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Mikhailova, Veronika; Kunert, Christian; Hartbrich, Jakob; Schwandt, Tobias; Gerhardt, Christoph; Raake, Alexander; Broll, Wolfgang; Döring, Nicola
Work-in-progress: older adults' experiences with an augmented reality communication system. - In: IMX 2024, (2024), S. 282-387

Given the profound impact of staying socially connected on the well-being of older adults, this study explores the potential of augmented reality (AR) systems to enrich their social lives. A wearable AR communication system prototype was developed and tested in a user study involving N = 16 older adults from Germany. Participants wore an AR headset and engaged in a conversation task with a remote person represented by an avatar. Older adults’ experiences were assessed using think-aloud protocols, qualitative observations, posttest questionnaires, and semi-structured oral interviews. Preliminary findings indicate overall participant satisfaction, with minimal observed difficulties in headset usage and avatar-mediated interpersonal communication. The positive engagement during AR conversations highlights the system’s potential to provide positive communication experiences among older individuals. This work-in-progress paper introduces the developed system prototype and outlines the conducted user study. Further data analyses will provide deeper insights into older adults’ experiences with the system. The results will contribute to refining the prototype and offer valuable insights for the development of AR communication systems tailored to the needs and preferences of older adults.
Arévalo Arboleda, Stephanie; Kunert, Christian; Hartbrich, Jakob; Schneiderwind, Christian; Diao, Chenyao; Gerhardt, Christoph; Surdu, Tatiana; Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang; Stephan, Werner; Raake, Alexander
Beyond looks: a study on agent movement and audiovisual spatial coherence in augmented reality. - In: IEEE Xplore digital library, ISSN 2473-2001, (2024), S. 502-512

The appearance of virtual humans (avatars and agents) has been widely explored in immersive environments. However, virtual humans’ movements and associated sounds in real-world interactions, particularly in Augmented Reality (AR), are yet to be explored. In this paper, we investigate the influence of three distinct movement patterns (circle, side-to-side, and standing), two rendering styles (realistic and cartoon), and two types of audio (spatial audio and non-spatial audio) on emotional responses, social presence, appearance and behavior plausibility, audiovisual coherence, and auditory plausibility. To enable that, we conducted a study (N=36) where participants observed an agent reciting a short fictional story. Our results indicate an effect of the rendering style and the type of movement on the subjective perception of the agents behaving in an AR environment. Participants reported higher levels of excitement when they observed the realistic agent moving in a circle compared to the cartoon agent or the other two movement patterns. Moreover, we found an influence of agent’s movement pattern on social presence and higher appearance and behavior plausibility for the realistic rendering style. Regarding audiovisual spatial coherence, we found an influence of rendering style and type of audio only for the cartoon agent. Additionally, the spatial audio was perceived as more plausible than non-spatial audio. Our findings suggest that aligning realistic rendering styles with realistic auditory experiences may not be necessary for 1-1 listening experiences with moving sources. However, movement patterns of agents influence excitement and social presence in passive unidirectional communication scenarios.
Mikhailova, Veronika; Gerhardt, Christoph; Kunert, Christian; Schwandt, Tobias; Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang; Döring, Nicola
Age and realism of avatars in simulated augmented reality: experimental evaluation of anticipated user experience. - In: IEEE Xplore digital library, ISSN 2473-2001, (2024), S. 83-93

Augmented reality (AR) presents vivid opportunities for interpersonal communication. With the growing diversity of social AR users, understanding their unique needs and perceptions becomes crucial. This study delves into how younger, middle-aged, and older adults perceive avatars with different aging attributes and degrees of realism, focusing on their anticipated user experience within a social AR system. We conducted an online within-subjects experiment involving N=2086 age-diverse participants from Germany who assessed a set of nine gender-matched avatars for their perceived social attractiveness (research question 1 = RQ1) and the likelihood of selecting these avatars for self-representation in social AR (RQ2). The evaluated avatars represented different age groups (younger, middle-aged, and older) and levels of realism (low, medium, and high). We validated both the created avatars and our experimental setup and employed a linear mixed-effects modeling approach to analyze the data. Our findings unveiled a strong preference for younger high-realism avatars as communication partners (RQ1), which was consistent across all participant age groups. Similarly, participants favored younger high-realism avatars for self-representation in social AR (RQ2). However, older adults were more inclined to opt for avatars resembling their actual age. The study highlights the prevalence of age-related stereotypes in avatar-based communication. Similar to face-to-face social interactions, these stereotypes tend to render older avatars less socially attractive than their younger counterparts, irrespective of the avatar’s degree of realism. Our results invite considerations on how to combat these stereotypes through a more thoughtful and inclusive avatar design process that encompasses a broader spectrum of aging attributes.
De Souza Cardoso, Luís Fernando; Kimura, Bruno Yuji Lino; Zorzal, Ezequiel Roberto
Towards augmented and mixed reality on future mobile networks. - In: Multimedia tools and applications, ISSN 1573-7721, Bd. 83 (2024), 3, S. 9067-9102

Augmented and Mixed Reality (AR/MR) technologies enhance the human perception of the world by combining virtual and real environments. With the increase of mobile devices and the advent of 5G, this technology has the potential to become part of people’s life. This article aims to evaluate the impact of 5G and beyond mobile networks in the future of AR/MR. To attend to this objective, we surveyed four digital libraries to identify articles and reviews concerning AR/MR use based on mobile networks. The results describe the state-of-the-art of mobile AR/MR applications and the benefits and challenges of the technology. Finally, after the review, we propose a roadmap concerning AR/MR hardware and software development to run applications supported by future mobile networks.
Döring, Nicola; Mikhailova, Veronika; Brandenburg, Karlheinz; Broll, Wolfgang; Groß, Horst-Michael; Werner, Stephan; Raake, Alexander
Digital media in intergenerational communication: status quo and future scenarios for the grandparent-grandchild relationship. - In: Universal access in the information society, ISSN 1615-5297, Bd. 23 (2024), 1, S. 379-394

Communication technologies play an important role in maintaining the grandparent-grandchild (GP-GC) relationship. Based on Media Richness Theory, this study investigates the frequency of use (RQ1) and perceived quality (RQ2) of established media as well as the potential use of selected innovative media (RQ3) in GP-GC relationships with a particular focus on digital media. A cross-sectional online survey and vignette experiment were conducted in February 2021 among N = 286 university students in Germany (mean age 23 years, 57% female) who reported on the direct and mediated communication with their grandparents. In addition to face-to-face interactions, non-digital and digital established media (such as telephone, texting, video conferencing) and innovative digital media, namely augmented reality (AR)-based and social robot-based communication technologies, were covered. Face-to-face and phone communication occurred most frequently in GP-GC relationships: 85% of participants reported them taking place at least a few times per year (RQ1). Non-digital established media were associated with higher perceived communication quality than digital established media (RQ2). Innovative digital media received less favorable quality evaluations than established media. Participants expressed doubts regarding the technology competence of their grandparents, but still met innovative media with high expectations regarding improved communication quality (RQ3). Richer media, such as video conferencing or AR, do not automatically lead to better perceived communication quality, while leaner media, such as letters or text messages, can provide rich communication experiences. More research is needed to fully understand and systematically improve the utility, usability, and joy of use of different digital communication technologies employed in GP-GC relationships.
Fischedick, Söhnke B.; Richter, Kay; Wengefeld, Tim; Seichter, Daniel; Scheidig, Andrea; Döring, Nicola; Broll, Wolfgang; Werner, Stephan; Raake, Alexander; Groß, Horst-Michael
Bridging distance with a collaborative telepresence robot for older adults - report on progress in the CO-HUMANICS project. - In: ISR Europe 2023: 56th International Symposium on Robotics, (2023), S. 346-353

In an aging society, the social needs of older adults, such as regular interactions and independent living, are crucial for their quality of life. However, due to spatial separation from their family and friends, it is difficult to maintain social relationships. Our multidisciplinary project, CO-HUMANICS, aims to meet these needs, even over long distances, through the utilization of innovative technologies, including a robot-based system. This paper presents the first prototype of our system, designed to connect family members or friends virtually present through a mobile robot with an older adult. The system incorporates bi-directional video telephony, remote control capabilities, and enhanced visualization methods. A comparison is made with other state-of-the-art robotic approaches, focusing on remote control capabilities. We provide details about the hard- and software components, e.g., a projector-based pointing unit for collaborative telepresence to assist in everyday tasks. Our comprehensive scene representation is discussed, which utilizes 3D NDT maps, enabling advanced remote navigation features, such as autonomously driving to a specific object. Finally, insights about past and concepts for future evaluation are provided to assess the developed system.
Hartbrich, Jakob; Weidner, Florian; Kunert, Christian; Arévalo Arboleda, Stephanie; Raake, Alexander; Broll, Wolfgang
Eye and face tracking in VR: avatar embodiment and enfacement with realistic and cartoon avatars. - In: MUM 2023, (2023), S. 270-278

Previous studies have explored the perception of various types of embodied avatars in immersive environments. However, the impact of eye and face tracking with personalized avatars is yet to be explored. In this paper, we investigate the impact of eye and face tracking on embodiment, enfacement, and the uncanny valley with four types of avatars using a VR-based mirroring task. We conducted a study (N=12) and created self-avatars with two rendering styles: a cartoon avatar (created in an avatar generator using a picture of the user’s face) and a photorealistic scanned avatar (created using a 3D scanner), each with and without eye and face tracking and respective adaptation of the mirror image. Our results indicate that adding eye and face tracking can be beneficial for certain enfacement scales (belonged), and we confirm that compared to a cartoon avatar, a scanned realistic avatar results in higher body ownership and increased enfacement (own face, belonging, mirror) - regardless of eye and face tracking. We critically discuss our experiences and outline the limitations of the applied hardware and software with respect to the provided level of control and the applicability for complex tasks such as displaying emotions. We synthesize these findings into a discussion about potential improvements for facial animation in VR and highlight the need for a better level of control, the integration of additional sensing and processing technologies, and an objective metric for comparing facial animation systems.
Kumari, Gunjan; Knutzen, Kathrin; Schuldt, Jacqueline
Exploring the use of social virtual reality conferences in higher education. - In: 2023 IEEE 2nd German Education Conference (GeCon), (2023), insges. 6 S.

Sparked by the recent growth of online and remote teaching formats, social virtual reality (Social VR) applications are being employed in higher education teaching. This eliminates the need for physical presence in one classroom and allows for increased accessibility of classes. More engaging distant virtual classrooms and extracurricular activities are made possible by Social VR applications like Mozilla Hubs (MH). We conducted a virtual conference in web-based MH as a cross-university collaboration for two game development courses for undergraduate and graduate students. We report on our organizational strategy and subsequent online survey evaluation of N = 29 attendees. We present solutions to problems that are frequently encountered, specifically in MH, while organizing virtual conferences.
Andrich, Aliya; Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang
Zeitgebers, time judgments, and VR: a constructive replication study. - In: 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality adjunct, (2023), S. 1-2

Previous research has attempted to understand the influence of virtual reality (VR) on human perception of time, but neither a comprehensive understanding nor conclusive results have been achieved. To extend and continue research on this topic, we closely replicated a previous study and included new elements in a constructive replication study. To do this, we replicate the original setup and investigate the influence of workload and sun speed on time production. Contrary to previous findings, we did not find significant differences in virtual sun movements on time judgments. However, consistent with the original study, time perception in VR was affected by cognitive workload. In addition, we found that immersion in the virtual environment influenced time perception after VR. The contrasting results highlight the need for further research into the factors contributing to time perception in and after VR to fully explain the phenomenon of altered perception.
Kunert, Christian; Schwandt, Tobias; Broll, Wolfgang
Cube-SSIM: a metric for evaluating 360-degree images as cube maps. - In: 2023 International Conference on Cyberworlds, (2023), S. 248-251

360-degree image data is a crucial aspect in graphics applications where they are typically used for lighting purposes. Fields like mixed reality generally rely on lighting estimation techniques to estimate the 360-degree environment. To evaluate such approaches, accurate image assessment in this domain is important. However, traditional image evaluation metrics like SSIM, PSNR, and IMED are problematic when analyzing 360-degree image data as they would require two-dimensional representations like equirectangular panoramas or unfolded cubes that introduce image distortions. In this paper, we address this problem by presenting Cube-SSIM, a variant of SSIM designed specifically for cube maps. For this, we modify SSIM to take the solid angles of cube map pixels into account which gives more consistent results than using SSIM for the individual cube faces. The computations can run efficiently on graphics hardware due to their native support for cube maps and no further image conversions are required. We show that our approach allows for more accurate results than other comparison metrics that largely depend on 2D images. While SSIM is especially important due to its wide usage, the modification can also be applied to other image metrics for which we include IMED as an example.
Kunert, Christian; Schwandt, Tobias; Broll, Wolfgang
Evaluating light probe estimation techniques for mobile augmented reality. - In: 2023 International Conference on Cyberworlds, (2023), S. 141-148

Realistic lighting approaches typically rely on physically-based rendering which in turn often makes use of image-based lighting. Enabling these techniques in augmented reality on mobile devices requires unique approaches to estimate light probes, given the limited camera and sensor data available. In this paper, we evaluate different time-dependent and time-independent techniques for light probe estimation in augmented reality applications that try to predict the environment lighting using single images or video streams in combination with inpainting techniques. We simulate real-world applications using an evaluation framework where a simulated mobile device captures camera streams from different scenarios following a pre-defined path. The resulting camera streams are fed to a total of six estimation techniques in order to create light probes which are then used to render virtual objects while applying various materials. By comparing the rendered images as well as the light probe estimations, we perform a quantitative evaluation. We show how approaches that are able to process continuous video streams can provide more plausible results in cases where sufficient camera movement is present. Additionally, we investigate the visual impression of different types of materials showing that rough surfaces with distinct colors are less likely to produce divergent estimation results.
Gerhardt, Christoph; Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang
SkyCloud: neural network-based sky and cloud segmentation from natural images. - In: 2023 8th International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing (ICIVC 2023), (2023), S. 343-351

The comprehensive understanding of outdoor scenes is a necessary requirement for a wide variety of applications. For example, semantic segmentation enables applications such as outdoor robot navigation, image stylization, weather fore-casting, or climate monitoring. However, existing outdoor scene understanding models are often less reliable in challenging situations such as changing weather conditions or low light. Additionally, current approaches mainly focus on sky and ground separation and do not incorporate valuable information provided by weather conditions and cloud coverage. To overcome these challenges, we present SkyCloudNet, a multitask neural network architecture that extracts high-level attributes from the input image and utilizes them to improve the robustness of the network to environmental influences. Furthermore, it allows for the segmentation of cloud segments in natural outdoor images. While existing cloud segmentation approaches are limited to cropped sky-only images, our model enables the segmentation from entire landscape images with arbitrary resolution. Next to that, SkyCloudNet achieves state-of-the-art performance in environmental attribute estimation and sky segmentation. As cloud segmentation from natural images has not been addressed in previous literature, we also release the SkyCloud data set consisting of 350 high-resolution outdoor images with dense labels of sky and cloud segments.
Schott, Ephraim; Makled, Elhassan; Zöppig, Tony Jan; Mühlhaus, Sebastian; Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang; Fröhlich, Bernd
UniteXR: joint exploration of a real-world museum and its digital twin. - In: VRST 2023, (2023), 25, insges. 10 S.

The combination of smartphone Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) makes it possible for on-site and remote users to simultaneously explore a physical space and its digital twin through an asymmetric Collaborative Virtual Environment (CVE). In this paper, we investigate two spatial awareness visualizations to enable joint exploration of a space for dyads consisting of a smartphone AR user and a head-mounted display VR user. Our study revealed that both, a mini-map-based method and an egocentric compass method with a path visualization, enabled the on-site visitors to locate and follow a virtual companion reliably and quickly. Furthermore, the embodiment of the AR user by an inverse kinematics avatar allowed the use of natural gestures such as pointing and waving which was preferred over text messages by the participants of our study. In an expert review in a museum and its digital twin we observed an overall high social presence for on-site AR and remote VR visitors and found that the visualizations and the avatar embodiment successfully facilitated their communication and collaboration.
Raake, Alexander; Broll, Wolfgang; Chuang, Lewis L.; Domahidi, Emese; Wendemuth, Andreas
Cross-timescale experience evaluation framework for productive teaming. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 5.4.129, S. 1-6

This paper presents the initial concept for an evaluation framework to systematically evaluate productive teaming (PT). We consider PT as adaptive human-machine interactions between human users and augmented technical production systems. Also, human-to-human communication as part of a hybrid team with multiple human actors is considered, as well as human-human and human-machine communication for remote and mixed remote- and co-located teams. The evaluation comprises objective, performance-related success indicators, behavioral metadata, and measures of human experience. In particular, it considers affective, attentional and intentional states of human team members, their influence on interaction dynamics in the team, and researches appropriate strategies to satisfyingly adjust dysfunctional dynamics, using concepts of companion technology. The timescales under consideration span from seconds to several minutes, with selected studies targeting hour-long interactions and longer-term effects such as effort and fatigue. Two example PT scenarios will be discussed in more detail. To enable generalization and a systematic evaluation, the scenarios’ use cases will be decomposed into more general modules of interaction.
Amthor, Peter; Döring, Ulf; Fischer, Daniel; Genath, Jonas; Kreuzberger, Gunther
Erfahrungen bei der Integration des Autograding-Systems CodeOcean in die universitäre Programmierausbildung. - In: Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop "Automatische Bewertung von Programmieraufgaben" (ABP 2023), (2023), S. 67-74

Eine effektive und effiziente universitäre Programmierausbildung erfordert zunehmend den Einsatz automatisierter Bewertungssysteme. Im Rahmen des Projekts examING erprobt das Teilprojekt AutoPING den Einsatz des quelloffenen Autograding-Systems CodeOcean für übergreifende Lehrangebote und Prüfungen an der TU Ilmenau mit dem Ziel, selbstgesteuertes und kompetenzorientiertes Lernen zu ermöglichen und zu fördern. Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über erste Projekterfahrungen bei der Adaption didaktischer Szenarien in der Programmierausbildung hin zu testgetriebener Softwareentwicklung sowie der Generierung von Feedback. Es werden wesentliche Erkenntnisse aus Sicht der Studierenden und Lehrenden erörtert, Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze zur Integration und Erweiterung von CodeOcean für neue Anwendungsfelder diskutiert sowie zukünftige Perspektiven eröffnet.
Knutzen, Kathrin; Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang
The role of social identity labels in CVEs on user behavior. - In: 2023 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces abstracts and workshops, (2023), S. 883-884

Psychological, and individual factors like group identity influence social presence in collaborative virtual settings. We investigated the impact of social identity labels, which reflect a user's nation and academic affiliation, on collaborative behavior. In an experiment, N=18 dyads played puzzle games while seeing or not seeing such labels. There were no significant differences regarding their social presence, trust, group identification or enjoyment. We argue that social identity labels in dyadic interactions do not change collaborative virtual behavior. We advance the field of sociotechnical applications by highlighting the relationship between psychological characteristics and cooperative behavior in collaborative virtual settings.
Weidner, Florian; Böttcher, Gerd; Arévalo Arboleda, Stephanie; Diao, Chenyao; Sinani, Luljeta; Kunert, Christian; Gerhardt, Christoph; Broll, Wolfgang; Raake, Alexander
A systematic review on the visualization of avatars and agents in AR & VR displayed using head-mounted displays. - In: IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, ISSN 1941-0506, Bd. 29 (2023), 5, S. 2596-2606

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are pushing from the labs towards consumers, especially with social applications. These applications require visual representations of humans and intelligent entities. However, displaying and animating photo-realistic models comes with a high technical cost while low-fidelity representations may evoke eeriness and overall could degrade an experience. Thus, it is important to carefully select what kind of avatar to display. This article investigates the effects of rendering style and visible body parts in AR and VR by adopting a systematic literature review. We analyzed 72 papers that compare various avatar representations. Our analysis includes an outline of the research published between 2015 and 2022 on the topic of avatars and agents in AR and VR displayed using head-mounted displays, covering aspects like visible body parts (e.g., hands only, hands and head, full-body) and rendering style (e.g., abstract, cartoon, realistic); an overview of collected objective and subjective measures (e.g., task performance, presence, user experience, body ownership); and a classification of tasks where avatars and agents were used into task domains (physical activity, hand interaction, communication, game-like scenarios, and education/training). We discuss and synthesize our results within the context of today's AR and VR ecosystem, provide guidelines for practitioners, and finally identify and present promising research opportunities to encourage future research of avatars and agents in AR/VR environments.
Weidner, Florian; Maier, Jana E.; Broll, Wolfgang
Eating, smelling, and seeing: investigating multisensory integration and (in)congruent stimuli while eating in VR. - In: IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, ISSN 1941-0506, Bd. 29 (2023), 5, S. 2423-2433

Integrating taste in AR/VR applications has various promising use cases - from social eating to the treatment of disorders. Despite many successful AR/VR applications that alter the taste of beverages and food, the relationship between olfaction, gustation, and vision during the process of multisensory integration (MSI) has not been fully explored yet. Thus, we present the results of a study in which participants were confronted with congruent and incongruent visual and olfactory stimuli while eating a tasteless food product in VR. We were interested (1) if participants integrate bi-modal congruent stimuli and (2) if vision guides MSI during congruent/incongruent conditions. Our results contain three main findings: First, and surprisingly, participants were not always able to detect congruent visual-olfactory stimuli when eating a portion of tasteless food. Second, when confronted with tri-modal incongruent cues, a majority of participants did not rely on any of the presented cues when forced to identify what they eat; this includes vision which has previously been shown to dominate MSI. Third, although research has shown that basic taste qualities like sweetness, saltiness, or sourness can be influenced by congruent cues, doing so with more complex flavors (e.g., zucchini or carrot) proved to be harder to achieve. We discuss our results in the context of multimodal integration, and within the domain of multisensory AR/VR. Our results are a necessary building block for future human-food interaction in XR that relies on smell, taste, and vision and are foundational for applied applications such as affective AR/VR.
Dörner, Ralf; Broll, Wolfgang; Jung, Bernhard; Grimm, Paul; Göbel, Martin; Kruse, Rolf
Introduction to Virtual and Augmented Reality. - In: Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), (2022), S. 1-37

What is Virtual Reality (VR)? What is Augmented Reality (AR)? What is the purpose of VR/AR? What are the basic concepts? What are the hard- and software components of VR/AR systems? How has VR/AR developed historically? The first chapter examines these questions and provides an introduction to this textbook. This chapter is fundamental for the whole book. All subsequent chapters build on it and do not depend directly on one another. Therefore, these chapters can be worked through selectively and in a sequence that suits the individual interests and needs of the readers. Corresponding tips on how this book can be used efficiently by different target groups (students, teachers, users, technology enthusiasts) are provided at the end of the chapter, as well as a summary, questions for reviewing what has been learned, recommendations for further reading, and the references used in the chapter.

Grimm, Paul; Broll, Wolfgang; Herold, Rigo; Hummel, Johannes; Kruse, Rolf
VR/AR input devices and tracking. - In: Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), (2022), S. 107-148

How do Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) systems recognize the actions of users? How does a VR or AR system know where the user is? How can a system track objects in their movement? What are proven input devices for VR and AR that increase immersion in virtual or augmented worlds? What are the technical possibilities and limitations? Based on fundamentals, which explain terms like degrees of freedom, accuracy, repetition rates, latency and calibration, methods are considered that are used for continuous tracking or monitoring of objects. Frequently used input devices are presented and discussed. Finally, examples of special methods such as finger and eye tracking are discussed.

Broll, Wolfgang; Grimm, Paul; Herold, Rigo; Reiners, Dirk; Cruz-Neira, Carolina
VR/AR output devices. - In: Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), (2022), S. 149-200

This chapter discusses output devices and technologies for Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). The goal of using output devices is to enable the user to dive into the virtual world or to perceive the augmented world. Devices for visual output play a crucial role here, they are of central importance for the use of VR and AR. First and foremost, Head-Mounted Displays (HMD) must be mentioned, the different types of which are discussed in detail here. However, VR also uses different forms of stationary displays, which are another major topic of this chapter. Finally, output devices for other senses are reviewed, namely acoustic and haptic outputs.

Broll, Wolfgang;
Augmented reality. - In: Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), (2022), S. 291-329

This chapter covers specific topics of Augmented Reality (AR). After an introduction to the basic components and a review of the different types of AR, the following sections explain the individual components in more detail, as far as they were not already part of previous chapters. This includes in particular the different manifestations of registration, since these are of central importance for an AR experience. Furthermore, special AR techniques and interaction types are introduced before discussing individual application areas of AR. Then, Diminished Reality (DR), the opposite of AR, is discussed, namely the removal of real content. Finally, Mediated Reality, which allows for altering reality in any form, including the combination of AR and DR, will be discussed.

Broll, Wolfgang; Weidner, Florian; Schwandt, Tobias; Weber, Kai; Dörner, Ralf
Authoring of VR/AR applications. - In: Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), (2022), S. 371-400

This chapter deals with the authoring of VR and AR applications. The focus here is on the use of authoring tools in the form of software development kits (SDKs) or game engines. First, the actual authoring process will be briefly discussed before selected authoring tools for VR and AR are reviewed. Subsequently, the authoring process and the use of the tools will be illustrated through typical case studies. The other chapters of this book deal with the fundamentals and methodologies of VR and AR. These are generally applicable over a longer period. In contrast to this, this chapter looks at some very specific authoring tools and the authoring process based on them, which can inevitably only represent a snapshot in time. Features, releases and availability of these tools can change at short notice, so that individual sections may no longer be up to date when this book is in press. To take this aspect into account, the case studies listed here are stored in an online repository, where they are regularly updated to reflect the latest versions of the authoring tools and runtime environments.

Makled, Elhassan; Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang
Investigating user embodiment of inverse-kinematic avatars in smartphone Augmented Reality. - In: 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, (2022), S. 666-675

Smartphone Augmented Reality (AR) has already provided us with a plethora of social applications such as Pokemon Go or Harry Potter Wizards Unite. However, to enable smartphone AR for social applications similar to VRChat or AltspaceVR, proper user tracking is necessary to accurately animate the avatars. In Virtual Reality (VR), avatar tracking is rather easy due to the availability of hand-tracking, controllers, and HMD whereas smartphone AR has only the back-(and front) camera and IMUs available for this task. In this paper we propose ARIKA, a tracking solution for avatars in smartphone AR. ARIKA uses tracking information from ARCore to track the users hand position and to calculate a pose using Inverse Kinematics (IK). We compare the accuracy of our system against a commercial motion tracking system and compare both systems with respect to sense of agency, self-location, and body-ownership. For this, 20 participants observed their avatars in an augmented virtual mirror and executed a navigation and a pointing task. Our results show that participants felt a higher sense of agency and self location when using the full body tracked avatar as opposed to IK avatars. Interestingly and in favor of ARIKA, there were no significant differences in body-ownership between our solution and the full-body tracked avatars. Thus, ARIKA and it’s single-camera approach is valid solution for smartphone AR applications where body-ownership is essential.
Kunert, Christian; Schwandt, Tobias; Nadar, Christon R.; Broll, Wolfgang
Neural network adaption for depth sensor replication. - In: The visual computer, ISSN 1432-2315, Bd. 38 (2022), 12, S. 4071-4081

In recent years, various depth sensors that are small enough to be used with mobile hardware have been introduced. They provide important information for use cases like 3D reconstruction or in the context of augmented reality where tracking and camera data alone would be insufficient. However, depth sensors may not always be available due to hardware limitations or when simulating augmented reality applications for prototyping purposes. In these cases, different approaches like stereo matching or depth estimation using neural networks may provide a viable alternative. In this paper, we therefore explore the imitation of depth sensors using deep neural networks. For this, we use a state-of-the-art network for depth estimation and adapt it in order to mimic a Structure Sensor as well as an iPad LiDAR sensor. We evaluate the network which was pre-trained on NYU V2 directly as well as several variations where transfer learning is applied in order to adapt the network to different depth sensors while using various data preprocessing and augmentation techniques. We show that a transfer learning approach together with appropriate data processing can enable an accurate modeling of the respective depth sensors.
Döring, Nicola; Conde, Melisa; Brandenburg, Karlheinz; Broll, Wolfgang; Groß, Horst-Michael; Werner, Stephan; Raake, Alexander
Can communication technologies reduce loneliness and social isolation in older people? : a scoping review of reviews. - In: International journal of environmental research and public health, ISSN 1660-4601, Bd. 19 (2022), 18, 11310, S. 1-20

Background: Loneliness and social isolation in older age are considered major public health concerns and research on technology-based solutions is growing rapidly. This scoping review of reviews aims to summarize the communication technologies (CTs) (review question RQ1), theoretical frameworks (RQ2), study designs (RQ3), and positive effects of technology use (RQ4) present in the research field. Methods: A comprehensive multi-disciplinary, multi-database literature search was conducted. Identified reviews were analyzed according to the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) framework. A total of N = 28 research reviews that cover 248 primary studies spanning 50 years were included. Results: The majority of the included reviews addressed general internet and computer use (82% each) (RQ1). Of the 28 reviews, only one (4%) worked with a theoretical framework (RQ2) and 26 (93%) covered primary studies with quantitative-experimental designs (RQ3). The positive effects of technology use were shown in 55% of the outcome measures for loneliness and 44% of the outcome measures for social isolation (RQ4). Conclusion: While research reviews show that CTs can reduce loneliness and social isolation in older people, causal evidence is limited and insights on innovative technologies such as augmented reality systems are scarce.
Samimi, Niloofar; von der Au, Simon; Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang
AR in TV: design and evaluation of mid-air gestures for moderators to control augmented reality applications in TV. - In: 20th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, (2022), S. 137-147

Recent developments in augmented reality for TV productions encouraged broadcasters to enhance interaction with virtual content for moderators. However, traditional interaction methods are considered distracting and not intuitive. To overcome these issues, we performed a gesture elicitation study with a follow-up evaluation. For this, we considered TV moderators as primary users of the gestures as well as viewers as recipients. The elicited gesture set consists of five gestures for two types of camera shots (long shot and close shot). Findings of the evaluation study indicate that the derived set of gestures requires low physical and concentration effort from moderators. Also, both moderators and viewers found them appropriate to be used in TV with respect to understandability, distraction, likeability, and appropriateness. Using these gestures would allow moderators to control AR content in TV and tell stories in a modern and more expressive way.
Dörner, Ralf; Broll, Wolfgang; Grimm, Paul; Jung, Bernhard
Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) : foundations and methods of extended realities (XR). - Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2022. - x, 429 Seiten ISBN 3-030-79061-4

Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang
Stereoscopic 3D dashboards : an investigation of performance, workload, and gaze behavior during take-overs in semi-autonomous driving. - In: Personal and ubiquitous computing, ISSN 1617-4917, Bd. 26 (2022), 3, S. 697-719

When operating a conditionally automated vehicle, humans occasionally have to take over control. If the driver is out of the loop, a certain amount of time is necessary to gain situation awareness. This work evaluates the potential of stereoscopic 3D (S3D) dashboards for presenting smart S3D take-over-requests (TORs) to support situation assessment. In a driving simulator study with a 4 × 2 between-within design, we presented 3 smart TORs showing the current traffic situation and a baseline TOR in 2D and S3D to 52 participants doing the n-back task. We further investigate if non-standard locations affect the results. Take-over performance indicates that participants looked at and processed the TORs' visual information and by that, could perform more safe take-overs. S3D warnings in general, as well as warnings appearing at the participants’ focus of attention and warnings at the instrument cluster, performed best. We conclude that visual warnings, presented on an S3D dashboard, can be a valid option to support take-over while not increasing workload. We further discuss participants’ gaze behavior in the context of visual warnings for automotive user interfaces.
Gerhardt, Christoph; Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang
OUTSIDE: multi-scale semantic segmentation of universal outdoor scenes. - In: IEEE 23rd International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, (2021), insges. 6 S.

Semantic segmentation aims at providing a fine-grained image prediction by assigning each pixel to a specific semantic category. Convolutional neural networks offer significant benefits for solving this problem. However, the success of such networks is closely related to the availability of corresponding data sets. To facilitate semantic segmentation in a broader range of scenarios, such as augmented reality in outdoor environments or universal image-to-image translation, adequate training data sets are necessary. We present OUTSIDE15k, a large-scale data set for semantic segmentation of universal outdoor scenes. The data is labeled with 24 different semantic classes. The images contain multiple outdoor scenarios and cover a variety of different resolutions. Additionally, we present OUTSIDE-Net, an improved neural network architecture integrating multi-level pooling, feature fusion, and a spatial mask for semantic segmentation of universal outdoor scenes. It extracts spatial and semantic features from the input images to perform the segmentation. With the presented data set, we show the capability of our network which outperforms state-of-the-art approaches by achieving up to 91.5% pixel accuracy.
Döring, Nicola; Mikhailova, Veronika; Brandenburg, Karlheinz; Broll, Wolfgang; Groß, Horst-Michael; Werner, Stephan; Raake, Alexander
Saying "Hi" to grandma in nine different ways : established and innovative communication media in the grandparent-grandchild relationship. - In: Technology, Mind, and Behavior, ISSN 2689-0208, (2021), insges. 1 S.
Nadar, Christon R.; Kunert, Christian; Schwandt, Tobias; Broll, Wolfgang
Sensor simulation for monocular depth estimation using deep neural networks. - In: 2021 International Conference on Cyberworlds, (2021), S. 9-16

Depth estimation is one of the basic building blocks for scene understanding. In the case of monocular depth estimation using neural networks, many such approaches are highly hardware dependent because they result in a task- and environment-specific optimizing problem. Most DNN methods use commonly available datasets which leads to overfitting on particular sensor properties. Finding a generalized model with the consideration of different hardware properties of sensors and platforms is challenging if not impossible. For this reason, it is desirable to adapt existing and well-trained models into a new domain in order to let them simulate different depth sensors without the need for large datasets and time-consuming learning. Therefore, a small dataset has been created with the Structure Sensor for evaluating the transferable structural characteristic between neural networks. Finally, two input feature representations for the neural networks are considered to mimic the depth sensor including its artifacts including holes. The results show that a simple domain adaptation technique and a small dataset are adequate to simulate and adapt to a specific domain from a target domain. Therefore, the network is able to accurately predict depth maps as if they were created by a specific depth sensor. This also includes unique artifacts of the sensor, thereby allowing for a plausible simulation of specific depth sensing hardware which is beneficial for areas like prototyping in the context of Augmented Reality.
Knutzen, Kathrin; Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang
Exploring augmented reality privacy icons for smart home devices and their effect on users' privacy awareness. - In: 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality adjunct proceedings, (2021), S. 409-414

Smart home devices often blend in seamlessly into the environment and operate ubiquitously, providing almost no contextual information such as data collection or activated sensors. Augmented Reality (AR) could, for example in form of head-mounted-displays (HMD), offer users a non-intrusive way to query the devices and to get privacy-related information. This pilot study explored how privacy icons, displayed by an AR-HMD and co-located with smart home devices, affect users' privacy awareness. In a qualitative within-subject study, 16 participants experienced first a setup without AR privacy information and then one with such information. Participants' answers indicate a high potential and excitement towards such a setup. Among others, they stated changed privacy awareness after experiencing AR privacy icons: While the icons prioritized privacy-related information for users and educated them to promote conscious decision-making, they sometimes also reinforced existing negative attitudes towards smart home devices. Further, the display of icons in AR has the potential to inspire trust towards manufacturers and providers, potentially leading to a false sense of security. Next to the discussion of participants' answers, we outline the implications of our findings and provide recommendations for future research including trust and learning effects.
Sharma, Rajat; Schwandt, Tobias; Kunert, Christian; Urban, Steffen; Broll, Wolfgang
Point cloud upsampling and normal estimation using deep learning for robust surface reconstruction. - In: VISIGRAPP 2021, (2021), S. 70-79

The reconstruction of real-world surfaces is on high demand in various applications. Most existing reconstruction approaches apply 3D scanners for creating point clouds which are generally sparse and of low density. These points clouds will be triangulated and used for visualization in combination with surface normals estimated by geometrical approaches. However, the quality of the reconstruction depends on the density of the point cloud and the estimation of the surface normals. In this paper, we present a novel deep learning architecture for point cloud upsampling that enables subsequent stable and smooth surface reconstruction. A noisy point cloud of low density with corresponding point normals is used to estimate a point cloud with higher density and appendant point normals. To this end, we propose a compound loss function that encourages the network to estimate points that lie on a surface including normals accurately predicting the orientation of the surface. Our results show t he benefit of estimating normals together with point positions. The resulting point cloud is smoother, more complete, and the final surface reconstruction is much closer to ground truth.

Schwandt, Tobias;
High-quality illumination of virtual objects based on an environment estimation in mixed reality applications. - Wiesbaden : Springer Vieweg, 2021. - xxvii, 122 Seiten. - (Research)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2021

ISBN 978-3-658-35191-5

Die Visualisierung virtueller Objekte in der Realität erfolgt bei vielen Anwendungen oftmals durch eine vereinfachte Darstellung ohne Bezug zur umliegenden Umgebung. Dabei ist die nahtlose Verschmelzung der virtuellen und realen Umgebung in vielen Bereichen ein wesentlicher Faktor, der insbesondere bei der Beleuchtungsberechnung in gemischten Realitäten von großer Bedeutung ist. Aktuelle Ansätze legen den Fokus auf Approximationen, welche eine Berechnung der diffusen Beleuchtung ermöglichen, wobei die Darstellung glänzender Beleuchtungseigenschaften vernachlässigt wird. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist eine Visualisierung von spiegelnden Oberflächen in erweiterten Realitäten zu ermöglichen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen werden verschiedene Verfahren aufgezeigt, die eine hochwertige Darstellung virtueller Objekte in Echtzeit ermöglichen, wobei der Fokus auf der Verwendung üblicher Hardware wie Kameras, Sensoren in mobilen Endgeräten und teilweise Tiefensensoren liegt. Das erste Verfahren verwendet das aktuelle Kamerabild zur Rekonstruktion einer 360-Grad Beleuchtung durch die Transformation des Bildes auf eine Würfelkarte. Anschließend wird dieser Ansatz durch ein Stitching erweitert, bei dem das aktuelle Bild zusammen mit der Position und Rotation der Kamera genutzt wird, um eine Umgebungsbeleuchtung zu erstellen. Dabei von der Kamera nicht erfasste Bereiche werden durch ein semantisches Inpainting, basierend auf einem neuronalen Netz, aufgefüllt. Hierdurch kann das komplette Umgebungslicht approximiert werden, welches die Darstellung detaillierter Reflexionen ermöglicht. Die Ergebnisse der Ansätze zeigen neuartige Möglichkeiten, geometrische Formen mit glänzenden Oberflächen in die reale Umgebung einzubetten und bietet im Vergleich zu bestehenden Methoden einen höheren Detailgrad in den Reflexionen. Alle Ansätze sind für eine Verwendung auf mobilen Endgeräten konzipiert, wodurch neue Möglichkeiten für verschiedene Einsatz- und Anwendungsbereiche der erweiterten Realität existieren.

Weidner, Florian;
S3D dashboard : exploring depth on large interactive dashboards. - Wiesbaden : Springer Vieweg, 2021. - xxviii, 202 Seiten. - (Research)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2021

ISBN 978-3-658-35146-5

Die Benutzungsschnittstelle von Fahrzeugen hat sich in den letzten Jahren ständig verändert. Die primären Interaktionsgeräte blieben nahezu unverändert. Jedoch haben Entwicklungen wie das automatisierte Fahren dazu geführt, dass neue Ein- und Ausgabegeräte Einzug hielten. Eine vielversprechende, jedoch kaum erforschte Modalität sind stereoskopische 3D (S3D) Armaturenbretter. Das Ersetzen des traditionellen Armaturenbrettes mit einem großen Display, welches binokulare Tiefeninformationen darstellt, könnte neue Möglichkeiten für Forschung und Industrie bieten. Um Forschung an dieser Technologie zu ermöglichen, stellen wir eine Entwicklungsumgebung vor. Diese besteht aus einer Virtual-Reality-Umgebungssimulation und einem Fahrzeug-Mock-up. Das Mockup ist mit einem Spatial-Augmented-Reality-Armaturenbrett ausgestattet. Weiterhin wurde für dieses Setup eine Zone für komfortables Sehen ermittelt. Darauf aufbauend wurden Anwendungsfälle aus den Bereichen des manuellen und automatisierten Fahrens untersucht. Basierend auf der Entwicklung von Fahrzeug-Benutzungsschnittstellen wurde der Fokus auf Fahrerablenkung während des manuellen Fahrens, auf Vertrauen, der Wiederaufnahme der Fahraufgabe und dem Durchführen von nicht-fahrbezogenen Aufgaben während dem bedingten bzw. hochautomatisierten Fahren gelegt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass S3D auf dem ganzen Armaturenbrett für die Menünavigation und zum Hervorheben von Inhalten genutzt werden kann, ohne die Fahrperformance zu beeinträchtigen. Weiterhin wird gezeigt, dass ein intelligenter Agent, dargestellt in S3D, sicheres Fahren fördert. Darüber hinaus wird gezeigt, dass stereoskopische Navigationshinweise das Wiederaufnehmen der Fahraufgabe in einem hochautomatisierten Fahrzeug verbessern. Schlussendlich wird untersucht, wie Menschen mit stereoskopischen Inhalten, dargestellt auf einem S3D-Armaturenbrett, interagieren und ein benutzerdefiniertes Gestenset für die Interaktion vorgestellt. Abschließend wird, basierend auf den Resultaten dieser Studien, die Benutzungsschnittstelle diskutiert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit - Entwicklungswerkzeuge, Daten der Nutzerstudien und Interaktionstechniken - legen die Grundlage für zukünftige Forschung an S3D-Armaturenbrettern. Sie sind Basis und Motivation für weitere Arbeiten und legen nahe, dass S3D-Armaturenbretter eine tragfähige Rolle in zukünftigen Fahrzeugen spielen können.

Gerhardt, Christoph; Broll, Wolfgang
Neural network-based traffic sign recognition in 360˚ images for semi-automatic road maintenance inventory. - In: 2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), (2020), insges. 7 S.
Elbehery, Mostafa; Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang
Haptic space: the effect of a rigid hand representation on presence when interacting with passive haptics controls in VR. - In: 19th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, (2020), S. 245-253

Many virtual reality (VR) applications rely on passive haptics where virtual objects have a real counterpart that provides tactile feedback. In addition to that, many VR applications do not provide accurate hand representations, especially when there is a high chance of occlusion as this makes vision-based tracking problematic. Hence, we investigated how a simple hand representation affects user experience and presence when interacting with passive haptic controls in a virtual environment. We report on a between-subject user study where N = 45 participants experienced one of three conditions (no hands at all, hands represented as a rigid 3D model, and hands represented as a rigid 3D model with a snapping mechanism). Our results indicate that a simple hand representation using a 3D model of hands paired with a snapping mechanism significantly increases presence and user experience. That indicates that this simple and low-cost technique is effective to improve the VE as a whole. This, in return, provides a chance for improvement for many VR applications with passive haptics.
Mori, Shohei; Erat, Okan; Broll, Wolfgang; Saito, Hideo; Schmalstieg, Dieter; Kalkofen, Denis
InpaintFusion: incremental RGB-D inpainting for 3D scenes. - In: IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, ISSN 1941-0506, Bd. 26 (2020), 10, S. 2994-3007

State-of-the-art methods for diminished reality propagate pixel information from a keyframe to subsequent frames for real-time inpainting. However, these approaches produce artifacts, if the scene geometry is not sufficiently planar. In this article, we present InpaintFusion, a new real-time method that extends inpainting to non-planar scenes by considering both color and depth information in the inpainting process. We use an RGB-D sensor for simultaneous localization and mapping, in order to both track the camera and obtain a surfel map in addition to RGB images. We use the RGB-D information in a cost function for both the color and the geometric appearance to derive a global optimization for simultaneous inpainting of color and depth. The inpainted depth is merged in a global map by depth fusion. For the final rendering, we project the map model into image space, where we can use it for effects such as relighting and stereo rendering of otherwise hidden structures. We demonstrate the capabilities of our method by comparing it to inpainting results with methods using planar geometric proxies.
Schwandt, Tobias; Kunert, Christian; Broll, Wolfgang
Environment estimation for glossy reflections in mixed reality applications using a neural network. - In: Special Issue on Cyberworlds and Cybersecurity, (2020), S. 26-42

Köhler, Carolin; Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang
AR training for paragliding pilots: an investigation of user experience and requirements. - In: 2019 21st Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, (2019), S. 92-101
Kunert, Christian; Schwandt, Tobias; Broll, Wolfgang
An efficient diminished reality approach using real-time surface reconstruction. - In: 2019 International Conference on Cyberworlds, (2019), S. 9-16
Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang
Interact with your car: a user-elicited gesture set to inform future in-car user interfaces. - In: MUM 2019, (2019), article no. 11, 12 Seiten
Weidner, Florian; Fiedler, Bernhard; Redlich, Johannes; Broll, Wolfgang
Exploring audiovisual support systems for in-car multiparty conferencing. - In: Audio for virtual, augmented and mixed realities, (2019), S. 85-92

Calling while driving poses a severe safety risk. When more than two people are involved in a call - a conference call - this risk increases even more. Intelligent vehicles could offer support systems that ease the cognitive burden of such a multiparty calls. We explore the possibilities of such advanced driving assistant systems (ADAS) in two ways: first, we investigate object-based spatial audio where each remote caller is modeled as a distinct audio source. Second, we apply a non-intrusive ambient stereoscopic 3D (S3D) visualization that indicates the current speaker and its location. In a between-subject design driving simulator study (n=56), we assess workload, user experience and driving performance. Surprisingly, we found no positive effect of object-based audio. However, we present evidence how a supporting visualization might lower situational stress and increase the systems dependability. We conclude that a supportive and intelligent stereoscopic visualization is a promising candidate for enhancing multiparty conference calls while driving.
Dörner, Ralf; Broll, Wolfgang; Jung, Bernhard; Grimm, Paul; Göbel, Martin
Einführung in Virtual und Augmented Reality. - In: Virtual und Augmented Reality (VR/AR), (2019), S. 1-42
Grimm, Paul; Broll, Wolfgang; Herold, Rigo; Hummel, Johannes
VR/AR-Eingabegeräte und Tracking. - In: Virtual und Augmented Reality (VR/AR), (2019), S. 117-162
Grimm, Paul; Broll, Wolfgang; Herold, Rigo; Reiners, Dirk; Cruz-Neira, Carolina
VR/AR-Ausgabegeräte. - In: Virtual und Augmented Reality (VR/AR), (2019), S. 163-217
Broll, Wolfgang;
Augmentierte Realität. - In: Virtual und Augmented Reality (VR/AR), (2019), S. 315-356
Broll, Wolfgang; Weidner, Florian; Schwandt, Tobias; Weber, Kai; Dörner, Ralf
Authoring von VR/AR-Anwendungen. - In: Virtual und Augmented Reality (VR/AR), (2019), S. 393-423
Dörner, Ralf; Broll, Wolfgang; Grimm, Paul; Jung, Bernhard
Virtual und Augmented Reality (VR/AR) : Grundlagen und Methoden der Virtuellen und Augmentierten Realität
2., erweiterte und aktualisierte Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Vieweg, 2019. - 1 Online-Ressource (XV, 455 Seiten). - (Springer eBooks) ISBN 978-3-662-58861-1

Einführung in Virtual und Augmented Reality - Wahrnehmungsaspekte von VR - Virtuelle Welten - VR/AR-Eingabegeräte und Tracking - VR/AR-Ausgabegeräte - Interaktionen in Virtuellen Welten - Echtzeitaspekte von VR-Systemen - Augmentierte Realität - Fallbeispiele für VR/AR - Authoring von VR/AR-Anwendungen - Mathematische Grundlagen von VR/AR
Knutzen, Kathrin; Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang
Talk to me! Exploring stereoscopic 3D anthropomorphic virtual assistants in automated vehicles. - In: Adjunct proceedings, 11th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, (2019), S. 363-368
Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang
Smart S3D TOR: intelligent warnings on large stereoscopic 3D dashboards during take-overs. - In: Pervasive Displays 2019, (2019), article no. 5, 7 Seiten
Mori, Shohei; Herling, Jan; Broll, Wolfgang; Kawai, Norihiko; Saito, Hideo; Schmalstieg, Dieter; Kalkofen, Denis
3D PixMix: image inpainting in 3D environments. - In: Adjunct proceedings 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, (2019), S. 1-2
Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang
Exploring large stereoscopic 3D dashboards for future automotive user interfaces. - In: Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation, (2019), S. 502-513
Haupt, Christine; Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang
personalDash: first steps towards user-controlled personalization of 3D dashboards with mobile devices. - In: Adjunct proceedings, 10th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, (2018), S. 115-120
Schwandt, Tobias; Kunert, Christian; Broll, Wolfgang
Glossy reflections for mixed reality environments on mobile devices. - In: 2018 International Conference on Cyberworlds, (2018), S. 138-143
Kunert, Christian; Schwandt, Tobias; Broll, Wolfgang
Efficient point cloud rasterization for real time volumetric integration in mixed reality applications. - In: 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, (2018), S. 1-9
Hösch, Anne; Pöschl-Günther, Sandra; Weidner, Florian; Walter, Roberto; Döring, Nicola
The relationship between visual attention and simulator sickness: a driving simulation study. - In: 25th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, ISBN 978-1-5386-3365-6, (2018), S. 575-576
Broll, Wolfgang; Regenbrecht, Holger; Swan, J. Edward
"Erratum" und "Message from the ISMAR 2017 Science and Technology Program Chairs and Guest Editors" enthalten in: Bd. 24 (2018), 7, Seite 2264, 2266-2267
Broll, Wolfgang; Regenbrecht, Holger; Swan, J. Edward
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality : Nantes, France, 9-13 October 2017 : proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2017. - 1 Online-RessourceLiteraturangaben
Hoffmann, Nico; Weidner, Florian; Urban, Peter; Meyer, Tobias; Schnabel, Christian; Radev, Yordan Todorov; Schmitz-Schackert, Gabriele; Petersohn, Uwe; Koch, Edmund; Gumbhold, Stefan; Steiner, Gerald; Kirsch, Matthias
Framework for 2D-3D image fusion of infrared thermography with preoperative MRI. - In: Biomedical engineering, ISSN 1862-278X, Bd. 62 (2017), 6, S. 599-607
Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang
A spatial augmented reality driving simulator for prototyping 3D in-car user interfaces. - In: Proceedings of DSC 2017 Europe VR, Driving Simulation Conference & Exhibition, (2017), S. 143-144

Bischoff, Daniel; Schwandt, Tobias; Broll, Wolfgang
A real-time global illumination approach for high resolution reflective shadow maps in open world scenes. - In: GRAPP, ISBN 978-989-758-224-0, (2017), S. 116-126

Broll, Wolfgang; Regenbrecht, Holger; Swan, J. Edward
Adjunct proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality : Nantes, France, 9-13 October 2017. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2017. - 1 Online-RessourceEnthält neben den Beiträgen der Posters Sessions die Beiträge der folgenden Workshops: Workshop on VR and AR Meet Creative Industries 2017, Workshop on Augmented Reality for Good 2017, Workshop on Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality in Education (VAMrE 2017), Workshop on Highly Diverse Cameras and Displays for Mixed and Augmented Reality (HDCD4MAR 2017)
Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang
Establishing design parameters for large stereoscopic 3D dashboards. - In: Adjunct proceedings, AutomotiveUI 2017, (2017), S. 212-216
Andrich, Aliya; Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang
Drunk virtual reality gaming: exploring the influence of alcohol on cybersickness. - In: CHI PLAY'17, ISBN 978-1-4503-4898-0, (2017), S. 561-572
Schwandt, Tobias; Broll, Wolfgang
Differential G-buffer rendering for mediated reality applications. - In: Augmented reality, virtual reality, and computer graphics, ISBN 978-3-319-60927-0, (2017), S. 337-349

Zhang, Xijie; Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang
Exploring users views on immersive adult entertainment applications. - In: 2017 Ninth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), ISBN 978-1-5386-4024-1, (2017), insges. 3 S.
Weidner, Florian; Hösch, Anne; Pöschl-Günther, Sandra; Broll, Wolfgang
Comparing VR and non-VR driving simulations: an experimental user study. - In: 2017 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), ISBN 978-1-5090-6647-6, (2017), S. 281-282
Broll, Wolfgang; Saito, Hideo; Swan, J. Edward
"Erratum" und "Message from the ISMAR 2016 Science and Technology Program Chairs and Guest Editors" enthalten in: Bd. 24 (2018), 7, Seite 2264-2265
Broll, Wolfgang; Saito, Hideo; Swan, J. Edward
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality : Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, 19-23 September 2016 : proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2016. - 1 Online-Ressource ISBN 1509036423 = 978-1-5090-3641-7
Hoffmann, Nico; Weidner, Florian; Schnabel, Christian; Koch, Edmund; Steiner, Gerald; Petersohn, Uwe; Kirsch, Matthias
Incorporating MRI structural information into intraoperative functional thermography in neurosurgery. - In: CURAC 2016 Tagungsband, ISBN 978-3-86247-595-7, (2016), S. 284-289

Schwandt, Tobias; Broll, Wolfgang
A single camera image based approach for glossy reflections in mixed reality applications. - In: 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISBN 978-1-5090-3641-7, (2016), S. 37-43
Mock, Sebastian; Lensing, Philipp; Broll, Wolfgang
Achieving flexible 3D reconstruction volumes for RGB-D and RGB camera based approaches. - In: Computer Vision and Graphics, (2016), S. 221-232
Schwarz, Andreas; Binetti, Jean-Christophe; Broll, Wolfgang; Mitschele-Thiel, Andreas
New technologies and applications in international crisis communication and disaster management. - In: The handbook of international crisis communication research, (2016), S. 465-477
Dörner, Ralf; Broll, Wolfgang; Grimm, Paul; Jung, Bernhard
Virtual Reality und Augmented Reality (VR/AR) : auf dem Weg von der Nische zum Massenmarkt. - In: Informatik-Spektrum, ISSN 1432-122X, Bd. 39 (2016), 1, S. 30-37
Wagner, Matthias; Broll, Wolfgang
I wish you were here - not! : the future of spatially separated sexual intercourse. - In: 40th Annual Convention of the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour 2014 (AISB 2014), ISBN 978-1-63266-838-7, (2014), S. 225-231

Lensing, Philipp;
LightSkin : globale Echtzeitbeleuchtung für Virtual und Augmented Reality, 2014. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: VIII, 241 S., 23,94 MB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2014
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen

In der Natur ist jede Interaktion des Lichts mit Materie in einen globalen Kontext eingebunden, weswegen alle natürlichen Beleuchtungsphänomene in unserer Umwelt das Resultat globaler Beleuchtung sind. Diese basiert auf der Anwendung mannigfaltiger Absorptions-, Reflexions- und Brechungsgesetze, deren Simulation so komplex ist, dass interaktive Anwendungen diese nicht in wenigen Millisekunden berechnen können. Deshalb wurde bisher in vielen interaktiven Systemen auf die Abbildung von solchen globalen Beleuchtungsphänomenen verzichtet, was jedoch zu einer unrealistischen und synthetisch-wirkenden Darstellung führte. Diese unrealistische Darstellung ist besonders für die Anwendungsfelder Virtual Reality und Augmented Reality, bei denen der Nutzer eine möglichst realitätsnahe Simulation erfahren soll, ein gewichtiger Nachteil. In dieser Arbeit wird das LightSkin-Verfahren vorgestellt, das es erlaubt, globale Beleuchtungsphänomene in einer Echtzeitanwendung darzustellen. Das Verfahren wurde speziell für die Anwendungsfelder Virtual Reality und Augmented Reality entwickelt und erfüllt spezifische Anforderungen, die diese an eine Echtzeitanwendung stellen. Bei dem Verfahren wird das indirekte Licht durch eine geringe Anzahl von Punktlichtquellen (Proxy-Lichtquellen) repräsentiert, die für eine lose Menge von Oberflächenpunkten (Caches) berechnet und anschließend über die komplette sichtbare Szene interpoliert werden. Diese neue Form der Repräsentation der indirekten Beleuchtung erlaubt eine effiziente Berechnung von diffusen und glänzenden indirekten Reflexionen, die Abbildung von weichen Schatten und die Simulation von Multiple-Subsurface-Scattering-Effekten in Echtzeit für komplexe und voll dynamische Szenen. Ferner wird gezeigt, wie das Verfahren modifiziert werden kann, um globale Lichtwechselwirkungen zwischen realen und virtuellen Objekten in einer Augmented-Reality-Anwendung zu simulieren. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten existierenden Echtzeitverfahren zur Simulation von globalen Beleuchtungseffekten benötigt der hier vorgestellte Ansatz keine aufwändigen zusätzlichen Berechnungen bei Animationen und erzeugt darüber hinaus für diese keine visuellen Artefakte. Diese Arbeit enthält alle Informationen, die zum Verständnis, zur Implementierung und zur Evaluation des LightSkin-Verfahrens benötigt werden und gibt darüber hinaus einen umfassenden Überblick über das Forschungsfeld.
Herling, Jan; Broll, Wolfgang
High-quality real-time video inpainting with PixMix. - In: IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, ISSN 1941-0506, Bd. 20 (2014), 6, S. 866-879
Herling, Jan;
Advanced real-time manipulation of video streams. - Wiesbaden : Springer Vieweg, 2014. - XXIV, 244 S.. - (Research) : Zugl.: Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2013
ISBN 3-658-05809-9
Literaturverz. S. [235] - 244

Diminished Reality ist eine neue faszinierende Technologie, die es ermöglicht, reale Inhalte aus Live-Kamerabildern zu entfernen. Die Live-Videomanipulation entfernt reale Objekte und erzeugt in Echtzeit einen kohärenten Video-Stream. Dabei können die Betrachter keine Manipulation feststellen. Derzeit existierende Ansätze sind auf sich bewegende Objekte und statische oder weitestgehend statische Kameras beschränkt und erlauben keine Manipulation des Videoinhalts in Echtzeit. In dieser Arbeit wird ein innovativer Ansatz vorgestellt, der das Entfernen von Objekten bei beliebigen Kamerabewegungen ermöglicht. Dabei gilt es vorrangig, zwei Herausforderungen zu lösen. Zum einen wird eine Bild-Inpainting-Methode benötigt, die innerhalb weniger Millisekunden auf jedes Kamerabild angewandt werden kann und qualitativ hochwertige Ergebnisse liefert. Zum anderen muss ohne die Verwendung vergangener oder zukünftiger Kamerabilder eine Bild-zu-Bild-Kohärenz erzeugt werden. In dieser Arbeit wird eine neuartige und leistungsfähige Selektionsstrategie vorgestellt, die auf sogenannten Fingerabdrücken basiert, damit unerwünschte Inhalte selbst auf heterogenen Hintergründen bestimmt werden können. Der Inpainting-Ansatz wurde ausgehend von bereits bekannten randomisierten Ansätzen und Verfahren mit mehreren Bildebenen entwickelt. Qualitativ hochwertige Ergebnisse können in Echtzeit durch die Anwendung einer einzigartigen Initialisierungsstrategie und einer neuartigen Kostenfunktion, die die Kohärenzabweichung miniert, erzeugt werden. Die Kostenfunktion kombiniert räumliche und erscheinungsbasierende Kosten. Der auf Homographie basierte Ansatz erzeugt eine Bild-zu-Bild-Kohärenz beim Entfernen von Objekten, vor überwiegend ebenen Hintergründen und unterstützt Rotationsbewegungen der Kamera um das zu entfernende Objekt. Obwohl der Ansatz etwa zwei Zehnerpotenzen schneller ist als aktuelle, vergleichbare Inpainting-Ansätze, zeigt sich, dass er für bekannte Testbilder durchgängig qualitativ gleichwertige oder bessere Ergebnisse erzeugt. Ein erster Test mit Nutzern zeigt, dass Videomanipulationen, die mit diesem Ansatz durchgeführt werden, für Testpersonen kaum zu erkennen sind, sogar wenn diese sich der Manipulationsmöglichkeiten bewusst sind. Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen eröffnet der in der Arbeit vorgestellte Ansatz eine Fülle neuer Möglichkeiten für interaktive und echtzeitfähige Manipulationen, die vor allem in TV- und Filmproduktionen sowie im Bereich der Werbung eingesetzt werden können.

Dörner, Ralf; Broll, Wolfgang; Grimm, Paul; Jung, Bernhard
Virtual und Augmented Reality (VR/AR) : Grundlagen und Methoden der Virtuellen und Augmentierten Realität. - Berlin : Springer Vieweg, 2013. - XV, 351 Seiten. - ( ISBN 978-3-642-28902-6

Virtuelle und erweiterte Realität ergänzen die Wahrnehmungsbereiche des Menschen. Nachdem multifunktionalen Anwendungen wie etwa "Second Life" kein breiter, dauerhafter Erfolg beschieden war, trifft man stärker auf spezialisierte Angebote. Zentrale technische Herausforderung bei der Entwicklung von Hard- und Software ist die Umsetzung von Hand-, Kopf- und Augenbewegungen eines Nutzers in Projektionen auf Brillen, Bildschirme oder Leinwände. Ein Autorenteam aus Forschung und Wirtschaft präsentiert dazu ein einführendes Lehrbuch mit 10 eigenständigen Kapiteln für Studierende mit informationstechnischem oder gestalterischem Schwerpunkt (Reihe, zuletzt ID-G 8/14). "Virtuelle Realität" von M. Brill (ID-G 4/09) ist softwareseitig nicht mehr ganz auf neuestem Stand. Die klare Sprache und die konsequenten Erläuterungen der technischen Grundlagen erlauben auch das Selbststudium durch interessierte Laien. Die aktuelle Diskussion um Googles Datenbrille weist auf einen breiten Informationsbedarf hin. (2)

Broll, Wolfgang;
Augmentierte Realität. - In: Virtual und Augmented Reality (VR/AR), (2013), S. 241-294

Grimm, Paul; Herold, Rigo; Hummel, Johannes; Broll, Wolfgang
VR-Eingabegeräte. - In: Virtual und Augmented Reality (VR/AR), (2013), S. 97-125

Lensing, Philipp; Broll, Wolfgang
LightSkin: real-time global illumination for virtual and mixed reality. - In: Virtual environments 2013, (2013), S. 17-24
Lensing, Philipp; Broll, Wolfgang
Efficient shading of indirect illumination applying reflective shadow maps. - In: Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, (2013), S. 95-102
Herling, Jan;
PixMix: a real-time approach to high-quality diminished reality. - In: 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), ISBN 978-1-4673-4662-7, (2012), S. 141-150
Lensing, Philipp; Broll, Wolfgang
Instant indirect illumination for dynamic mixed reality scenes. - In: 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), ISBN 978-1-4673-4662-7, (2012), S. 109-118
Blum, Lisa; Wetzel, Richard; McCall, Rod; Oppermann, Leif; Broll, Wolfgang
The final TimeWarp: using form and content to support player experience and presence when designing location-aware mobile augmented reality games. - In: Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference, (2012), S. 711-720
Herling, Jan;
Random model variation for universal feature tracking. - In: VRST'12, (2012), S. 169-176

Lensing, Philipp; Broll, Wolfgang
Fusing the real and the virtual: a depth-camera based approach to mixed reality. - In: 10th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2011, (2011), S. 261-262
Hackenberg, Georg; McCall, Rod; Broll, Wolfgang
Lightweight palm and finger tracking for real-time 3D gesture control. - In: IEEE Virtual Reality Conference (VR), 2011, ISBN 978-1-4577-0039-2, (2011), S. 19-26
Dörner, Ralf; Lok, Benjamin;
Social gaming and learning applications: a driving force for the future of virtual and augmented reality?. - In: Virtual realities, (2011), S. 51-76

Irmer, Marion;
Wissenschaftliche Mediennutzung : Erwartungen und Motive bei der Nutzung klassischer und elektronischer Rezeptions- und Publikationsplattformen. - Berlin : LIT-Verl., 2011. - VIII, 266 S.. - (Mediennutzung ; 19) : Zugl.: Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2010 u.d.T.: Irmer, Marion : Erklärungsfaktoren wissenschaftlicher Mediennutzung : eine qualitative Untersuchung zu Erwartungen und Motiven im Rahmen der Nutzung klassischer und elektronischer Rezeptions- und Publikationsplattformen
ISBN 3-643-11404-4

Die Wissenschaft spielt eine zentrale Rolle in der heutigen Wissens- bzw. Informationsgesellschaft, da die Generierung immer neuen Wissens eine zentrale Funktion für die Gesellschaft darstellt. Wesentlicher Bestandteil wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens ist dabei, neben Forschung und Rezeption, die Publikation neuer Erkenntnisse. Somit nutzen Wissenschaftler die Medien ihres wissenschaftlichen Alltags nicht ausschließlich rezeptiv, sondern zusätzlich publikativ. Auf diesem erweiterten Mediennutzungsverständnis baut die vorliegende Arbeit auf. Im Rahmen von 24 Experteninterviews wurden hier Erwartungen von Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaftlern an unterschiedliche klassische und elektronische Rezeptionsquellen und Publikationsplattformen hinterfragt. Desweiteren wurden erstmalig individuelle Publikationsmotive sowie Rezeptionsmotive wissenschaftlicher Mediennutzung erhoben. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Erwartungen relativ homogen ausfallen und dass sich Publikationsmotive prinzipiell ähnlich strukturieren lassen, wie Rezeptionsmotive. Allerdings war ein zentraler Motivator publikativer Mediennutzung, der Aspekt der Existenzsicherung, nicht mit den bislang bestehenden Rezeptionsmotivkategorien zu fassen. Desweiteren wurde erkennbar, dass individuelle Rezeptions- und Publikationsmotive auf einen gemeinsamen Ursprung zurückzuführen sind: den Drang der Individuen nach gesellschaftlichem Aufstieg, welchem sie durch den Erwerb unterschiedlicher Kapitalformen nachkommen. Hierbei wurde ein Zusammenhang zwischen den verschiedenen Kapitalformen und den Motivkategorien erkennbar, welcher sich nicht lediglich auf den Aspekt der Rezeption oder Publikation bezieht, sondern beide Perspektiven miteinander verzahnt. Anhand dieser, auf den Motiven aufbauenden Verzahnung sowie den daraus angestrebten Kapitalformen, stellt die Arbeit abschließend eine Typologie (kommunikations-)wissenschaftlicher Mediennutzer vor.

Kreuzberger, Gunther; Lunzer, Aran; Kaschek, Roland
Interdisciplinary advances in adaptive and intelligent assistant systems : concepts, techniques, applications, and use. - Hershey Pa. [u.a.] : Information Science Reference, 2011. - XXXIV, 264 S. ISBN 978-1-61520-851-7
Includes bibliographical references (p. 235-251) and index

"This book discusses how collaboration between humans and intelligent systems can potentially improve access to and processing of complex information, contributing to the synthesis, storage and integration of knowledge"--Provided by publisher

Kreuzberger, Gunther; Wimmer, Jeffrey;
Im Verbund zu nachhaltiger interdisziplinärer Lehre über Digitale Spiele. - In: Interaktive Kulturen, (2010), S. 295-301

Herling, Jan;
The ocean framework : providing the basis for next-gen MR applications. - In: 3rd Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems, (2010), S. 33-39

Herling, Jan;
Advanced self-contained object removal for realizing real-time Diminished Reality in unconstrained environments. - In: 9th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2010, ISBN 978-1-4244-9345-6, (2010), S. 207-212
Herling, Jan;
An adaptive training-free feature tracker for mobile phones. - In: Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, (2010), S. 35-42
Beyer, Anja;
Sicherheitsaspekte in virtuellen Welten : IT-Sicherheitsanalyse und Anforderungsdefinition unter Berücksichtigung der Faktoren für Unterhaltungserleben, 2010. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 215 S., 3408 KB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2010
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen

Virtuelle Welten sind sozio-technische Systeme, also IT-Systeme die in höchstem Maße auf die Anwendung durch Nutzer ausgelegt sind. Die vorgelegte Arbeit führt unter dem Titel "IT-Sicherheitsaspekte in Virtuellen Welten" eine IT-Sicherheitsanalyse für Virtuelle Welten in einer Client-Server-Architektur durch und gelangt zu einer "Anforderungsdefinition unter Berücksichtigung für Faktoren für Unterhaltungserleben". IT-Sicherheit zielt auf den Schutz digitaler Werte vor Gefahren und stellt Maßnahmen zur Verfügung mit denen dieser Schutz erreicht werden kann. Virtuelle Welten in werden über das Internet zugänglich gemacht. Da das Internet per se ein unsicheres Netzwerk ist, resultieren eine Reihe von Gefahren, die die Werte in den Virtuellen Welten bedrohen. Um aber geeignete Schutzmechanismen vorzuschlagen, ist es wichtig, dass zunächst eine grundlegende Analyse des Schutzgegenstandes durchgeführt wird. Virtuelle Welten sind sehr auf einen interaktiven Dialog mit den Nutzern ausgelegt. Die Umsetzung von Sicherheitsmaßnahmen fordert eine uneingeschränkte Akzeptanz der Maßnahmen durch den Nutzer. Daher verfolgt diese Arbeit einen interdisziplinären Blick auf die IT-Sicherheit der modernen Medienanwendung "Virtuelle Welt". Im ersten Schritt werden verschiedene Perspektiven auf die Nutzungsmotivation aufgezeigt und die Faktoren für Unterhaltungserleben, wie Bedürfnisbefriedigung, Spielspaß und Flow, herausgearbeitet. Erst durch diese (sozialwissenschaftliche) Betrachtung der Nutzung ist die Analyse der realen Werte aller Akteure innerhalb der Virtuellen Welten möglich. Anschließend erfolgt die (informatorische) Sicherheitsanalyse. Es wird festgestellt, welche Bedrohungen auf die Werte gerichtet sind (Bedrohungsanalyse) und welche Sicherheitsziele sich für den Schutzgegenstand Virtuelle Welt ergeben.Auf dieser Basis erfolgt eine systematische Ableitung der Anforderungen an die IT-Sicherheit der Virtuellen Welten. Die Autorin definiert ein Schutzprofil nach dem internationalen Standard (ISO/IEC) der Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation. Die Common Criteria (CC) sind ein erprobtes Instrument zur Bewertung der Sicherheit von IT-Produkten. Mit einem Schutzprofil können Prüfstellen Produkte gleichwertig evaluieren und so die Zusicherung einer Sicherheitsqualität gewährleisten. Den Abschluss der Arbeit bildet die Empfehlung von konkreten Gestaltungsvorschlägen. Es wird aufgezeigt, wie die technischen Schutzmechanismen umgesetzt werden können, sodass das Unterhaltungserleben der Nutzer nicht gestört wird. So können die Schutzmechanismen zu einer höheren Akzeptanz beim Nutzer führen.
Blum, Lisa; Broll, Wolfgang; Müller, Stefan
Augmented Reality under water. - In: SIGGRAPH 2009, ISBN 978-1-605-58726-4, 2009, Article No. 97, insges. 1 S.

Wagner, Ina; Broll, Wolfgang; Jacucci, Giulio; Kuutii, Kari; McCall, Rod; Morrison, Ann; Schmalstieg, Dieter; Terrin, Jean-Jacques
On the role of presence in mixed reality. - In: Presence, ISSN 1531-3263, Bd. 18 (2009), 4, S. 249-276

Previous paradigms for presence research were primarily established in the context of VR. The objective of this paper is to introduce a new agenda for research on presence suitable for the domain of MR. While established assumptions and methods of presence research from VR are applicable to Mr experiences, we argue that they are not necessarily meaningful or informative. Specifically, a shift of attention is needed away from psycho-physiological studies coming from a laboratory experiment tradition, toward an ecological-cultural approach that is applicable in real world situations and relies on ethnographic rather than fully controlled methods. We give a series of examples taken from the work on the European integrated research project IPcity, and discuss the implications of our findings.
Irmer, Marion; Jantke, Klaus P.;
Edutainment: Lernen und Spaß - funktioniert das?. - In: Digitale Spiele - Herausforderung und Chance, (2009), S. 53-64

Kreuzberger, Gunther;
Erwartungen an DVDi Games. - In: Digitale Spiele - Herausforderung und Chance, (2009), S. 23-38

Beyer, Anja; Kreuzberger, Gunther
Digitale Spiele - Herausforderung und Chance : Beiträge der Tagungen LIT 2006 und 2007
Als Ms. gedr.. - Boizenburg : vwh, Hülsbusch, 2009. - 329 S.. - (Game studies) ISBN 3-940317-04-7
Veranst.: Forschungsinstitut für Informationstechnologien Leipzig (FIT)

Beyer, Anja;
Theft of virtual property - towards security requirements for virtual worlds. - In: Securing electronic business processes, (2009), S. 119-127

Jantke, Klaus P.; Kreuzberger, Gunther
Aufbau einer akademischen Ausbildung für Spieletechnologie und -wissenschaft. - In: Spielend die Zukunft gewinnen, (2008), S. 75 - 89

Hoppe, Imke;
Filmische DigiTales : Entwicklung eines Konzepts für eine interaktive Dokumentation im Web. - In: Erzählen - Reflexionen im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung, (2008), S. 271-279

Kreuzberger, Gunther; Hoppe, Imke; Hoppe, Imke *1981-*; Dunker, Peter
Entertaining iTV applications for local communities. - In: 1st International Conference on Designing Interactive User Experiences for TV and Video 2008, ISBN 978-1-617-38011-2, (2008), S. 59-62

Beyer, Anja; Kirchner, Marcel; Kreuzberger, Gunther; Schmeling, Jens-Bernd
Privacy im Social Web : zum kompetenten Umgang mit persönlichen Daten im Web 2.0. - In: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, ISSN 1862-2607, Bd. 32 (2008), 9, S. 597-600
Beyer, Anja; Dahms, Markus
Studie zu Erfolgskriterien für Identifizierungs-, Authentifizierungs- und Signaturverfahren auf Basis asymmetrischer kryptographischer Verfahren (EKIAS). - Berlin : Eigenverl.. - 185 S.. - (Entwicklungen in den Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien ; 3)Förderkennzeichen BMBF PLI 1561

Jantke, Klaus P.;
Patterns in digital game playing experience revisited: Beiträge zum tieferen Verständnis des Begriffs Pattern. - Ilmenau : Inst. für Medien- und Kommunikationswiss., 2008. - III, 30 Bl. = 648,7 KB, Text. - (Diskussionsbeiträge ; 33)Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Nützel, Jürgen;
Digital Rights Management (DRM). - In: Die Privatkopie, (2007), S. 28-49
Parallel als Online-Ausg. erschienen unter der Adresse

Beyer, Anja; Irmer, Marion
Sicherheitsaspekte elektronischen Publizierens. - In: Information und Ethik, (2007), S. 95-106

Beyer, Anja; Hellmann, Sophie; Hesse, Malte; Holl, Friedrich; Morcinek, Peter; Paulus, Sachar; Reimer, Helmut
EKIAS - success criteria of PKI implementations. - In: ISSE/SECURE 2007 securing electronic business processes, (2007), S. 340-346

Kreuzberger, Gunther;
Game state versus play state: from DVDi games to a language of gaming experience. - In: Proceedings of the Twentieth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society conference, ISBN 978-1-577-35319-5, (2007), S. 577-578

Beyer, Anja;
Security in online games - case study: second life. - In: Proceedings of the Twentieth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society conference, ISBN 978-1-577-35319-5, (2007), S. 559-564

Beick, Hans-Rainer; Bley, Oliver; Jantke, Klaus P.
MISCHEL - Medienintegration für Schulung und lebenslanges Lernen in Unternehmen. - In: Tagungsband, (2007), S. 69-72

Jantke, Klaus P.; Knauf, Rainer
Artificial intelligence through digital games. - In: Tagungsband, (2007), S. 65-68

Jantke, Klaus P.; Memmel, Martin; Schirru, Rafael
Web 2.0 - making everything an e-learning resource. - In: Tagungsband, (2007), S. 61-64

Jantke, Klaus P.;
Serious Games - eine kritische Analyse. - In: Tagungsband, (2007), S. 7-14

Jantke, Klaus P.;
JOSTLE 2007. - Ilmenau : Institut für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 2007. - 1 Online-Ressource (9 Blatt). - (Diskussionsbeiträge ; 29)Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Jantke, Klaus P.;
Digitale Spiele - eine Herausforderung an Wissenschaft und Entwicklung sowie eine einmalige Chance für die Wirtschaft. - In: 1. Kongress Multimediatechnik Wismar 2006, ISBN 978-3-00-020381-7, (2006), S. 1-16

Boehm, Jochen F.; Fujima, Jun; Jantke, Klaus P.; Lunzer, Aran; Tanaka, Yuzuru
New Technology Integration for Learning by Imitation. - In: Electronic versions of papers presented at SITE 2006 conference, (2006), S. 3324-3331

Tonn-Eichstädt, Henrik;
Measuring website usability for visually impaired people-a modified GOMS analysis. - In: ASSETS 2006, (2006), S. 55-62

Jantke, Klaus P.;
Pattern concepts for digital games research. - In: Knowledge media technologies, (2006), S. 29-40
Nützel, Jürgen; Kubek, Mario
Personal file sharing in a personal bluetooth environment. - In: Knowledge media technologies, (2006), S. 47-53
Tonn-Eichstädt, Henrik;
User interfaces for people with special needs. - In: Knowledge media technologies, (2006), S. 54-60
Knauf, Rainer; Jantke, Klaus P.
Storyboarding - an AI technology to represent, process, evaluate, and refine didactic knowledge. - In: Knowledge media technologies, (2006), S. 170-179

The current state of affair in learning systems in general and in e-learning in particular suffers from a lack of an explicit and adaptable didactic design. Students complain about the insufficient adaptability of e-learning to the learners' needs. Learning content and services need to reach their audience properly. That is, according to their different prerequisites, needs, and different learning conditions. After a short introduction to the storyboard concept, which is a way to address these concerns, we present an example of using storyboards for the didactic design of a university course on Intelligent Systems. In particular, we show the way to express didactic variants and didactic intentions within storyboards. Finally, we sketch ideas to for a machine supported knowledge processing, knowledge evaluation, knowledge refinement, and knowledge engineering with storyboards.
Jantke, Klaus P.;
Eine Taxonomie für digitale Spiele. - Ilmenau : Inst. für Medien- und Kommunikationswiss., 2006. - III, 16 S. = 202,4 KB, Text. - (Diskussionsbeiträge ; 26)Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Jantke, Klaus P.;
Layered languages of ludology : the core approach. - Ilmenau : Inst. für Medien- und Kommunikationswiss., 2006. - III, 24 S. = 1,18 MB, Text. - (Diskussionsbeiträge ; 25)Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Jantke, Klaus P.;
Digital games that teach : a critical analysis. - Ilmenau : Inst. für Medien- und Kommunikationswiss., 2006. - III, 30 S. = 1,50 MB, Text. - (Diskussionsbeiträge ; 22)Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Jantke, Klaus P.; Kreuzberger, Gunther
Knowledge media technologies : first International Core-to-Core Workshop. - Ilmenau : Inst. für Medien- und Kommunikationswiss., 2006. - 204 S. = 5,36 MB, Text. - (Diskussionsbeiträge ; 21)Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Nützel, Jürgen; Beyer, Anja
How to increase the security of digital rights management systems without affecting consumer's security. - In: Emerging trends in information and communication security, (2006), S. 368-380
Jantke, Klaus P.; Knauf, Rainer; Knauf, Rainer *1963-*;
Storyboarding for playful learning. - In: E-Learn 2006, (2006), S. 3174-3182

Currently, e-learning systems as well as learning environments are still suffering from a lack of explicit and adaptable didactic design - an issue of quality management. Students complain about insufficient adaptability of e-learning offers to the learners’ needs. This is especially the case in university teaching. University professors are not necessarily experts in the didactics of teaching their subject. As a way out of this dilemma the authors utilize their formerly developed storyboard concept. Storyboards are an explicit representation of a didactic design, which enjoys simplicity, clarity, visual appearance, and the chance for standardized development. Everybody may easily become a storyboard author - a step toward pedagogical engineering. By representing didactics explicitly, learners are supported to find their individually appropriate way. Besides this processing issue, storyboards have the potential to identify successful didactic patterns. This is, in fact, the vision of knowledge discovery in didactics. In the authors' experience, embedding topical content into game adventures appears to be a promising didactic mean when properly linked in a related didactic pattern. The success of the authors' approach is demonstrated by an application to one of the authors' real life courses.

Jantke, Klaus P.;
Digitale Spiele - Forschung, Technologie, Wirkung & Markt. - In: Proceedings, (2006), S. 10-19

Jantke, Klaus P.;
Games that do not exist communication design beyond the current limits. - In: Proceedings of the 24th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication, (2006), S. 35-42

Nützel, Jürgen; Beyer, Anja;
Towards trust in digital rights management systems. - In: Trust and Privacy in Digital Business, (2006), S. 162-171
Kaschek, Roland; Jantke, Klaus P.; Nébel, István-Tibor
Towards understanding meme media knowledge evolution. - In: Federation over the web, (2006), S. 183-201
Todorovski, Ljupčo; Lavrač, Nada; Jantke, Klaus P.
Discovery science : 9th international conference, DS 2006, Barcelona, Spain, October 7 - 10, 2006 ; proceedings. - Berlin : Springer, 2006. - XIV, 384 S.. - (Lecture notes in computer science ; 4265) ISBN 3-540-46491-3

Jantke, Klaus P.; Lunzer, Aran; Spyratos, Nicolas; Tanaka, Yuzuru
Federation over the web : international workshop, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, May 1 - 6, 2005 ; revised selected papers. - Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2006. - Online-Ressource (X, 214 S.). - (Lecture notes in computer science ; 3847) ISBN 3-540-31018-5
Includes bibliographical references and index
Grimm, Rüdiger;
Privacy for digital rights management products and their business cases. - In: Axmedis 2005, (2005), S. 101-112

Eichstädt, Henrik;
Interaktionen blinder Nutzer bei der Bedienung linearisierter Oberflächen. - In: Mensch & Computer 2005, (2005), S. 61-70

Der vorliegende Beitrag entwickelt, ausgehend von theoretischen Betrachtungen, Strategien blinder Nutzer bei der Bedienung HTML-basierter Anwendungsoberflächen. Die Strategien werden in einer an das GOMS-Modell angelehnten Form beschrieben. Es wird gezeigt, dass ein GOMS-Modell für die Beschreibung der Strategien geeignet ist. Ziel ist es, durch die Anwendung des GOMS-Modells die Berechnung der Ausführungsdauer von Nutzerinteraktionen als Effizienzmaß zu nutzen. Dieses Usability-Kriterium kann schon während der Designphase für die Bewertung der Benutzbarkeit von HTMLbasierten Applikationsoberflächen durch blinde Nutzer verwendet werden. In Nutzertests, die dieser theoretischen Arbeit folgen, sollen die vorhergesagten Strategien verifiziert werden.

Beck, Astrid; Eichstädt, Henrik; Scheibenz, Werner; Gaiser, Birgit; Savigny, Peter; Schubert, Ulf
Personas in der Praxis. - In: Usability professionals 2005, (2005), S. 94-98

Die Personas-Methode wird im Bereich der Website- und Softwareentwicklung zur Evaluation, aber auch zum Design komplexer Systeme zunehmend eingesetzt. Welche Potenziale und welche Probleme birgt die Anwendung des Verfahrens? Wie können Personas in den Entwicklungsprozess integriert werden? Auf diese und weiterführende Fragen gibt der UPA Workshop im Rahmen der Mensch & Computer 2005 Antworten. Praxisbeispiele und Erfahrungsberichte sollen den Teilnehmern Hintergrundinformationen liefern und zur Diskussion motivieren.

Grimm, Rüdiger; Eichstädt, Henrik
Threat modelling for ASP.NET. - In: Communications and multimedia security, (2005), S. 145-158

This paper gives a security analysis of Microsoft's ASP.NET technology. Main part of the paper is a list of threats which is structured according to an architecture of Web services and attack points. We also give a reverse table of threats against security requirements as well as a summary of security guidelines for IT developers. This paper has been worked out in collaboration with five University teams each of which is focussing on a different security problem area. We agree in the same architecture of Web services and attack points.

Grimm, Rüdiger;
XML-Signaturen in der Anwendung. - In: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, ISSN 1614-0702, Bd. 29 (2005), 4, S. 190

Nützel, Jürgen; Grimm, Rüdiger
Musikvertrieb mit Potato Web Services : Kaufanreize für Musik über die Web Services des PotatoSystems. - In: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, ISSN 1614-0702, Bd. 29 (2005), 3, S. 125-129

Grimm, Rüdiger;
Digitale Kommunikation. - München : Oldenbourg, 2005. - XII, 328 S. ISBN 3-486-57828-6

Grimm, Rüdiger;
Shannon verstehen : eine Erläuterung von C. Shannons mathematischer Theorie der Kommunikation. - Ilmenau : Techn. Univ., Inst. für Medien- und Kommunikationswiss., 2004. - 51 S. = 470,5 KB, Text. - (Diskussionsbeiträge ; 15)Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Grimm, Rüdiger; Schulz-Brünken, Barbara; Herrmann, Konrad
Integration elektronischer Zahlung und Zugangskontrolle in ein elektronisches Lernsystem : [Teilprojekt von DaMiT (Data Mining Tutor) im Rahmen des BMBF-Programms "Neue Medien in der Bildung" (2001 - 2003)]. - Ilmenau : Techn. Univ., Inst. für Medien- und Kommunikationswiss., 2004. - 23 S. = 439,8 KB, Text. - (Diskussionsbeiträge ; 12)Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Grimm, Rüdiger; Aichroth, Patrick
Privacy protection for signed media files: a separation-of-duty approach to the lightweight DRM (LWDRM) system. - In: Proceedings of the Multimedia and Security Workshop 2004, (2004), S. 93-99

Niegemann, Helmut M.
Kompendium E-Learning. - Berlin : Springer, 2004. - XV, 411 S.. - ( ISBN 978-3-642-62241-0
Literaturverz. S. 369 - 395

Grimm, Rüdiger;
Wir trauern um Mario Jeckle. - In: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, ISSN 1614-0702, Bd. 28 (2004), 8, S. 492-493

Eichstädt, Henrik;
Strukturierte Dokumente : eine Herausforderung für das Content-Management. - In: Von e-Learning bis e-Payment 2004, (2004), S. 156-166

Fasel, Andreas;
Ontologiebasierte Beschreibung von Zahlungssystemen. - In: Von e-Learning bis e-Payment 2004, (2004), S. 101-112

Grimm, Rüdiger;
Datenverarbeitung im Internet. - In: Datenschutz im Electronic Commerce, (2003), S. 21-118

Grimm, Rüdiger
E-Learning: Beherrschbarkeit und Sicherheit : Tagungsband mit ausgewählten Beispielen ; [Workshop am 1. - 2. Juli 2003 an der Technischen Universität Ilmenau]. - Ilmenau : Inst. für Medien- und Kommunikationswiss., 2003. - 90 S. = 2,21 MB, Text. - (Diskussionsbeiträge ; 9)Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Grimm, Rüdiger;
Hilft XML der Signatur auf die Beine?. - In: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, ISSN 1614-0702, Bd. 27 (2003), 12, S. 726

Grimm, Rüdiger; Jeckle, Mario
XML-Signaturen : Grundlagen, Technik und Profile. - In: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, ISSN 1614-0702, Bd. 27 (2003), 12, S. 729-733

Grimm, Rüdiger;
Digital rights management : technisch-organisatorische Lösungsansätze. - In: Digital Rights Management, (2003), S. 93-106

Nützel, Jürgen; Grimm, Rüdiger
Potato system and signed media format : an alternative approach to online music business. - In: Proceedings, (2003), S. 23-26

Niegemann, Helmut M.; Hessel, Silvia; Deimann, Markus; Hochscheid-Mauel, Dirk; Aslanski, Kristina; Kreuzberger, Gunther
Kompendium E-Learning. - Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2003. - XV, 411 S.. - ( ISBN 3-540-43816-5

Pordesch, Ulrich;
Die elektronische Form und das Präsentationsproblem
1. Aufl.. - Baden-Baden : Nomos Verl.-Ges., 2003. - 312 S.. - (Der elektronische Rechtsverkehr ; 7) : Zugl.: Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2002
ISBN 3-8329-0069-1

Roßnagel, Alexander; Banzhaf, Jürgen; Grimm, Rüdiger;
Datenschutz im Electronic Commerce : Technik, Recht, Praxis
1. Aufl.. - Heidelberg : Verl. Recht und Wirtschaft, 2003. - 325 S.. - (Schriftenreihe Kommunikation & Recht ; 18) ISBN 3-8005-1324-2

Nützel, Jürgen; Grimm, Rüdiger; Puchta, Stefan
Musik im Internet - wie kann man eine Ware verkaufen, die alle schon haben?. - In: Bericht, (2002), insges. 9 S.

Roßnagel, Alexander; Grimm, Rüdiger
Internationale Bedeutung des Datenschutzes im Internet. - In: Datenschutz beim Online-Einkauf, (2002), S. 15-29

Grimm, Rüdiger; Nützel, Jürgen
A friendly peer-to-peer file sharing system with profit but without copy protection. - In: Innovative internet computing systems, (2002), S. 133-142
Grimm, Rüdiger; Nützel, Jürgen
Peer-to-peer music-sharing with profit but without copy protection. - In: Proceedings, (2002), S. 17-22

Grimm, Rüdiger; Nützel, Jürgen
Geschäftsmodelle für virtuelle Waren. - In: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, ISSN 1614-0702, Bd. 26 (2002), 5, S. 261-266

Fasel, Andreas;
Analyse elektronischer Zahlungssysteme. - In: Von e-Learning bis e-Payment, (2002), S. 146-157

Schulz-Brünken, Barbara; Herrmann, Konrad; Grimm, Rüdiger;
Kundenrollen als Vermarktungskonzept im E-Learning. - In: Von e-Learning bis e-Payment, (2002), S. 20-26

False, Jana;
XML sehen, sprechen und hören?. - In: Wege zum Wissen - die menschengerechte Information, (2002), S. 155-168

Grimm, Rüdiger; Nützel, Jürgen
Security and business models for virtual goods. - In: Workshop on Multimedia and Security: Authentication, Secrecy and Steganalysis, (2002), S. 75-79

Grimm, Rüdiger;
Elektronische Zahlungssysteme im Überblick. - In: Internet future, (2001), S. 197-208
In: Internet Future

Grimm, Rüdiger;
Technische Sicherheit bei Internetwahlen : Anmerkungen aus Sicht der Informationstechnik. - In: Elektronische Demokratie, (2001), S. [86] - 104
. - S. [86] - 104
Grimm, Rüdiger;
Security requirements for internet voting. - In: Multimedia and security: new challenges, (2001), S. 58-59

Hänseroth, Christiane; Zobel, Angelika; Grimm, Rüdiger;
Sicheres Homebanking in Deutschland 2001 : ein Vergleich mit 1998 aus organisatorisch-technischer Sicht. - Ilmenau, 2001. - 53 S. = 706,8 KB, Text. - (Diskussionsbeiträge ; 5)Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Grimm, Rüdiger;
Vertrauen im Internet - wie sicher soll E-Commerce sein?. - Ilmenau : Inst. für Medien- und Kommunikationswiss., 2001. - 22 S. = 218,3 KB, Text. - (Diskussionsbeiträge ; 1)Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Grimm, Rüdiger;
Vertrauen im Internet: Wie sicher soll E-Commerce sein?. - In: Sicherheitskonzepte für das Internet, (2001), S. 57-86

Grimm, Rüdiger; Ochsenschläger, Peter
Binding telecooperation - a formal model for electronic commerce. - In: Computer networks, Bd. 37 (2001), 2, S. 171-193
False, Jana;
Evaluierung des GET UP-Businessplan-Wettbewerbes. - In: Technologieorientierte Unternehmensgründungen, (2001), S. 139-149

Grimm, Rüdiger;
Netzdienstleistungen im Finanzbereich - Aufbau des Fachgebiets Multimediale Anwendungen. - In: Beiträge aus dem wissenschaftlichen Leben, Bd. 4 (2000), S. 44-47

Klimsa, Paul; Schade, Gabriele; Grimm, Rüdiger; Kirpal, Alfred; Niegemann, Helmut M.
Technikbasierte Ausbildung im Studiengang Angewandte Medienwissenschaft. - In: Beiträge aus dem wissenschaftlichen Leben, Bd. 4 (2000), S. 7-9

Grimm, Rüdiger; Röhm, Alexander
Sicherheit und E-Commerce. - In: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, ISSN 1614-0702, Bd. 24 (2000), 10, S. 570