
Sexual counseling by the Dr. Sommer team of the youth magazine „Bravo“

Group Media Psychology publishes in Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung

Young people are increasingly seeking information about sexuality on the Internet, but still also in youth magazines. Very well known in this context is the sexual advice provided by the Dr.-Sommer-Team in the German youth magazines "Bravo" and "Bravo Girl!". The aim of the present study by the Group Media Psychology and Media Design at Technische Universität Ilmenau was to find out which characteristics the people seeking advice have that are visible in the Dr.-Sommer section of "Bravo" and "Bravo Girl!" (research question 1, RQ1), which topics their questions address (RQ2), to what extent the printed questions and answers deal with central risks and/or opportunities of sexuality (RQ3) as well as with sex-related media use (RQ4). As part of a quantitative media content analysis, all questions posed to the Dr. Sommer team, including associated answers (= 427), that were published in the biweekly "Bravo" (n = 306) and the monthly "Bravo Girl!" (n = 121) in 2018 and 2019 were coded. This article reports the results of the quantitative content analysis and also describes the current state of research on sexuality education in youth magazines nationally and internationally.


Döring, N. (2023). Fragen an das Dr.-Sommer-Team. Eine Inhaltsanalyse der Jugendzeitschriften "Bravo" und "Bravo Girl!" [Questions for the Dr. Sommer Team. A Content Analysis of the Youth Magazines "Bravo" and "Bravo Girl!"]. Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, 36(3), 141-151.


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