
Diversity Days of the Thuringian Universities - We are part of it!

TU Ilmenau is also taking part in the Diversity Days of the Thuringian universities, which are taking place around German Diversity Day from May 16 to June 7 under the motto #StimmefürVielfalt. The Diversity Days will open on Thursday, May 16, at 1 p.m. with a digital lecture by Sabine Hark from TU Berlin and Johanna Hofbauer from Vienna University of Economics and Business on the topic "The unequal university. Diversity, excellence and anti-discrimination".


Program at the TU Ilmenau

As part of the Diversity Days, TU Ilmenau is also offering various online and face-to-face events that deal with different aspects of the topic. These include workshops, lectures and discussions on important topics such as psychological safety, autism in studies and work, health for employees and much more. For example, the workshop "Unsettled Times"on May 28 invites you to to deal with the uncertainties of our time. A special highlight is the hfc movie night on May 23. The film "The Imitation Game" will be shown in the Helmholtz lecture hall - admission is free. To conclude the Diversity Days, the new TU Ilmenau family room in the Kirchhoff Building will be inaugurated on May 30.

The events are organized by the Division of Equality, Diversity and Health. Registration is required for some events.

Be part of this diverse and inspiring program at TU Ilmenau and join us in setting an example for tolerance and acceptance! On the website of the Diversity Network of Universities you will find the complete program of all universities.


About the Department of Equality, Diversity & Health at TU Ilmenau

We stand up for an "open-minded Thuringia"

Diversity Audit "Shaping Diversity": TU Ilmenau certified for strategies in dealing with diversity

Stefan Riehmer