
Austrian funding program for citizen science

Prof. Döring supports peer review for "Sparkling Science 2.0"

"Citizen Science" means research processes in which people are involved who are not employed in the science system. In addition to professional scientists, students, activists from civil society and representatives of companies, among others, are active in citizen research. With the funding program "Sparkling Science 2.0" (, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) supports high-quality citizen science research projects in which scientific institutions cooperate with educational institutions and, if possible, also with partners from business and society. Prof. Dr. Nicola Döring from the Research Group Media Psychology and Media Design at Technische Universität Ilmenau is again supporting this funding format as a peerreviewer in the second round of calls for proposals.


Complex scientific questions and problems can often not be solved from the perspective of a single science alone. Interdisciplinarity, i.e. interdisciplinary cooperation, is therefore of great importance. Both inter-department cooperation at the TU Ilmenau and beyond its borders bundle competences and are an indispensable part of research at the IfMK.

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