
Students of the TU Ilmenau presented professional communication concepts

Studentinnen im SeminarraumTU Ilmenau/Laura Kunze
Media students of TU Ilmenau presenting their communication campaign at the end of the seminar "Career Orientation PR"

Media students from Technische Universität Ilmenau presented communication campaigns they had developed for a real client, Kreissparkasse Gotha, at the end of their seminar "Berufsfeldorientierung PR" on July 7. Like professional agencies, they presented their concepts in a so-called pitch in four groups to a jury of professional communications experts, who chose the best campaigns at the end.

For one afternoon, the 24 bachelor students presented their professional communication concepts in the Curie auditorium of the TU Ilmenau, which they had worked out in three months as part of their Applied Media and Communication Studies course in the practical seminar "Berufsfeldorientierung PR". Using the theoretical knowledge they had acquired in the previous winter semester, they developed sophisticated strategies and concrete action plans in the practical seminar. In addition to the course instructor Elisabeth Wagner-Olfermann, they were supported by a professional from the business world: Ninette Florschütz, managing director of MITTKOM GmbH in Gotha, which specializes in communications for medium-sized businesses.

The client for the PR campaign was the Kreissparkasse Gotha, which had commissioned the students with two campaigns at once in a briefing at the beginning of April: one to market the Kreissparkasse's products to a younger target group and one to recruit trainees and skilled workers. Two groups of five or six students each worked on one of the two assignments. The jury consisted of the seminar's course instructor, MITTKOM's managing director and representatives of Kreissparkasse Gotha led by CEO Jörg Kriegelstein.

Die Gewinnerteams „Imagegeflüster“ und „Prime Relations“ zusammen mit der JuryTU Ilmenau/Laura Kunze
The winning teams "Imagegeflüster" and "Prime Relations" together with the jury

The excitement of the 20-minute pitches was heightened by the fact that the students performed them in front of the competing agencies. With the best concept for marketing the products of the Kreissparkasse to a younger target group, the up-and-coming agency "Imagegeflüster" was convincing. Their message "Growing together" convinced the jury together with a well thought-out mix of measures. With its campaign to recruit trainees and skilled workers, the up-and-coming agency "Prime Relations" came out on top. For its concept entitled "Every Scene a Success," it adapted popular streaming classics for advertising concepts and scored points with extensive cross-media marketing.

The two-semester seminar "Career Orientation PR" is offered every year in the bachelor's program in Applied Media and Communication Studies for students in the third and fourth semesters. Some of the ideas and concepts developed in this course in recent years have been implemented by clients, such as the Jena-based global company Jenoptik and Erfurt/Weimar Airport. The marketing umbrella brand "Thuringian Arc", which students of the TU Ilmenau developed in 2019 for the regional management of the districts of Gotha and Ilm-Kreis, is also in use today to promote the region.



Elisabeth Wagner-Olfermann
Group for Research in Public Relations and Communication of Technology
+49 3677 69-4635