
Practice and research in crisis communication: top-class guest lectures

At the invitation of Dr. Andreas Schwarz from the Department of Public Relations & Technical Communication, there were two top-class lectures for students of Applied Media and Communication Science and Media and Communication Science on May 15.

Guest speakers with the students and the lecturer Dr. Andreas Schwarz

Prof. Dr. Deanna D. Sellnow and Prof. Dr. Timothy Sellnow, both from Clemson University in the USA, spoke about the challenges of risk and crisis communication in the context of the current mutation and spread of the bird flu virus in the USA, where cows and cow's milk have already been affected by infections. Janina Unselt, Senior Account Manager at the international communications agency Edelman, spoke about the practice of crisis communication in the context of product recalls by large companies. She also explained to the students what they should look out for during their studies in order to develop good opportunities for a career in crisis communication consulting. Janina Unselt herself is a graduate of the Media and Communication Science Master's program at TU Ilmenau and has been working as a specialist in risk and crisis communication in Germany and internationally for more than five years.

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Complex scientific questions and problems can often not be solved from the perspective of a single science alone. Interdisciplinarity, i.e. interdisciplinary cooperation, is therefore of great importance. Both inter-department cooperation at the TU Ilmenau and beyond its borders bundle competences and are an indispensable part of research at the IfMK.

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