
Sustainability at the university

Free drinking water and more on Sustainability Day

Kisten mit den NachhaltigkeitszielenTU Ilmenau/Barbara Aichroth

Students and staff at our university can now quench their thirst while protecting the climate, the environment and their wallets in the canteen. This is made possible by a drinking water dispenser right next to canteen 3, where all university members can fill up their drinking bottles conveniently and free of charge.

Students and staff were able to find out why this is also good for their health at the#SustainabilityDay on June 20 in the canteen foyer at the University Health Management stand and get samples and recipe ideas for infused water at a tasting bar.

The topic of waste separation was also discussed at the Sustainability Day. Students from the degree program "Media and Communication Science" presented their concepts from the English-language Master's module "Communication and Organizational Transformation for a Sustainable University". Visitors were also able to find out about current projects on sustainable teaching and the development of technologies for the preservation of biodiversity and climate-resilient forest conversion.

The Sustainability Day was organized by the Sustainability Working Group in the Sports, Environment and Health Department of the Student Council (StuRa) in cooperation with the Studierendenwerk Thuringia.

Following the event, the Sustainability Task Group provided information about TU Ilmenau's sustainability strategy and other projects on the way to becoming a "sustainable community".

The clothing exchange "Give and Take Fashion" was also a complete success: 224 items of clothing, shoes and bags found new owners* in the Second Hand Fashion Corner within 3 hours.

The event continues on September 5 from 3 p.m. with a Sustainability Café in the IBZ for networking and inspiration for all university members. Everyone is invited who wants to implement their own ideas for more sustainability or, for example, take part in planting campaigns on campus.