You love science, especially chemistry and biology?

But you are also interested in technology and like to work practically?

Then the study of biotechnical chemistry is just right for you! Because it combines all these areas in a unique way.

Short profile

Bachelor of Science
Restrictions on admission-Icon
Restrictions on admission
Standard period of study-Icon
Standard period of study
6 semester
Start of studies-Icon
Start of studies
October 1
Basic internship-Icon
Basic internship
Credit points-Icon
Credit points
Teaching language-Icon
Teaching language

Brief description

Whether new active ingredients, diagnostic methods in medicine or more efficient processes to produce sustainable products for everyday life: In your studies, you will deal with the fundamentals of chemistry and life and learn how to use biological and chemical principles to develop new products, processes or technical applications. These can be novel medicines, biodegradable plastics, environmentally friendly chemicals and much more. In this way, you can contribute to advances in medicine or help make our future more sustainable.

In experimental lectures, seminars and practical courses in modern chemistry and biology, we teach you the necessary specialist knowledge and key skills for this. In addition, you will learn the basics of mathematics, physics, engineering and biotechnology.

In this way, you will learn at an early stage to work independently in practice and as part of a team using scientific methods. Up to three days a week you will work side by side with your fellow students in the laboratory. You analyze chemical and biochemical reactions, prepare substances under supervision and carry out syntheses. This is how compounds or new substances are created that are also used in industry or in everyday life. Through physical investigations and experiments, you develop model concepts that help you to understand the properties of these substances and processes in organisms.

In the 6th semester, you will also learn about professional practice during a three-month industrial or research internship. This is another reason why your career prospects after graduation are excellent. Whether in the life sciences, in nanotechnology, in pharmacy or in environmental protection, you are guaranteed to find a job in a research institution, a university, a government agency or in industry where you can contribute your knowledge and enthusiasm for biotechnical chemistry.

Application with German certificates and certificates from an educational institution within the EU / EEA

Application with certificates from an educational institution outside the EU / EEA


"I found the perfect blend of all the sciences for me in college."

Ann-Marie Dammer


Why Ilmenau?

The study of biotechnical chemistry in Ilmenau is unique in Germany. The combination of natural sciences and engineering with a focus on chemistry and biotechnology is only available here. The type and scope of the internships in Ilmenau also make the program uniquely application-oriented and research-oriented. You will be taught by internationally renowned experts.

If you wish, you can also work as a student assistant at the university and immerse yourself even more deeply in practice. Or you can do an internship in one of the numerous companies and institutes in the vicinity of the university, for example at the Institute for Bioprocess and Analytical Measurement Technology (iba) in Heiligenstadt, an affiliated institute of the TU Ilmenau.

The distances from lecture hall to lecture hall, seminar room or laboratory are short. Contact with the teaching staff is fast and direct. This means that you will receive particularly intensive support in Ilmenau.

In order to make it easier for you to settle in at Ilmenau, we have set up a mentor and tutor program that will provide you with excellent support, especially at the beginning. This way, you will quickly get to know your fellow students and can further deepen the contact while working together in the lab.

But you can also develop and get involved in Ilmenau outside of your studies, for example in one of the university's numerous associations and clubs or in university sports.


Natalie studies Biotechnical Chemistry at the TU Ilmenau

Through Ilmenau with Janine and Marcel

Janine and Marcel take you on an exciting tour of the campus of the Ilmenau University of Technology and through Ilmenau itself. They describe how they live and study in Ilmenau, give numerous leisure tips and insights into the place of study of the Ilmenau University of Technology and take you to hidden places in the city.

(This video was created as part of a campaign of the Campus Thuringia, the official portal for choosing a study location in Thuringia. Further insights into the study locations in Thuringia can be found at here. © Pixelpakete GbR)

Content of Study

Fundamentals (e.g. cell biology, physical and organic chemistry)

14 %

Chemistry (e.g. experimental chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, material chemistry, biochemistry)

32 %

Further scientific technical subjects (e.g. mathematics, electrical engineering, bioengineering, experimental physics, thermodynamics)

34 %

Non-technical subjects / foreign languages (e.g. foreign language, business administration)

4 %

Industrial / research internship and bachelor thesis

16 %
Detailed subject overview: Biotechnical Chemistry (Module List)

Practice during studies

An essential part of the study programme is a three-month, job-related industrial and research internship in the sixth semester.

Fields of work

  • Research institutions
  • life sciences
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Nanotechnology
  • Molecular diagnostics
  • Environmental protection
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What students say...

" a very successful combination of chemistry, biology and engineering." |More reviewsLink


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