Tasks and projects

We provide patent data in various formats: PDF full texts, bibliographic data as Excel, CSV, JSON, text, XML, etc., both as raw data and user-specific processed, enriched and augmented data.

In cooperation with Kramer & Hofmann, we can advise you on XPAT software.

Patent Statistics and Visualization

Patent Dashboard of Thuringia, a Tableau-based visualization of patent intensity and trends in Thuringia districts.

Internal database pool of PATON

We manage PATON's internal database pool.

More than 50 databases, including commercial ones, are available to users of the research room and the training center.

Completed projects

Indexing and digitization of the GDR form treasure (Geschmacksmuster)

The project Erschließung und Digitalisierung des DDR-Formenschatzes (eng. Indexing and digitization of the GDR form treasure), supported by the
LIS funding program of the DFG, Grant No 415711347 // HO 1649/2-1

Participating institutions

  • Technische Universität Ilmenau, PATON | Landespatentzentrum Thüringen
  • Technische Universität Ilmenau, Faculty of Computer Science and Automation, Department of Computer Graphics
  • German Patent and Trademark Office, Information and Service Center Berlin
  • Technische Universität Ilmenau, University Library


PATONprofil, a user-specific patent database solution with Mimosa Retrieval Software

Project "Thuringian Trend and Transfer Database"

Feasibility study for the ISTAR project of the EU

Patent full-text delivery system of PATON

Patent full-text delivery system PATONline.


Dipl.-Ing. Adam Bartkowski
+49 (0)3677 69 4563
Send e-mail