News at Management/ Organization Group

Relocation of the department to the K+B expert

From now on, the management/organization group can only be reached personally in the building of the K+B expert.

Dear students, dear employees,

the Department of Business Management/Organization has moved and as of now can only be reached in person in the following rooms in the K+B expert building:

New visiting address:

Gebäude K+B expert 
Langewiesener Straße 22
98693 Ilmenau




Univ.-Prof. Dr. habil. Norbert Bach

2. OG

room 7

Gerlinde Franz (Sekretariat)

1. OG

room 26.4

Dr. Simon Oertel

2. OG

room 8

Franziska Hein-Pensel, Dipl-Soz.

2. OG

room 6

Marcel Maurer, M. Sc.

2. OG

Raum 6

Jan Grundmann, M. Sc.


room 206


The best way to get to the offices of Prof. Bach, Dr. Simon Oertel, Franziska Hein-Pensel and Marcel Maurer is to use the entrance on the left side of the building, which leads directly to the rooms indicated above. Alternatively, you can use the entrance on the right side of the building (under which you can also reach the Marketing department, for example) by following the right corridor to the end.

You can also reach the secretary's office via the entrance on the left side of the building. You will reach room 26.4 via passage room 26, which is located at the end of the corridor on the right side.

Please note the changed rooms accordingly for the various matters in teaching, research and administration.


Katrin Steinborn
Secretary Management/Organization Group

Telefon: 03677 69-4066
Telefax: 03677 69-4219

We try to answer your inquiries within three working days.

Please address questions regarding courses or the content of exams directly to the responsible teacher within the framework of the respective course so that they can be answered transparently for all students concerned.