
Girls‘ Day at TU Ilmenau: Register now

TU Ilmenau/ari
On Girls' Day, girls from the 5th grade onwards gain insights into medical technology, among other things

On Girls' Day on April 27, the TU Ilmenau and research institutes open their doors on the university campus. Girls interested in technology and science from the 5th grade onwards will get exciting insights into science and research in various fields: Medical technology, microelectronics and mechatronics., augmented reality, automotive engineering and robotics. Young women can still apply for all offers until April 20 at www.girls-day.de to register.

The nationwide Girls' Future Day, which takes place once a year, is the world's largest career guidance event specifically for young women and aims to make it easier for them to choose a course of study and a career. Free of role clichés, they gain an insight into diverse occupational fields and discover their own potential and unknown talents in order to better plan their future. At the TU Ilmenau and in research institutes in Ilmenau, there are four offers for the girls this year:

In the offer "Ran an die Technik! - sustainable, future-oriented, responsible", the young women will gain insights into two exciting topics in engineering: Augmented Reality and Automotive Engineering. In the future field of augmented reality, they will learn about the expansion of reality by adding artificial, virtual objects. And they will create their own audio system that allows people to move freely in a virtual acoustic reality. In vehicle technology, they will not only learn about the latest trends in mobility of the future, but also about possible fields of work for an engineer, for example in the classic discipline of chassis development or in research on automated driving.

In the offering from the Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science at TU Ilmenau, the girls take an interactive virtual tour of the labs to learn what measuring electrical voltage has to do with muscle strength, physical fitness and brain activity. At the same time, they learn about the research focus of "Electrical Warning," which explores how electrical surges are used to warn people of health hazards.

In addition to areas of the TU Ilmenau, two research institutes located on the university campus are also open to the girls on Girls' Day. In the workshop of the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media (IDMT). "Girls & IT - Today you become a robot genius!" they can try out for themselves how to breathe life into robots. They learn a program code with which they can program and control their own small robot, and find out how the machines orient themselves in their environment and complete given tasks.

Girls who want to know what a research institute actually does will find out at the Institute for Microelectronic and Mechatronic Systems (IMMS). They learn first-hand not only about the institute's research and development areas, but also what an engineer's workday looks like.

On Girls' Day, many girls have already become enthusiastic about studying or even pursuing a career in the MINT field - mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology. The day of action is sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Info: www.girls-day.de.



Manja Krümmer
Division Marketing and Communication
+49 3677 69-4789
