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Feldkamp, Niclas; Bergmann, Sören; Conrad, Florian; Straßburger, Steffen
A method using generative adversarial networks for robustness optimization. - In: ACM transactions on modeling and computer simulation, ISSN 1558-1195, Bd. 32 (2022), 2, S. 12:1-12:22

The evaluation of robustness is an important goal within simulation-based analysis, especially in production and logistics systems. Robustness refers to setting controllable factors of a system in such a way that variance in the uncontrollable factors (noise) has minimal effect on a given output. In this paper, we present an approach for optimizing robustness based on deep generative models, a special method of deep learning. We propose a method consisting of two Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to generate optimized experiment plans for the decision factors and the noise factors in a competitive, turn-based game. In a case study, the proposed method is tested and compared to traditional methods for robustness analysis including Taguchi method and Response Surface Method.
Visaveliya, Nikunjkumar R.; Mazétyté-Stasinskiené, Raminta; Köhler, Michael
General background of SERS sensing and perspectives on polymer-supported plasmon-active multiscale and hierarchical sensor particles. - In: Advanced optical materials, ISSN 2195-1071, Bd. 10 (2022), 4, 2102001, S. 1-27

Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is one of the most powerful analytical techniques for the identification of molecules. The substrate, on which SERS is dependent, contains regions of nanoscale gaps (hotspots) that hold the ability to concentrate incident electromagnetic fields and effectively amplify vibrational scattering signals of adsorbed analytes. While surface plasmon resonance from metal nanostructures is a central focus for the SERS effect, the support of polymers can be significantly advantageous to provide larger exposure of structured metal surfaces for efficient interactions with analytes. Characteristics of the polymer particles such as softness, flexibility, swellability, porosity, optical transparency, metal-loading ability, and high surface area can allow diffusion of analytes and penetrating light deeply that can enormously amplify sensing outcomes. As polymer-supported plasmon-active sensor particles can emerge as versatile SERS substrates, the microfluidic platform is promising for the generation of sensor particles as well as for performing sequential SERS analysis of multiple analytes. Therefore, in this perspective article, the development of multifunctional polymer-metal composite particles, and their applications as potential sensors for SERS sensing through microfluidics are presented. A detailed background from the beginning of the SERS field and perspectives for the multifunctional sensor particles for efficient SERS sensing are provided.
Nozdrenko, Dmytro; Prylutska, Svitlana; Bogutska, Kateryna; Nurishchenko, Natalia Y.; Abramchuk, Olga; Motuziuk, Olexandr; Prylutskyy, Yuriy; Scharff, Peter; Ritter, Uwe
Effect of C60 fullerene on recovery of muscle soleus in rats after atrophy induced by achillotenotomy. - In: Life, ISSN 2075-1729, Bd. 12 (2022), 3, 332, S. 1-13

Biomechanical and biochemical changes in the muscle soleus of rats during imitation of hind limbs unuse were studied in the model of the Achilles tendon rupture (Achillotenotomy). Oral administration of water-soluble C60 fullerene at a dose of 1 mg/kg was used as a therapeutic agent throughout the experiment. Changes in the force of contraction and the integrated power of the muscle, the time to reach the maximum force response, the mechanics of fatigue processes development, in particular, the transition from dentate to smooth tetanus, as well as the levels of pro- and antioxidant balance in the blood of rats on days 15, 30 and 45 after injury were described. The obtained results indicate a promising prospect for C60 fullerene use as a powerful antioxidant for reducing and correcting pathological conditions of the muscular system arising from skeletal muscle atrophy.
Ispirli, Mehmet Murat; Kalenderli, Özcan; Seifert, Florian; Rock, Michael; Oral, Bülent
Investigation of impact of DC component on breakdown characteristics for different electric fields under composite AC & DC voltage. - In: High voltage, ISSN 2397-7264, Bd. 7 (2022), 2, S. 279-287
Ispirli, Mehmet Murat; Kalenderli, Özcan; Seifert, Florian; Rock, Michael; Oral, Bülent
The effect of DC voltage pre-stress on breakdown voltage of air under composite DC & LI voltage and test circuit: design and application. - In: Energies, ISSN 1996-1073, Bd. 15 (2022), 4, 1353, S. 1-23

The use of HVDC systems is increasing in number due to technological innovations, increasing power capacity and increasing customer demand. The characteristics of insulation systems under composite DC and LI voltage must be examined and clarified. In this study, firstly, experimental circuits were designed to generate and measure composite DC and LI high voltage using a simulation program. The coupling elements used were chosen according to simulation results. Afterward, experimental circuits were established in the laboratory according to the simulation results of the designed experimental circuit. Then, breakdown voltages under composite DC and LI voltage for less uniform and non-uniform electric fields were measured with four different electrode systems for positive and negative DC voltage pre-stresses with different amplitudes. The 50% breakdown voltage was calculated using the least-squares method. Finally, 3D models were created for the electrode systems used in the experiments using the finite element method. The efficiency factors of electrode systems calculated with the FEM results were correlated with the experimental breakdown voltage results. Thus, the breakdown behavior of air under bipolar and unipolar composite voltages (CV) was investigated. In conclusion, the experimental results showed that very fast polarity change in bipolar CV causes higher electrical stress compared to unipolar CV.
Wagner, Christoph; Semper, Sebastian; Kirchhof, Jan
fastmat: efficient linear transforms in Python. - In: SoftwareX, ISSN 2352-7110, Bd. 18 (2022), 101013, S. 1-8

Scientific computing requires handling large linear models, which are often composed of structured matrices. With increasing model size, dense representations quickly become infeasible to compute or store. Matrix-free implementations are suited to mitigate this problem at the expense of additional implementation overhead, which complicates research and development effort by months, when applied to practical research problems. Fastmat is a framework for handling large structured matrices by offering an easy-to-use abstraction model. It allows for the expression of matrix-free linear operators in a mathematically intuitive way, while retaining their benefits in computation performance and memory efficiency. A built-in hierarchical unit-test system boosts debugging productivity and run-time execution path optimization improves the performance of highly-structured operators. The architecture is completed with an interface for abstractly describing algorithms that apply such matrix-free linear operators, while maintaining clear separation of their respective implementation levels. Fastmat achieves establishing a close relationship between implementation code and the actual mathematical notation of a given problem, promoting readable, portable and re-usable scientific code.
Dittrich, Paul-Gerald; Kraus, Daniel; Ehrhardt, Enrico; Henkel, Thomas; Notni, Gunther
Multispectral imaging flow cytometry with spatially and spectrally resolving snapshot-mosaic cameras for the characterization and classification of bioparticles. - In: Micromachines, ISSN 2072-666X, Bd. 13 (2022), 2, 238, S. 1-12
Fiedler, Patrique; Fonseca, Carlos; Supriyanto, Eko; Zanow, Frank; Haueisen, Jens
A high-density 256-channel cap for dry electroencephalography. - In: Human brain mapping, ISSN 1097-0193, Bd. 43 (2022), 4, S. 1295-1308

High-density electroencephalography (HD-EEG) is currently limited to laboratory environments since state-of-the-art electrode caps require skilled staff and extensive preparation. We propose and evaluate a 256-channel cap with dry multipin electrodes for HD-EEG. We describe the designs of the dry electrodes made from polyurethane and coated with Ag/AgCl. We compare in a study with 30 volunteers the novel dry HD-EEG cap to a conventional gel-based cap for electrode-skin impedances, resting state EEG, and visual evoked potentials (VEP). We perform wearing tests with eight electrodes mimicking cap applications on real human and artificial skin. Average impedances below 900 k[Ohm] for 252 out of 256 dry electrodes enables recording with state-of-the-art EEG amplifiers. For the dry EEG cap, we obtained a channel reliability of 84% and a reduction of the preparation time of 69%. After exclusion of an average of 16% (dry) and 3% (gel-based) bad channels, resting state EEG, alpha activity, and pattern reversal VEP can be recorded with less than 5% significant differences in all compared signal characteristics metrics. Volunteers reported wearing comfort of 3.6 ± 1.5 and 4.0 ± 1.8 for the dry and 2.5 ± 1.0 and 3.0 ± 1.1 for the gel-based cap prior and after the EEG recordings, respectively (scale 1-10). Wearing tests indicated that up to 3,200 applications are possible for the dry electrodes. The 256-channel HD-EEG dry electrode cap overcomes the principal limitations of HD-EEG regarding preparation complexity and allows rapid application by not medically trained persons, enabling new use cases for HD-EEG.
Voss, Andreas; Schröder, Rico; Schulz, Steffen; Haueisen, Jens; Vogler, Stefanie; Horn, Paul; Stallmach, Andreas; Reuken, Philipp Alexander
Detection of liver dysfunction using a wearable electronic nose system based on semiconductor metal oxide sensors. - In: Biosensors, ISSN 2079-6374, Bd. 12 (2022), 2, 70, S. 1-15
Camargo, Magali K.; Uebel, Martin; Kurniawan, Mario; Ziegler, Karl F.; Seiler, Michael; Grieseler, Rolf; Schmidt, Udo; Barz, Andrea; Bliedtner, Jens; Bund, Andreas
Selective metallization of polymers: surface activation of polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) assisted by picosecond laser pulses. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. 24 (2022), 4, 2100933, S. 1-15