Publikationsliste des FG Werkstoffe der Elektrotechnik

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Tucto, Karem; Flores, J.; Guerra, Jorge; Töfflinger, Jan; Dulanto, Jorge; Grieseler, Rolf; Osvet, Andres; Batentschuk, Miroslaw; Weingärtner, Roland
Production and characterization of Tb3+/Yb3+ Co-activated AlON thin films for down conversion applications in photovoltaic cells. - In: MRS advances, ISSN 2059-8521, Bd. 2 (2017), 52, S. 2989-2995
Im Titel ist "3+" hochgestellt
Bartsch, Heike; Mánuel, José Manuel; Grieseler, Rolf
Influence of nanoscaled surface modification on the reaction of Al/Ni multilayers. - In: Technologies, ISSN 2227-7080, Bd. 5 (2017), 4, 79, insges. 11 S.
Uherek, Frantisek; Škriniarová, Jaroslava; Kuzma, Anton; Šušlik, &hacek;Luboš; Lettrichova, Ivana; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Surface photonic crystal structures for LED emission modification. - In: Photonics, Devices, and Systems VII, (2017), S. 1060319, insges. 7 S.
Yüksel, Sezin; Ziegler, Mario; Görke, Sebastian; Hübner, Uwe; Weber, Karina; Schaaf, Peter; Meyer, Hans-Georg; Cialla-May, Dana; Popp, Jürgen
Hierarchically-designed 3D flower-like composite nanostructures as an ultrastable, reproducible, and sensitive SERS substrate. - In: ACS applied materials & interfaces, ISSN 1944-8252, Bd. 9 (2017), 44, S. 38854-38862
Schlag, Leslie; Reiprich, Johannes; Stauden, Thomas; Pezoldt, Jörg; Ispas, Adriana; Bund, Andreas; Schaaf, Peter; Jacobs, Heiko O.
Selbstjustierendes Wachstum von 3D-Nanobrückenverbindungen. - In: MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2017 "MEMS, Mikroelektronik, Systeme", (2017), S. 317-320

Gonzalez, Diego; Hopfeld, Marcus; Berger, Frank; Schaaf, Peter
Investigation of the contact resistance behaviour of Ag/Ni10 contacts under the influence of different wall materials for the arc-chamber :
Untersuchung des Kontaktwiderstandverhaltens von Ag/Ni10-Kontaktstücken unter Einfluss verschiedener Schaltkammer-Wandmaterialien. - In: Kontaktverhalten und Schalten, (2017), S. 106-113

Große-Knetter, Jörn; Schaaf, Peter
Das physikalische Praktikum : Handbuch 2017/2018 für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik. - Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2017. - (Universitätsdrucke)
Schell, Juliana; Schaaf, Peter; Lupascu, Doru C.
Perturbed angular correlations at ISOLDE: a 40 years young technique. - In: AIP Advances, ISSN 2158-3226, Bd. 7 (2017), 10, 105017, insges. 8 S.
Hergert, Germann; Vogelsang, Jan; Schwarz, Felix; Wang, Dong; Kollmann, Heiko; Groß, Petra; Lienau, Christoph; Runge, Erich; Schaaf, Peter
Long-lived electron emission reveals localized plasmon modes in disordered nanosponge antennas. - In: Light, ISSN 2047-7538, Bd. 6 (2017), (20. Okt.), e17075, insges. 8 S.

We report long-lived, highly spatially localized plasmon states on the surface of nanoporous gold nanoparticles-nanosponges-with high excitation efficiency. It is well known that disorder on the nanometer scale, particularly in two-dimensional systems, can lead to plasmon localization and large field enhancements, which can, in turn, be used to enhance nonlinear optical effects and to study and exploit quantum optical processes. Here, we introduce promising, three-dimensional model systems for light capture and plasmon localization as gold nanosponges that are formed by the dewetting of gold/ silver bilayers and dealloying. We study light-induced electron emission from single nanosponges, a nonlinear process with exponents of n approximate to 5...7, using ultrashort laser pulse excitation to achieve femtosecond time resolution. The long-lived electron emission process proves, in combination with optical extinction measurements and finite-difference time-domain calculations, the existence of localized modes with lifetimes of more than 20 fs. These electrons couple efficiently to the dipole antenna mode of each individual nanosponge, which in turn couples to the far-field. Thus, individual gold nanosponges are cheap and robust disordered nanoantennas with strong local resonances, and an ensemble of nanosponges constitutes a meta material with a strong polarization independent, nonlinear response over a wide frequency range.
Vidal, Cynthia; Sivun, Dmitry; Ziegler, Johannes; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter; Hrelescu, Calin; Klar, Thomas A.
Unpolarized photoluminescence from d-band holes versus polarized scattering of single gold nanosponges. - In: 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO Europe-EQEC), ISBN 978-1-5090-6736-7, (2017), insges. 1 S.