Brief profile

Master of Science
Restrictions on admission-Icon
Restrictions on admission
Standard period of study-Icon
Standard period of study
3 Semester
Start of studies-Icon
Start of studies
1. April oder 1. Oktober
Requirement for admission-Icon
Requirement for admission
Abschluss eines verwandten Bachelorstudiums
Credit points-Icon
Credit points
Teaching language-Icon
Teaching language

Brief description

Biomedical technology (BMT) is technology for life. It works directly for the well-being of people. Its aim is to research and develop technology-oriented methods and systems for the early detection, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of diseases. BMT is a multidisciplinary field of science at the interface between medicine and technology with extraordinarily high development dynamics. Current studies assign it a place among the top ten technologies of the 21st century.

The Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering is a consecutive research-oriented university degree program that builds on a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering or other engineering degrees and qualifies students for a professional career in the medical technology industry, in clinics or in public authorities.

The aim of the research-oriented Master's degree program in Biomedical Engineering is to train graduates who are equipped with sound basic engineering knowledge, excellent methodological skills, a strong understanding of current medical issues and practical medical technology knowledge.

The BMT Master's degree program lays the foundations for a subsequent doctorate. As part of the double Master's program with the University of Technology of Malaysia (UTM), students can obtain a double degree.

Application with German certificates and certificates from an educational institution within the EU / EEA

Application with certificates from an educational institution outside the EU / EEA

Why Ilmenau?

Biomedical engineering has a long tradition at Ilmenau University of Technology. It was the first institution in Europe to introduce a degree course in biomedical engineering. Traditionally, students are closely involved in innovative biomedical engineering research at the institute.The university-based BMT course in Ilmenau offers an excellent student-to-staff ratio. It is based on sound scientific and technical principles. It demands and promotes an intensive research orientation and is at the same time strongly practice-oriented. As a biomedical engineering student, you can get involved in the TU Ilmenau university group of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering. The group organizes lectures and workshops and offers access to a nationwide network of research institutions and industry. At the end of your studies, you will have the opportunity to spend part of your studies in Malaysia at the University of Technology of Malaysia (UTM) to conduct research in the laboratories there, write your Master's thesis and obtain a double degree.

Laureen studies Biomedical Engineering at the TU Ilmenau

Laboratory tour of the Institute for Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science

Through Ilmenau with Janine and Marcel

Janine and Marcel take you on an exciting tour of the campus of the TU Ilmenau and through Ilmenau itself. They describe how they live and study in Ilmenau, give numerous leisure tips and insights into the study location of the TU Ilmenau and take you to hidden places in the city.

(This video was created as part of a campaign by Campus Thüringen, the official portal for choosing a course of study in Thuringia. For more insights into Thuringia's study locations, click  here. © Pixelpakete GbR)

Content of study

Biosignal Processing

11 %

Biomedical Engineering (e. g. imaging sytems, biomedical measurement techniques)

11 %

Medical computer science

6 %

Optional area (see specialisations and detailed overview)

22 %

Scientific Work

11 %

Non-technical minor

6 %

Master thesis

33 %
Detailed subject overview: Biomedical Engineering (Master)

Fields of specialisation

  • Ophthalmological technique
  • Radiological technology/radiation protection
  • Cognitive Robotics
  • Biomechatronics
  • Electromagnetism
  • Electromedical technology

Fields of work

  • Medical technology industry (e.g. development, quality management, consulting and training)
  • Clinics and practices (e.g. technical management, radiology, safety engineer*in)
  • Medical and biological research (basic and clinical research)
  • authorities, expert organisations (e.g. radiation protection)
Drei Personen sitzen auf dem Rand eines Brunnens und schauen gemeinsam auf ein Tablet und füllen eine Online-Bewerbung für das Studium an der TU Ilmenau aus. Im Hintergrund sind verschwommen Gebäude der TU Ilmenau zu sehen.Michael Reichel (ari)
TU Ilmenau/Michael Reichel


Programme coordinator

Dr.-Ing. Marko Helbig

+49 3677 69-1271

Study organisation