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Zgheib, Charbel; Lubov, Maxim N.; Kulikov, Dmitri V.; Kharlamov, Vladimir S.; Thiele, Sebastian; Morales Sánchez, Francisco Miguel; Romanus, Henry; Rahbany, Nancy; Beainy, Georges; Stauden, Thomas; Pezoldt, Jörg
Chemoheteroepitaxy of 3C-SiC(111) on Si(111): influence of predeposited Ge on structure and composition. - In: Physica status solidi, ISSN 1862-6319, Bd. 218 (2021), 24, 2100399, S. 1-10

Secondary ion mass spectroscopy, Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy, ellipsometry, reflection high energy diffraction and transmission electron microscopy are used to gain inside into the effect of Ge on the formation of ultrathin 3C-SiC layers on Si(111) substrates. Accompanying the experimental investigations with simulations it is found that the ultrathin single crystalline 3C-SiC layer is formed on top of a gradient Si1-x-yGexCy buffer layer due to a complex alloying and alloy decomposition processes promoted by carbon and germanium interdiffusion and SiC nucleation. This approach allows tuning residual stress at very early growth stages as well as the interface properties of the 3C-SiC/Si heterostructure. Useful yields of secondary ions of Ge in Si matrix and Si dimer are estimated.
Kutschka, Hermann; Doeller, Christian F.; Haueisen, Jens; Maess, Burkhard
Magnetic field compensation coil design for magnetoencephalography. - In: Scientific reports, ISSN 2045-2322, Bd. 11 (2021), 22650, S. 1-12

While optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs) can be attached to the head of a person and allow for highly sensitive recordings of the human magnetoencephalogram (MEG), they are mostly limited to an operational range of approximately 5 nT. Consequently, even inside a magnetically shielded room (MSR), movements in the remnant magnetic field disable the OPMs. Active suppression of the remnant field utilizing compensation coils is therefore essential. We propose 8 compensation coils on 5 sides of a cube with a side length of approximately 2 m which were optimized for operation inside an MSR. Compared to previously built bi-planar compensation coils, the coils proposed in this report are more complex in geometry and achieved smaller errors for simulated compensation fields. The proposed coils will allow for larger head movements or smaller movement artifacts in future MEG experiments compared to existing coils.
Dashtestani, Ashkan Djaberi; Moeinian, Ardeshir; Biskupek, Johannes; Strehle, Steffen
Contamination-assisted rather than metal catalyst-free bottom-up growth of silicon nanowires. - In: Advanced materials interfaces, ISSN 2196-7350, Bd. 8 (2021), 22, 2101121, insges. 9 S.

Well-established metal-catalyzed vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth represents still undoubtedly the key technology for bottom-up synthesis of single-crystalline silicon nanowires (SiNWs). Although various SiNW applications are demonstrated, electrical and optical properties are exposed to the inherent risk of electronic deep trap state formation by metal impurities. Therefore, metal catalyst-free growth strategies are intriguing. The oxid-assisted SiNW synthesis is explored and it is shown that contamination control is absolutely crucial. Slightest metal impurities, such as iron, are sufficient to trigger SiNW growth, calling into question true metal catalyst-free SiNW synthesis. Therefore, the term contamination-assisted is rather introduced and it is shown that contamination-assisted SiNW growth is determined by the chemical surface treatment (e.g., with KOH solution), but also by the crystal orientation of a silicon substrate. SiNWs are grown in this regards in a reproducible manner, but so far with a distinct tapering, using a conventional gas-phase reactor system at temperatures of about 680 ˚C and monosilane (SiH4) as the precursor gas. The synthesized SiNWs show convincing electrical properties compared to Au-catalyzed SiNWs. Nevertheless, contamination-assisted growth of SiNWs appears to be an important step toward bottom-up synthesis of high-quality SiNWs with a lower risk of metal poisoning, such as those needed for CMOS and other technologies.
Steinmetz, Nadine; Sattler, Kai-Uwe
What is in the KGQA benchmark datasets? Survey on challenges in datasets for question answering on knowledge graphs. - In: Journal on data semantics, ISSN 1861-2040, Bd. 10 (2021), 3/4, S. 241-265

Question Answering based on Knowledge Graphs (KGQA) still faces difficult challenges when transforming natural language (NL) to SPARQL queries. Simple questions only referring to one triple are answerable by most QA systems, but more complex questions requiring complex queries containing subqueries or several functions are still a tough challenge within this field of research. Evaluation results of QA systems therefore also might depend on the benchmark dataset the system has been tested on. For the purpose to give an overview and reveal specific characteristics, we examined currently available KGQA datasets regarding several challenging aspects. This paper presents a detailed look into the datasets and compares them in terms of challenges a KGQA system is facing.
Sha, Mo; Zhao, Huaping; Lei, Yong
Updated insights into 3D architecture electrodes for micropower sources. - In: Advanced materials, ISSN 1521-4095, Bd. 33 (2021), 45, 2103304, insges. 17 S.

Microbatteries (MBs) and microsupercapacitors (MSCs) are primary on-chip micropower sources that drive autonomous and stand-alone microelectronic devices for implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT). However, the performance of conventional MBs and MSCs is restricted by their 2D thin-film electrode design, and these devices struggle to satisfy the increasing IoT energy demands for high energy density, high power density, and long lifespan. The energy densities of MBs and MSCs can be improved significantly through adoption of a 2D thick-film electrode design; however, their power densities and lifespans deteriorate with increased electrode thickness. In contrast, 3D architecture electrodes offer remarkable opportunities to simultaneously improve MB and MSC energy density, power density, and lifespan. To date, various 3D architecture electrodes have been designed, fabricated, and investigated for MBs and MSCs. This review provides an update on the principal superiorities of 3D architecture electrodes over 2D thick-film electrodes in the context of improved MB and MSC energy density, power density, and lifespan. In addition, the most recent and representative progress in 3D architecture electrode development for MBs and MSCs is highlighted. Finally, present challenges are discussed and key perspectives for future research in this field are outlined.
Krauß, Benedikt; Link, Dietmar; Stodtmeister, Richard; Nagel, Edgar; Vilser, Walthard; Klee, Sascha
Modulation of human intraocular pressure using a pneumatic system. - In: Translational Vision Science & Technology, ISSN 2164-2591, Bd. 10 (2021), 14, 4, S. 1-9
Löffelholz, Martin;
[Rezension von: Meyen, Michael, 1967-, Das Erbe sind wir]. - In: Publizistik. - Wiesbaden : VS Verl. für Sozialwiss., 2000- , ISSN: 1862-2569 , ZDB-ID: 2273951-8, ISSN 1862-2569, Bd. 66 (2021), 3/4, S. 673-675
Döring, Nicola; Conde, Melisa
Sexual health information on social media: a systematic scoping review :
Sexuelle Gesundheitsinformationen in sozialen Medien: ein systematisches Scoping Review. - In: Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz, ISSN 1437-1588, Bd. 64 (2021), 11, S. 1416-1429

Hintergrund: Informationen zur sexuellen und reproduktiven Gesundheit werden zunehmend auch über soziale Medien verbreitet und erreichen dort ein großes Publikum. Ziel der Arbeit: Vor diesem Hintergrund ist es Ziel des vorliegenden Beitrags, den internationalen Forschungsstand zu sexuellen Gesundheitsinformationen in sozialen Medien erstmals systematisch mit einem Scoping Review aufzuarbeiten. Es sollen 7 Forschungsfragen beantwortet werden, die sich auf den Umfang (F1), die Methoden (F2: Inhaltsanalyse, F3: Qualitätsanalyse) sowie die Ergebnisse (F4: Anbieter, F5: Zielgruppen, F6: Themen, F7: Qualität der Informationen) bisheriger Studien beziehen. Material und Methoden: Die Untersuchung folgt dem PRISMA-Framework für Scoping Reviews sowie dem Open-Science-Ansatz: Sie ist präregistriert und alle Materialien (Codebuch mit Reliabilitätskoeffizienten) und Daten (Liste der identifizierten Studien, Codierung der Studien) stehen auf dem Server der Open Science Foundation zur Verfügung. Ergebnisse: Es konnten insgesamt 69 Studien mit 72 Datensätzen identifiziert werden, wobei sich mehr als die Hälfte der Publikationen auf YouTube bezieht (F1). Qualitative und quantitative Methoden der Inhaltsanalyse kommen gleichermaßen zum Einsatz (F2), Qualitätsanalysen sind rar (F3). Bei den Anbietern dominieren Gesundheitslaien (F4). Die Zielgruppen sind meist unspezifiziert (F5). Die in den vorliegenden Studien untersuchten Gesundheitsinformationen in sozialen Medien behandeln ein breites Themenspektrum (F6). Sofern Qualitätseinschätzungen vorgenommen wurden, fielen diese eher negativ aus (F7). Diskussion: Mehr Forschung ist notwendig, um sexuelle und reproduktive Gesundheitsinformationen in sozialen Medien besser zu verstehen und um ihre Qualität und konstruktive Nutzung zu fördern.
Vasconcelos, Beatriz; Fiedler, Patrique; Machts, René; Haueisen, Jens; Fonseca, Carlos
The Arch electrode: a novel dry electrode concept for improved wearing comfort. - In: Frontiers in neuroscience, ISSN 1662-453X, Bd. 15 (2021), 748100, S. 1-14
Derkach, Volodymyr; Strelnikov, Dmytro; Winkler, Henrik
On a class of integral systems. - In: Complex analysis and operator theory, ISSN 1661-8262, Bd. 15 (2021), 6, 103, insges. 39 S.

We study spectral problems for two-dimensional integral system with two given non-decreasing functions R, W on an interval [0, b) which is a generalization of the Krein string. Associated to this system are the maximal linear relation Tmax and the minimal linear relation Tmin in the space L2(dW) which are connected by Tmax=T*min. It is shown that the limit point condition at b for this system is equivalent to the strong limit point condition for the linear relation Tmax. In the limit circle case the Evans-Everitt condition is proved to hold on a subspace T*N of Tmax characterized by the Neumann boundary condition at b. The notion of the principal Titchmarsh-Weyl coefficient of this integral system is introduced. Boundary triple for the linear relation Tmax in the limit point case (and for T*N in the limit circle case) is constructed and it is shown that the corresponding Weyl function coincides with the principal Titchmarsh-Weyl coefficient of the integral system. The notion of the dual integral system is introduced by reversing the order of R and W and the formula relating the principal Titchmarsh-Weyl coefficients of the direct and the dual integral systems is proved. For every integral system with the principal Titchmarsh-Weyl coefficients q a canonical system is constructed so that its Titchmarsh-Weyl coefficient Q is the unwrapping transform of q: Q(z)=zq(z2).