You would like to develop and test IT solutions for companies and public authorities?

Be trained as a sought-after expert with IT and business know-how?

Help shape digitization in a variety of industries?

Then study Business Informatics at the TU Ilmenau!

Short profile

Bachelor of Science
Restrictions on admission-Icon
Restrictions on admission
Standard period of study-Icon
Standard period of study
6 semester
Start of studies-Icon
Start of studies
October 1
Basic internship-Icon
Basic internship
Credit points-Icon
Credit points
Teaching language-Icon
Teaching language

Brief description

Today, hardly any company or public authority can do without IT. Many processes and tasks, such as in accounting, human resources management, marketing or production and logistics, are automated with the help of software systems and make everyday work easier. Using such IT solutions, such as ERP systems, effectively in an organization requires not only IT know-how, but also economic and social expertise.

Business IT specialists combine expertise from the fields of computer science, economics and law, and business informatics, and with this wide-ranging competence act as an interface and communicator between these disciplines. In organizations, they develop, implement and improve modern information systems and actively and purposefully shape the digital transformation of our living and working environments. In interdisciplinary cooperation with specialists and managers from various departments, they test the use of IT products for their effectiveness and usability and provide technological solutions to technical questions.

As a student of business informatics, you will be comprehensively prepared for the demands of the job. The study program, which is both method-based and practice-oriented, provides you with a wide range of IT and business skills. From the very first semester, you will develop your own IT products such as apps that are tailored to the needs of customers and learn how to carry out projects in a structured and goal-oriented manner.

The high demand for business IT specialists in many industries opens up a wide range of career prospects for you. After successfully completing your studies, you will advise companies on IT services, manage workflows in companies or sell software products to customers.

Application with German certificates and certificates from an educational institution within the EU / EEA

Application with certificates from an educational institution outside the EU / EEA

Business Information Systems Engineering is not just about pure programming, but also about IT support for business processes.

Lan Nguyen Hoang


I rate my studies in Ilmenau very positively. Due to the small size of the university, there is a relatively relaxed contact to all university members and it is no problem at all to get to know new people and to make connections.

Felix Beyer


Why Ilmenau?

The study of business informatics at the TU Ilmenau combines the university requirement of knowledge and method transfer with a high practical component. In project work, you will be prepared for the tasks in your later working life and work together with lecturers and partners from the economy.

In the student associations sci.e.V. and SWING you can already apply your knowledge during your studies, implement consulting projects for real clients and network with companies. At the end of your studies you have the possibility of a stay abroad and an internship.

Isabel and Johannes study Business Informations Systems Engineering at the TU Ilmenau

Through Ilmenau with Janine and Marcel

Janine and Marcel take you on an exciting tour of the campus of the Ilmenau University of Technology and through Ilmenau itself. They describe how they live and study in Ilmenau, give numerous leisure tips and insights into the place of study of the Ilmenau University of Technology and take you to hidden places in the city.

(This video was produced as part of a campaign by the Campus Thuringiathe official portal for choosing a course of study in Thuringia. Further insights into the study locations in Thuringia can be found here here. © Pixelpakete GbR)

Content of study

Business Information Systems Engineering (with compulsory and elective areas, including the modules: Business Digitalisation, System Development/IT Project Management, Application Modelling/Business Process Management, ERP Systems)

23 %

Economics (with compulsory and elective area, including the modules: Accounting, Financing/Investment, Corporate Management, Marketing Management and Technology Marketing, Micro- and Macroeconomics)

25 %

Computer Science (with compulsory and elective areas, including the modules: Algorithms and Programming, Database Systems, Application Component Development).

19 %

Mathematics, Statistics, Law and Other Fundamentals (with compulsory and elective areas, including the modules: Mathematics, Statistics, Fundamentals of Business Law, Soft Skills).

19 %

Advanced internship or study period abroad

6 %

Bachelor thesis with colloquium

8 %
Detailed subject overview: Business Information Systems Engineering (Module List)

Practice during studies

A high level of practical and application orientation is ensured by numerous courses that take place in cooperation with practitioners, as well as by a specialized internship integrated into the 6th semester.

In the specialized internship, the competences learned during the degree programme can be applied and deepened in a company or a public authority. As an alternative to the advanced internship, it is possible to complete the 6th semester as a semester abroad.

No mandatory basic internship is required before the start of the degree programme.

Fields of work

  • IT and Business Consulting
  • Product Management in Technology Companies
  • Business Process Management
  • IT Management and IT Controlling
  • Data Science and Data Analysis
  • Business Intelligence Management
  • IT Application Consulting and IT Training
  • IT Sales and IT Purchasing
  • IT Project Management
  • IT System and Software Development


Program coordinator

Study organisation

Heide Röseler

+49 3677 69-4054

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