Publikationsliste des FG Werkstoffe der Elektrotechnik

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Yi, Jue-Min; Wang, Dong; Schwarz, Felix; Hergert, Germann; Vogelsang, Jan; Groß, Petra; Schaaf, Peter; Runge, Erich; Lienau, Christoph
Functionalized nanoporous Au particles for enhanced optical nonlinearities. - In: Joint Meeting of the DPG and EPS Condensed Matter Divisions together with the Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Division of the EPS and the Working Groups: Equal Opportunities, Industry and Business, Young DPG, Philosophy of Physics, (all DPG) EPS Young Minds, EPS History of Physics Group, (2018), HL 52.5

Schell, Juliana; Schaaf, Peter; Hofsäss, Hans-Christian; Lupascu, Doru C.
40 years of material science at ISOLDE-CERN using TDPAC and MS. - In: Joint Meeting of the DPG and EPS Condensed Matter Divisions together with the Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Division of the EPS and the Working Groups: Equal Opportunities, Industry and Business, Young DPG, Philosophy of Physics, (all DPG) EPS Young Minds, EPS History of Physics Group, (2018), MM 75.2

Zyabkin, Dmitry; Schell, Juliana; Vetter, Ulrich; Pall Gunnlaugsson, Haraldur; Masenda, Hilary; Schaaf, Peter
Defects investigation in black anatase. - In: Joint Meeting of the DPG and EPS Condensed Matter Divisions together with the Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Division of the EPS and the Working Groups: Equal Opportunities, Industry and Business, Young DPG, Philosophy of Physics, (all DPG) EPS Young Minds, EPS History of Physics Group, (2018), DS 7.8

Halbedel, Bernd; Prikhna, Tatiana; Quiroz, Pamela; Schawohl, Jens; Kups, Thomas; Monastyrov, Mykola
Iron oxide nanopowder synthesized by electroerosion dispersion (EED) - properties and potential for microwave applications. - In: Current applied physics, ISSN 1567-1739, Bd. 18 (2018), 11, S. 1410-1414

Magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) have attracted considerable interest in many fields of research and applied science due to their impressive properties. In the past, especially biomedical problems have promoted the development of MNPs. For technical applications e.g. wastewater treatment and absorption of electromagnetic waves, the existing synthesis approaches are too expensive and/or the producible quantities are too low. In this work we present a method for simple preparation of size-controlled magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles by electroerosion dispersion (EED) of carbon steel in water. We describe the synthesis method, the laboratory installation and discuss the structural, chemical and electromagnetic properties of the synthetized EED powders as well as their applicability for microwave absorption compared to other available ferrite powders.
Zhong, Jinhui; Chimeh, Abbas; Korte, Anke; Schwarz, Felix; Yi, Juemin; Wang, Dong; Zhan, Jinxin; Schaaf, Peter; Runge, Erich; Lienau, Christoph
Strong spatial and spectral localization of surface plasmons in individual randomly disordered gold nanosponges. - In: Nano letters, ISSN 1530-6992, Bd. 18 (2018), 8, S. 4957-4964
Bartsch, Heike; Grieseler, Rolf; Mánuel, Jose; Pezoldt, Jörg; Müller, Jens
Magnetron sputtered AlN layers on LTCC multilayer and silicon substrates. - In: Coatings, ISSN 2079-6412, Bd. 8 (2018), 8, 289, S. 1-19
Spieß, Lothar; Oltmanns, Sabine; Schiermeyer, Susanne; Kups, Thomas; Kais, Anke; Rossberg, Diana; Hamann, Bernd
Sensor technologies for enhanced safety and security of buildings and its occupants (SafeSens) : Teilprojekt: Strukturanalytik und Demonstrator an Metalloxiden für die Gasanalyse (SADMOX) : Abschlußbericht : Projektbeginn: 01.04.2014, Förderzeitraum: 01.07.2014-31.03.2017, Projektende: 30.11.2017. - [Ilmenau] : [Technische Universität Ilmenau (TUIL), Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Institut für Werkstofftechnik, Fachgebiet Werkstoffe der Elektrotechnik]. - 1 Online-Ressource (211 Seiten, 49,52 MB)Förderkennzeichen BMBF 16ES0226. - Verbund-Nummer 01152795
Gonzalez, Diego; Hopfeld, Marcus; Berger, Frank; Schaaf, Peter
Investigation on contact resistance behavior of switching contacts using a newly developed model switch. - In: IEEE transactions on components, packaging and manufacturing technology, ISSN 2156-3985, Bd. 8 (2018), 6, S. 939-949
Wang, An-Ni; Nonemacher, Juliane Franciele; Yan, Gang; Finsterbusch, Martin; Malzbender, Jürgen; Krüger, Manja
Mechanical properties of the solid electrolyte Al-substituted Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO) by utilizing micro-pillar indentation splitting test. - In: Journal of the European Ceramic Society, ISSN 1873-619X, Bd. 38 (2018), 9, S. 3201-3209
Im Titel sind "7", "3", "2" und "12" tiefgestellt