms for ultra-precision applications :
Zum Einfluss von geometrischen Abweichungen von Festkörpergelenken auf das Bahnverhalten von nachgiebigen Geradführungsmechanismen für Ultrapräzisionsanwendungen. - In: Achte IFToMM D-A-CH Konferenz 2022, (2022), insges. 2 S.

Chavez, Jhohan; Böhm, Valter; Becker, Tatiana; Gast, Simon; Zeidis, Igor; Zimmermann, Klaus
Actuators based on a controlled particle-matrix interaction in magnetic hybrid materials for applications in locomotion and manipulation systems. - In: Physical sciences reviews, ISSN 2365-659X, Bd. 7 (2022), 11, S. 1263-1290

The paper deals with the investigation of magneto-sensitive elastomers (MSE) and their application in technical actuator systems. MSE consist of an elastic matrix containing suspended magnetically soft and/or hard particles. Additionally, they can also contain silicone oil, graphite particles, thermoplastic components, etc., in various concentrations in order to tune specific properties such as viscosity, conductivity and thermoelasticity, respectively. The focuses of investigations are the beneficial properties of MSE in prototypes for locomotion and manipulation purposes that possess an integrated sensor function. The research follows the principle of a model-based design, i.e. the working steps are ideation, mathematical modelling, material characterization as well as building first functional models (prototypes). The developed apedal (without legs) and non-wheeled locomotion systems use the interplay between material deformations and the mechanical motion in connection with the issues of control and stability. Non-linear friction phenomena lead to a monotonous forward motion of the systems. The aim of this study is the design of such mechanical structures, which reduce the control costs. The investigations deal with the movement and control of 'intelligent' mechanisms, for which the magnetically field-controlled particle-matrix interactions provide an appropriate approach. The presented grippers enclose partially gripped objects, which is an advantage for handling sensitive objects. Form-fit grippers with adaptable contour at the contact area enable a uniform pressure distribution on the surface of gripped objects. Furthermore, with the possibility of active shape adaptation, objects with significantly differing geometries can be gripped. To realise the desired active shape adaptation, the effect of field-induced plasticity of MSE is used. The first developed prototypes mainly confirm the functional principles as such without direct application. For this, besides the ability of locomotion and manipulation itself, further technological possibilities have to be added to the systems. The first steps are therefore being taken towards integrated MSE based adaptive sensor systems.

Becker, Tatiana; Raikher, Yuriy L.; Stolbov, Oleg V.; Böhm, Valter; Zimmermann, Klaus
Magnetoactive elastomers for magnetically tunable vibrating sensor systems. - In: Physical sciences reviews, ISSN 2365-659X, Bd. 7 (2022), 10, S. 1063-1090

Magnetoactive elastomers (MAEs) are a special type of smart materials consisting of an elastic matrix with embedded microsized particles that are made of ferromagnetic materials with high or low coercivity. Due to their composition, such elastomers possess unique magnetic field-dependent material properties. The present paper compiles the results of investigations on MAEs towards an approach of their potential application as vibrating sensor elements with adaptable sensitivity. Starting with the model-based and experimental studies of the free vibrational behavior displayed by cantilevers made of MAEs, it is shown that the first bending eigenfrequency of the cantilevers depends strongly on the strength of an applied uniform magnetic field. The investigations of the forced vibration response of MAE beams subjected to in-plane kinematic excitation confirm the possibility of active magnetic control of the amplitude-frequency characteristics. With change of the uniform field strength, the MAE beam reveals different steady-state responses for the same excitation, and the resonance may occur at various ranges of the excitation frequency. Nonlinear dependencies of the amplification ratio on the excitation frequency are obtained for different magnitudes of the applied field. Furthermore, it is shown that the steady-state vibrations of MAE beams can be detected based on the magnetic field distortion. The field difference, which is measured simultaneously on the sides of a vibrating MAE beam, provides a signal with the same frequency as the excitation and an amplitude proportional to the amplitude of resulting vibrations. The presented prototype of the MAE-based vibrating unit with the field-controlled "configuration" can be implemented for realization of acceleration sensor systems with adaptable sensitivity. The ongoing research on MAEs is oriented to the use of other geometrical forms along with beams, e.g. two-dimensional structures such as membranes.

Steinmeier, René;
Ein Beitrag zur Effizienzsteigerung von elektromechanischen Antrieben, basierend auf einem mathematischen Modell ferrofluidaler Strömungen. - Ilmenau : Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2021. - 1 Online-Ressource (XXIII, 120 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2020

Der Gegenstand der Arbeit ist die Effizienzsteigerung von elektromechanischen Antrieben durch magnetisch kontrollierbare Fluide, basierend auf einem mathematischen Modell ferrofluidaler Strömungen unter Einbeziehung des Magnetfeldes und des Wärmestromes. Eine umfassende Analyse des Standes der Technik gibt einen Überblick über magnetische und rheologische Flüssigkeiten und zeigt die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten magnetisch kontrollierbarer Fluide. In Voruntersuchungen wird der kraftverstärkende Einfluss des Ferrofluids im Luftspalt eines Eisenkreises dargestellt und mittels des FEM-Simulationswerkzeuges COMSOL nachgebildet und berechnet. Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt auf der mathematisch-mechanischen Modellierung, bei der das Taylor-Couette-System die Basis bildet und die Navier-Stokes-Gleichungen das Strömungsverhalten im System beschreiben. Berechnungen zum Geschwindigkeitsfeld bei konstanter und variabler Viskosität werden durchgeführt und ein Temperaturmodell, angenähert an das Verhalten des Elektromotors, analytisch hergeleitet. Nach den theoretischen Untersuchungen am Taylor-Couette-Modell als Abstraktionsstufe für einen Elektromotor folgt die experimentelle Evaluierung am Prototyp einer ferrofluidunterstützten permanenterregten Synchronmaschine. Dem konstruktiven Entwicklungsprozess folgend, wird eine simulative Berechnung des Prototyps mit der FE-Software COMSOL durchgeführt. Die Messergebnisse zum Erwärmungs- und Dauerlauf werden detailliert dargestellt. Das Ferrofluid ist in diesem genannten Kontext ein effizienzsteigerndes Element. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit wird eine innovative Entwicklung vorgestellt, bei dem, im Unterschied zu dem Antrieb aus den Kapiteln 3 und 4, eine magnetisch kontrollierbare rheologische Flüssigkeit ein funktionsbestimmendes Element ist. Die modellbasierte Untersuchung und die Prototypenbeschreibung sowohl eines rotatorischen, als auch translatorischen Antriebes schließen die Arbeit ab.

Luo, Yinnan; Zirkel, Marten; Römer, Ulrich J.; Zentner, Lena; Fidlin, Alexander
Improving energy efficiency of bipedal walking using nonlinear compliant mechanisms. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 21 (2021), 1, e202100197, S. 1-3

A method to improve the energy efficiency of a bipedal robot by coupling its thighs with compliant smart mechanisms is introduced. The walking gaits are driven by electric motors in its revolute joints, whose reference trajectories are generated via numerical optimization. The optimized nonlinear characteristic of the compliant mechanism modifies the free oscillation frequency of the system that matches the current double step frequency even under different conditions, which results in a very high energy efficiency.

Merker, Lukas; Behn, Carsten; Zimmermann, Klaus
Soft touch between a highly flexible bio-inspired tactile sensor and 3D objects. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 21 (2021), 1, e202100003, S. 1-3

Scanning and reconstructing the environment using tactile sensors alongside optical sensors is a promising approach in mobile robotics. Within the present paper, we take advantage of a recently presented vibrissa-inspired tactile sensor concept for 3D object scanning and reconstruction, broadening our previous studies. The sensor consists of a slender, cylindrical, highly flexible probe, one-sided clamped to some force-torque measuring device. The probe is shifted relatively to an object of interest by displacing its clamping position quasi-statically. Consequently, the probe gets bent, sweeps over the object and transmits mechanical signals (observables) to its support. The focus of the present investigation is on how the probe sweeps over a new type of object (paraboloid), verifying a necessary condition for optional contact points. Finally, this condition allows to find multiple equilibrium states for a single clamping position.

Zirkel, Marten; Luo, Yinnan; Fidlin, Alexander; Zentner, Lena
Synthesis of a compliant system from a given curve :
Synthese eines Nachgiebigen Systems mit gegebener Kennlinie. - In: IFToMM D-A-CH Konferenz 2021 der IFTOMM Member Organizations Austria, Germany, Switzerland, (2021), S. 87-88



... bis 2022 vom ehem. FG Technische Mechanik

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Hochschulbibliographie den Datenstand 31.07.2024 hat.
Alle neueren Einträge finden Sie in der Universitätsbibliographie der Technischen Universität Ilmenau (TUUniBib).

Anzahl der Treffer: 519
Erstellt: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 21:22:19 +0200 in 0.0840 sec

Becker, Tatiana; Böhm, Valter; Schale, Florian; Zimmermann, Klaus
Vibrating sensor unit made of a magnetoactive elastomer with field-adjustable characteristics. - In: Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, ISSN 1873-4766, Bd. 498 (2020), 166196

Nunuparov, Armen; Becker, Felix; Bolotnik, Nikolai N.; Zeidis, Igor; Zimmermann, Klaus
Dynamics and control of a vibration-diven capsule robot with an opposing spring. - In: NODYCON 2019, (2019), S. 765-766

Merkulov, Dmitri I.; Pelevina, Daria A.; Turkov, Vladimir A.; Becker, Tatiana; Naletova, Vera A.
Experimental research of the multistability of bodies with magnetizable elastomer. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, Bd. 55 (2019), 1/2, S. 125-132

Merker, Lukas; Steigenberger, Joachim; Marangoni, Rafael; Behn, Carsten
Dreidimensionale Objektabtastung und -rekonstruktion mittels taktiler Sensoren der Bionik. - In: 20. Nachwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz, (2019), S. 196-198

Zimmermann, Klaus; Chavez, Jhohan; Becker, Tatiana; Witte, Hartmut; Schilling, Cornelius; Köhring, Sebastian; Böhm, Valter; Monkman, Gareth J.; Prem, Nina; Sindersberger, Dirk; Lutz, Irina
Podchod k sozdaniju gibkogo &ptbov;elementa zachvata s adaptivnoj formoj na osnove magnitočuvstvitelьnych &ptbov;elastomerob s bioinspirirovannoj sensornoj poverchnostьju :
An approach to a form-adaptive compliant gripper element based on magneto-senstive elastomers with a bioinspired sensorized surface. - In: Problems of mechanics, ISSN 1512-0740, (2019), No. 2(75), Seite 23-38

Zeidis, Igor; Zimmermann, Klaus
Dynamics of a four-wheeled mobile robot with Mecanum wheels. - In: ZAMM, ISSN 1521-4001, Volume 99 (2019), issue 12, e201900173, 22 Seiten
Editor's choice

Nunuparov, Armen; Becker, Felix; Bolotnik, Nikolai N.; Zeidis, Igor; Zimmermann, Klaus
Dynamics and motion control of a capsule robot with an opposing spring. - In: Archive of applied mechanics, ISSN 1432-0681, Bd. 89 (2019), 10, S. 2193-2208

Scharff, Moritz; Schorr, Philipp; Becker, Tatiana; Resagk, Christian; Alencastre Miranda, Jorge H.; Behn, Carsten
An artificial vibrissa-like sensor for detection of flows. - In: Sensors, ISSN 1424-8220, Bd. 19 (2019), 18, 3892, insges. 16 S.

In nature, there are several examples of sophisticated sensory systems to sense flows, e.g., the vibrissae of mammals. Seals can detect the flow of their prey, and rats are able to perceive the flow of surrounding air. The vibrissae are arranged around muzzle of an animal. A vibrissa consists of two major components: a shaft (infector) and a follicle-sinus complex (receptor), whereby the base of the shaft is supported by the follicle-sinus complex. The vibrissa shaft collects and transmits stimuli, e.g., flows, while the follicle-sinus complex transduces them for further processing. Beside detecting flows, the animals can also recognize the size of an object or determine the surface texture. Here, the combination of these functionalities in a single sensory system serves as paragon for artificial tactile sensors. The detection of flows becomes important regarding the measurement of flow characteristics, e.g., velocity, as well as the influence of the sensor during the scanning of objects. These aspects are closely related to each other, but, how can the characteristics of flow be represented by the signals at the base of a vibrissa shaft or by an artificial vibrissa-like sensor respectively? In this work, the structure of a natural vibrissa shaft is simplified to a slender, cylindrical/tapered elastic beam. The model is analyzed in simulation and experiment in order to identify the necessary observables to evaluate flows based on the quasi-static large deflection of the sensor shaft inside a steady, non-uniform, laminar, in-compressible flow.

Merker, Lukas; Steigenberger, Joachim; Behn, Carsten
3D recognition of obstacles using a vibrissa-like tactile sensor. - In: IEEE FLEPS 2019, (2019), insges. 3 S.

Schorr, Philipp; Böhm, Valter; Stépán, Gábor; Zentner, Lena; Zimmermann, Klaus
Multi-mode motion system based on a multistable tensegrity structure. - In: Advances in mechanism and machine science, (2019), S. 3007-3016