
Doctoral colloquium with universities of Jena, Erfurt, Regensburg, Salzburg and Zurich

Doctoral students from the Management/Organization group present their work.

We enjoyed two days of intensive discussions with at the Campus Thuringia doctoral seminar in Plankstetten (29th-30th June 2023). This joint doctoral colloquium is held regularly at least once per year since 2008 to offer Thuringian Ph.D. students the opportunity to present and discuss their work to a larger audience. The title Campus Thuringia was kept although some founding members now hold chairs at universities in other states and countries.

Our doctoral students not only presented their research but also actively engaged in sharing their experiences and networking with fellow researchers. The seminar provided a valuable platform for fruitful discussions, exchange of ideas, and fostering meaningful connections with colleagues from the University of Regensburg, University of Erfurt, University of Jena, Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, and University of Zurich.

We received valuable feedback to improve our manuscripts and we look forward to the next Campus Thuringia in June 2024.


Complex scientific questions and problems can often not be solved from the perspective of a single science alone. Interdisciplinarity, i.e. interdisciplinary cooperation, is therefore of great importance. Both inter-department cooperation at the TU Ilmenau and beyond its borders bundle competences and are an indispensable part of research at the IfMK.

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