News at Management/ Organization Group

Course Offerings (Management/Organization Group) in WS 2023/2024

Here you can find all the information you need about our course offerings for the upcoming winter semester.

All information about the courses offered in the upcoming winter semester at the Group of Management/ Organization can be found in the overview below. All further information about the respective courses (exercises, block seminars, etc.) will be communicated via moodle and/or during the first lecture.

Before the first lecture, please enroll in the courses you would like to take in the next semester via moodle (self-enrollment). After the first course we will close the moodle classrooms in order to be able to provide learning materials to the then closed user group. Even after closing the classroom, enrollment in the respective moodle course is still possible, but no longer as self-enrollment, only by sending a request to We will then subsequently enroll you in the course.

Mandatory module "Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten an Universitäten" (only for the Master WIW program)

  • The lecture for the module "Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten an Universitäten" (teaching language: German) takes place on Thursdays at 11 am in room SR 1018 (Oeconomicum).
  • Lectures start on Thursday, October 19, 2023.
  • Please enroll in the moodle classroom "Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten an Universitäten" by 12.10.2023. Here you will find all course relevant information:

Elective Module Organization and Corporate Governance (5 LP)

  • The lecture for the module "Organization and Corporate Governance" (teaching language: English) will be held on Tuesdays at 1 pm in Helmholtz-HS (H-Hs, Helmholtzbau).
  • Lectures start on Tuesday, October 10th, 2023.
  • Please enroll in the moodle classroom "Organization and Corporate Governance" by 10.10.2023. Here you will find all course relevant information: 


Katrin Steinborn
Secretary Management/Organization Group

Telefon: 03677 69-4066
Telefax: 03677 69-4219

We try to answer your inquiries within three working days.

Please address questions regarding courses or the content of exams directly to the responsible teacher within the framework of the respective course so that they can be answered transparently for all students concerned.