
Safer Internet Day 2024: „Let’s Talk about Porn”

Prof. Döring gives CO:RE an interview on pornography research

Safer Internet Day takes place every year on February 6 and aims to contribute to greater safety in the digital world, particularly with regard to children and young people. Safer Internet Day 2024 (SID24) has the motto "Let's Talk about Porn" and addresses sexual digital content, a very important and complex topic of young people's media use.

The Group of Media Psychology and Media Design at TU Ilmenau is intensively involved with questions of sexual communication in digital media, among other topics. Prof. Döring was therefore interviewed at SID24 by the EU-funded information platform CO:RE (Children Online: Research and Evidence) on the state of pornography research. In the interview, she discusses the boom in pornography research, but also research gaps and important conclusions for the protection of children and young people.




Complex scientific questions and problems can often not be solved from the perspective of a single science alone. Interdisciplinarity, i.e. interdisciplinary cooperation, is therefore of great importance. Both inter-department cooperation at the TU Ilmenau and beyond its borders bundle competences and are an indispensable part of research at the IfMK.

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