Short profile

Master of Science
Restrictions on admission-Icon
Restrictions on admission
none | individual acceptance
Standard period of study-Icon
Standard period of study
4 semester
Start of studies-Icon
Start of studies
April 1 or October 1
Requirement for admission-Icon
Requirement for admission
Bachelor's degree in a similar field
Credit points-Icon
Credit points
Teaching language-Icon
Teaching language


Computer Engineering is an interdisciplinary major that is oriented especially to these new challenges. The program combines the classical engineering sciences such as electrical engineering and mechanical engineering with system engineering as well as computer science.

The program aims at a research-oriented deepening of the already acquired methodological and professional competence. The competences could be acquired in a university eduction and - as the case may be - in a professional training with a main subject of Computer Engineering.

The interdisciplinary and integrative education of the study, which is based on a solid mathematical and natural sciences education with knowledge in computer science, electrical engineering / electronics and control engineering, allows specializations with a wide application profile through the selection of optional courses. A graduate with a Master of Science in Computer Engineering can predominantly become operative in the development of technology-integrated systems in the field of hardware and software. Due to the profile of the training, he is able to work with computer scientist and engineer of other subjects. Through their scientific training, graduates are particularly qualified for research and science fields, in state entities as well as in industry research departments. They can also be active in the field of education and training.

The degree as a Master is the university standard degree in the major Computer Engineering and is equivalent to the previous diploma engineer.

Application with German certificates and certificates from an educational institution within the EU / EEA

Application with certificates from an educational institution outside the EU / EEA

I decided to take this course of study because it is an excellent complement to my Bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. In addition, the ratio between theory and practice is very well-balanced, which offers fantastic opportunities for entry into science and business.

Alexander Pritzkow


Why Ilmenau?

The Master's degree course in Engineering Informatics at TU Ilmenau not only teaches you the basics of engineering and computer science, but also allows you to specialize individually thanks to the wide range of electives.

Laboratory practicals are part of many subjects and help to apply theoretical knowledge. There is also the option of a 20-week specialist internship, which can be completed in a domestic or foreign company or research institution.

The TU Ilmenau is one of the strongest research universities, with many interesting cutting-edge research projects in basic and applied research. Thanks to excellent supervision, students have the opportunity to be involved in pioneering research projects at an early stage. Through an individual Master's thesis or a seminar, you not only gain an insight into research projects, but also have the opportunity to actively drive them forward. The transfer of knowledge from research to teaching creates new innovative lectures that can be offered to students. Thanks to numerous collaborations with companies and research institutions, students are already in contact with industry during their studies.

Mona and Dominik study Computer Engineering at the TU Ilmenau

Content of study

Compulsory area (e. g. dynamic process optimizations, fundamentals of complex information technology systems, information theory and coding)

13 %

Optional courses (see specialisation and detailed overview)

50 %

Non-technical Minor Subject

8 %

Main seminar and Master thesis

29 %
Detailed subject overview: Computer Engineering (Master)


  • Automation and Control Engineering
  • Data Analytics
  • Cognitive Robotics
  • Biomedical Technology
  • Medical Technology
  • Embedded computer applications
  • Communication technology, consumer goods electronics
  • Complex systems in technology and environment

Practice in studies

It is possible to opt for a practical orientation of the course and to complete an optional practical semester at a domestic or foreign company or research institution.

Fields of work

  • Industrial control and measurement technology
  • Automotive engineering, aerospace
  • Mobile and Cognitive Robotics
  • Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
  • Medical Technology
  • Embedded computer applications
  • Complex systems in technology and environment
  • Communication technology, consumer goods electronics, media computer science


Programme coordinator

Study organisation