
Three papers by Ilmenau economists accepted for the 37th EGOS Colloquium

After the review process was completed, three submissions from the Ilmenau research group in the fields of corporate management/organization and marketing were invited to this largest scientific conference in the field of organization worldwide

In July 2021, the 37th Colloquium of the European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) will take place in Amsterdam. After completion of the double-blind review process, three submissions of the Ilmenau research group from the fields of corporate management/organization and marketing were invited to this world's largest scientific meeting in the field of organization:

Hein-Pensel, F., Knorr, K., Oertel, S., & Thommes, K. (2021): Near and distant past: Differences in the application of rhetorical history in crafting organizational identity, 37. EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam.(Sub-theme 01: [SWG] Organization & Time: The Situated Activity of Time Enactment; Convenors: Tor Hernes (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark), Joanna Karmowska (Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom) and Claus Rerup (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Germany)).

Maurer, M., Bach, N., Oertel, S. (2021): Linking Trust, Sensemaking, and Organizational Change, 37. EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam. (Sub-theme 77: May You Live in Interesting Times: Trust Dynamics in Changing Contexts; Convenors: Lovisa Näslund (Stockholm University, Sweden), Kirsimarja Blomqvist (LUT University, Finland) and Guido Möllering (Witten/Herdecke University, Germany)).

Philippczyck, N., & Oertel, S. (2021): Professionalization attempts in university leadership: The tasks and role of diversity managers in strategic decision-making at German universities, 37. EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam. (Sub-theme 71: The Corporatization of Academic Leadership; Convenors: Lars Engwall (Uppsala University, Sweden), Georg Krücken (University of Kassel, Germany) and Christine Musselin (Sciences Po, France)).


We are proud of the positive feedback on our research and look forward to the conference! 

