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Prinke, Philipp; Haueisen, Jens; Klee, Sascha; Rizqie, Muhammad Qurhanul; Supriyanto, Eko; König, Karsten; Breunig, Hans Georg; Piatek, Lukasz
Automatic segmentation of skin cells in multiphoton data using multi-stage merging. - In: Scientific reports, ISSN 2045-2322, Bd. 11 (2021), 14534, S. 1-19

We propose a novel automatic segmentation algorithm that separates the components of human skin cells from the rest of the tissue in fluorescence data of three-dimensional scans using non-invasive multiphoton tomography. The algorithm encompasses a multi-stage merging on preprocessed superpixel images to ensure independence from a single empirical global threshold. This leads to a high robustness of the segmentation considering the depth-dependent data characteristics, which include variable contrasts and cell sizes. The subsequent classification of cell cytoplasm and nuclei are based on a cell model described by a set of four features. Two novel features, a relationship between outer cell and inner nucleus (OCIN) and a stability index, were derived. The OCIN feature describes the topology of the model, while the stability index indicates segment quality in the multi-stage merging process. These two new features, combined with the local gradient magnitude and compactness, are used for the model-based fuzzy evaluation of the cell segments. We exemplify our approach on an image stack with 200 × 200 × 100 [my]m^3, including the skin layers of the stratum spinosum and the stratum basale of a healthy volunteer. Our image processing pipeline contributes to the fully automated classification of human skin cells in multiphoton data and provides a basis for the detection of skin cancer using non-invasive optical biopsy.
Cao-Riehmer, Jialan; Chande, Charmi; Kalensee, Franziska; Schüler, Tim; Köhler, Michael
Microfluidically supported characterization of responses of Rhodococcus erythropolis strains isolated from different soils on Cu-, Ni-, and Co-stress. - In: Brazilian journal of microbiology, ISSN 1678-4405, Bd. 52 (2021), 3, S. 1405-1415

We present a new methodological approach for the assessment of the susceptibility of Rhodococcus erythropolis strains from specific sampling sites in response to increasing heavy metal concentration (Cu2+, Ni2+, and Co2+) using the droplet-based microfluid technique. All isolates belong to the species R. erythropolis identified by Sanger sequencing of the 16S rRNA. The tiny step-wise variation of metal concentrations from zero to the lower mM range in 500 nL droplets not only provided accurate data for critical metal ion concentrations but also resulted in a detailed visualization of the concentration-dependent response of bacterial growth and autofluorescence activity. As a result, some of the isolates showed similar characteristics in heavy metal tolerance against Cu2+, Ni2+, and Co2+. However, significantly different heavy metal tolerances were found for other strains. Surprisingly, samples from the surface soil of ancient copper mining areas supplied mostly strains with a moderate sensitivity to Cu2+, Ni2+, and Co2+, but in contrast, a soil sample from an excavation site of a medieval city that had been covered for about eight centuries showed an extremely high tolerance against cobalt ion (up to 36 mM). The differences among the strains not only may be regarded as results of adaptation to the different environmental conditions faced by the strains in nature but also seem to be related to ancient human activities and temporal partial decoupling of soil elements from the surface. This investigation confirmed that microfluidic screening offers empirical characterization of properties from same species which has been isolated from sites known to have different human activities in the past.
Reimann, Jan; Hammer, Stefan; Henckell, Philipp; Rohe, Maximilian; Ali, Yarop; Rauch, Alexander; Hildebrand, Jörg; Bergmann, Jean Pierre
Directed energy deposition-arc (DED-Arc) and numerical welding simulation as a hybrid data source for future machine learning applications. - In: Applied Sciences, ISSN 2076-3417, Bd. 11 (2021), 15, 7075, S. 1-16

This research presents a hybrid approach to generate sample data for future machine learning applications for the prediction of mechanical properties in directed energy deposition-arc (DED-Arc) using the GMAW process. DED-Arc is an additive manufacturing process which offers a cost-effective way to generate 3D metal parts, due to its high deposition rate of up to 8 kg/h. The mechanical properties additively manufactured wall structures made of the filler material G4Si1 (ER70 S-6) are shown in dependency of the t8/5 cooling time. The numerical simulation is used to link the process parameters and geometrical features to a specific t8/5 cooling time. With an input of average welding power, welding speed and geometrical features such as wall thickness, layer height and heat source size a specific temperature field can be calculated for each iteration in the simulated welding process. This novel approach allows to generate large, artificial data sets as training data for machine learning methods by combining experimental results to generate a regression equation based on the experimentally measured t8/5 cooling time. Therefore, using the regression equations in combination with numerically calculated t8/5 cooling times an accurate prediction of the mechanical properties was possible in this research with an error of only 2.6%. Thus, a small set of experimentally generated data set allows to achieve regression equations which enable a precise prediction of mechanical properties. Moreover, the validated numerical welding simulation model was suitable to achieve an accurate calculation of the t8/5 cooling time, with an error of only 0.3%.
Cheng, Yao; Riesmeyer, Michael; Haueisen, Jens; Haardt, Martin
Using the multi-linear rank-(Lr, Lr, 1) decomposition for the detection of the 200 Hz band activity in somatosensory evoked magnetic fields and somatosensory evoked electrical potentials. - In: IEEE access, ISSN 2169-3536, Bd. 9 (2021), S. 106232-106244
Im Titel ist "r" tiefgestellt
Lauer, Kevin; Brokmann, Geert; Bähr, Mario; Ortlepp, Thomas
Determination of piezo-resistive coefficient π44 in p-type silicon by comparing simulation and measurement of pressure sensors. - In: AIP Advances, ISSN 2158-3226, Bd. 11 (2021), 8, 085005, insges. 6 S.
Cierpka, Christian; Otto, Henning; Poll, Constanze; Hüther, Jonas; Jeschke, Sebastian; Mäder, Patrick
SmartPIV: flow velocity estimates by smartphones for education and field studies. - In: Experiments in fluids, ISSN 1432-1114, Bd. 62 (2021), 8, 172, S. 1-13

In this paper, a smartphone application is presented that was developed to lower the barrier to introduce particle image velocimetry (PIV) in lab courses. The first benefit is that a PIV system using smartphones and a continuous wave (cw-) laser is much cheaper than a conventional system and thus much more affordable for universities. The second benefit is that the design of the menus follows that of modern camera apps, which are intuitively used. Thus, the system is much less complex and costly than typical systems, and our experience showed that students have much less reservations to work with the system and to try different parameters. Last but not least the app can be applied in the field. The relative uncertainty was shown to be less than 8%, which is reasonable for quick velocity estimates. An analysis of the computational time necessary for the data evaluation showed that with the current implementation the app is capable of providing smooth live display vector fields of the flow. This might further increase the use of modern measurement techniques in industry and education.
Gholamhosseinian, Ashkan; Seitz, Jochen
Vehicle classification in intelligent transport systems: an overview, methods and software perspective. - In: IEEE open journal of intelligent transportation systems, ISSN 2687-7813, Bd. 2 (2021), S. 173-194
Kriesell, Matthias;
A note on uniquely 10-colorable graphs. - In: Journal of graph theory, ISSN 1097-0118, Bd. 98 (2021), 1, S. 24-26

Hadwiger conjectured that every graph of chromatic number k admits a clique minor of order k. Here we prove for k ≤ 10, that every graph of chromatic number k with a unique k-coloring (up to the color names) admits a clique minor of order k. The proof does not rely on the Four Color Theorem.
Pritzl, Rupert F. J.; Söllner, Fritz
Rational climate policy - economic demands and political obstacles :
Rationale Klimapolitik - ökonomische Anforderungen und politische Hindernisse. - In: List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik, ISSN 2364-3943, Bd. 46 (2021), 4, S. 423-449

In der klimapolitischen Debatte stehen meist einzelne Instrumente und Maßnahmen im Vordergrund, wohingegen die Frage der ökonomischen Rationalität der Klimapolitik als solcher häufig vernachlässigt wird. Eine Klimapolitik wäre dann ökonomisch rational, wenn politisch vorgegebene Klimaziele mit geringstmöglichen Kosten realisiert werden würden. Notwendig hierfür ist eine umfassende und einheitliche Bepreisung der Treibhausgasemissionen. Dieser rationalen Klimapolitik wird die aktuelle deutsche und europäische Politik gegenübergestellt, die sich als ineffektiv und ineffizient erweist. Ursächlich hierfür sind die Anreize, denen die politischen Akteure unterliegen und die zu einem Widerspruch zwischen ökonomischer Rationalität und politischer Opportunität führen.
Li, Feitao; Oliva Ramírez, Manuel; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Formation and evolution of Au-SiOx heterostructures: from nanoflowers to nanosprouts. - In: Materials and design, ISSN 1873-4197, Bd. 209 (2021), 109956, insges. 11 S.

This work reports the formation of circular cavities and Au-SiOx nanoflowers after annealing of thin Au film deposited on SiO2/Si substrates, and the transformation of nanoflowers to nanosprouts with increasing the annealing time. Two reference experiments indicate that both H2 and Si are indispensable for the above structures. The formation of cavities can be attributed to the SiO2 layer decomposition and the product, volatile SiO, provides a Si source for the formation of nanoflowers at the early stage. A model is proposed to indicate that SiO gas produced at the Si/SiO2 interface can diffuse to the surface assisted by the defects in the SiO2 layer before the decomposed cavities are exposed. Then the exposing of those cavities introduces another volatile SiO from the active oxidation of Si substrate, provoking a change in the direction of the main Si source, which in turn makes the one nanoparticle of the nanoflower split in two and finally form the nanosprout. The model about the escape of SiO further details SiO2 decomposition process, and the transformation mechanism from nanoflowers to nanosprout sheds light on a feasible nanofabrication method to design tunable size and shape of nanoparticles.