Conference Papers

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Wörrlein, Benjamin; Straßburger, Steffen
Hochaufgelöste Energieprofile durch hybride Simulation. - In: ASIM SST 2022 Proceedings Langbeiträge, (2022), S. 243-251

The price of a commodity, as electricity, is determined on a commodity market. A market is efficient when the supply and demand in the market are at an equilibrium. Efficient markets run on information. Information can cause a spontaneous and instantaneous change within the supply and demand in a market. The market communicates this new equilibrium through the change of the price of a commodity. In the electricity market the supplier and consumer communicate through electrical load profiles. A load profile signals when and how much energy should be consumed within a certain time frame without causing a change in the price of electricity. Creating such load profiles is commonly done by the supplier of energy by means of standard load profiles. Here we propose a data-driven simulation-based method that allows for the consumer to create its own specific load profile, which potentially will bring down the cost of energy consumed.
Feldkamp, Niclas; Bergmann, Sören; Straßburger, Steffen
Simulationsbasiertes Deep Reinforcement Learning für Modulare Produktionssysteme. - In: ASIM SST 2022 Proceedings Langbeiträge, (2022), S. 65-72

Modulare Produktionssysteme sollen die traditionelle Fließbandproduktion in der Automobilindustrie ablösen. Die Idee dabei ist, dass sich hochgradig individualisierte Produkte dynamisch und autonom durch ein System flexibler Arbeitsstationen bewegen können. Dieser Ansatz stellt hohe Anforderungen an die Planung und Organisation solcher Systeme. Da jedes Produkt seinen Weg durch das System frei und individuell bestimmen kann, kann die Implementierung von Regeln und Heuristiken, die die Flexibilität des Systems zur Leistungssteigerung ausnutzen, in diesem dynamischen Umfeld schwierig sein. Transportaufgaben werden in der Regel von fahrerlosen Transportsystemen (FTS) ausgeführt. Daher bietet die Integration von KI-basierten Steuerungslogiken eine vielversprechende Alternative zu manuell implementierten Entscheidungsregeln für den Betrieb der FTS. In diesem Beitrag wird ein Ansatz für den Einsatz von Reinforcement Learning (RL) in Kombination mit Simulation vorgestellt, um FTS in modularen Produktionssystemen zu steuern. Darüber hinaus werden Untersuchungen zu dessen Flexibilität und Skalierbarkeit durchgeführt.
Bergmann, Sören;
Optimierung des Designs modularer Montagesysteme. - In: ASIM SST 2022 Proceedings Langbeiträge, (2022), S. 15-22

Der Wunsch nach mehr Flexibilität in Fertigungssystemen, insbesondere, wenn verschiedene Produkte bzw. viele Produktvarianten in einem Produktionssystem gefertigt werden, führt, besonders in der Automobilindustrie, zur Abkehr vom Fertigungsprinzip der klassischen Linienfertigungen hin zu eher flexiblen und werkstattorientierten Produktionssystemen. Eine der Herausforderungen in diesen so genannten modularen Montage- bzw. Produktionssystemen ist das Systemdesign, insbesondere die Zuordnung der Tätigkeiten auf die einzelnen Fertigungsinseln. Ein Ansatz, diese Zuordnung zu verbessern bietet die simulationsbasierte Optimierung. In diesem Beitrag wird ein Konzept zur simulationsbasierten Optimierung des Designs modularer Montagesysteme vorgestellt und anhand einer Fallstudie demonstriert. Zum Einsatz kommen hierbei genetische Algorithmen, speziell der NSGA-II-Algorithmus, welcher auch mehrkriterielle Optimierung ermöglicht.
Harman, Durmus; Buschmann, Daniel; Scheer, Richard; Hellwig, M.; Knapp, Marc; Schmitt, Robert; Eigenbrod, Hella
Data Analytics Production Line Optimization Model (DAPLOM) - a systematic framework for process optimizations. - In: Production at the leading edge of technology, (2022), S. 412-420

In this paper, we present a new framework for process optimizations, the Data Analytics Production Line Optimization Model (DAPLOM). Due to increasing efforts in the digitalization of production systems, an extensive amount of production data is available for analytics. This data can be used for the optimization of production lines and the prediction of their performance (e.g. drift of parameters or component quality) in order to achieve economic and technical improvements. The demand for systematical usage of data-driven methods involving technologies like Data Analytics and Machine Learning and the combination of engineering approaches is growing continuously.DAPLOM guides the implementation process of IT supported problem-solving solutions in production environments. It combines classical process- with data-driven approaches. Specific focus lies on achieving a holistic perspective with a macro- as well as a microscopic view on the given conditions. Here the macroscopic view covers the general material flow, whereas microscopic view considers process details. Additionally, DAPLOM provides useful methods in a step-by-step procedure structured in seven phases. The framework is validated in an industrial use case of an automated wire bending process. Thus, the effectiveness of the framework is demonstrated and further development potentials are identified.

Genath, Jonas; Bergmann, Sören; Feldkamp, Niclas; Straßburger, Steffen
Automation within the process of knowledge discovery in simulation data : characterization of the result data
Automatisierung im Prozess der Wissensentdeckung in Simulationsdaten : Charakterisierung der Ergebnisdaten. - In: Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2021, (2021), S. 367-376

The traditional application of simulation in production and logistics is usually aimed at changing certain parameters in order to answer clearly defined objectives or questions. In contrast to this approach, the method of knowledge discovery in simulation data (KDS) uses a simulation model as a data generator (data farming). Subsequently using data mining methods, hidden, previously unknown and potentially useful cause-effect relationships can be uncovered. So far, however, there is a lack of guidelines and automatization-tools for non-experts or novices in KDS, which leads to a more difficult use in industrial applications and prevents a broader utilization. This paper presents a concept for automating the first step of the KDS, which is the process of characterization of the result data, using meta learning and validates it on small case study.

Feldkamp, Niclas;
Data farming output analysis using explainable AI. - In: 2021 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), (2021), insges. 12 S.

Data Farming combines large-scale simulation experiments with high performance computing and sophisticated big data analysis methods. The portfolio of analysis methods for those large amounts of simulation data still yields potential to further development, and new methods emerge frequently. Especially the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence is difficult, since a lot of those methods are very good at approximating data for prediction, but less at actually revealing their underlying model of rules. To overcome the lack of comprehensibility of such black-box algorithms, a discipline called explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) has gained a lot of traction and has become very popular recently. This paper shows how to extend the portfolio of Data Farming output analysis methods using XAI.
Hafner, Anke; Straßburger, Steffen
The acceptance of augmented reality as a determining factor in intralogistics planning. - In: 54th CIRP CMS 2021, (2021), S. 1209-1214

In the automotive industry, an innovative tool to support the intralogistics planning is essential. One possibility is the use of augmented reality (AR). AR can be a suitable tool for improving the planning of intralogistics processes. An improvement of the intralogistics planning processes can be realized by applying this technology. The application thereby dependents on the acceptance of AR. In this paper, the Technology Acceptance Model and a survey are used to verify the acceptance of AR in intralogistics planning. In addition, relevant factors are identified having an impact on the acceptance using AR in intralogistics.
Kuehner, Kim Jessica; Scheer, Richard; Straßburger, Steffen
Digital Twin: finding common ground - a meta-review. - In: 54th CIRP CMS 2021, Bd. 104 (2021), S. 1227-1232

The concept of the Digital Twin in the context of Industry 4.0 is omnipresent in research concerning manufacturing. However, the understanding of the term varies between applications. Although scholars have previously reviewed research on the topic, a consensus was never reached. Therefore, this paper attempts to compare existing reviews relating to the Digital Twin with the purpose of detecting prevalent as well as contrasting views on key issues. It elucidates commonalities in terminology, conceivable benefits as well as remaining research issues. Hence, it provides a conceptual outline of the Digital Twin that further research can build upon.
Genath, Jonas; Bergmann, Sören; Spieckermann, Sven; Stauber, Stephan; Feldkamp, Niclas
Development of an integrated solution for data farming and knowledge discovery in simulation data :
Entwicklung einer integrierten Lösung für das Data Farming und die Wissensentdeckung in Simulationsdaten. - In: Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2021, (2021), S. 377-386

Simulation is an established methodology for planning and evaluating manufacturing and logistics systems. In contrast to classical simulation studies, the method of knowledge discovery in simulation data uses a simulation model as a data generator (data farming). Subsequently, hidden, previously unknown and potentially useful cause-effect relationships can be uncovered on the generated data using data mining and visual analytics methods. So far, however, there is a lack of integrated, easy-to-use software solutions for the application of the data farming in operational practice. This paper presents such an integrated solution, which allows for generating experiment designs, implements a method to distribute the necessary experiment runs, and provides the user with tools to analyze and visualize the result data.

Scheer, Richard; Straßburger, Steffen; Knapp, Marc
Concepts for digital-physical connection : comparison, benefits and critical issues
Digital-physische Verbundkonzepte: Gegenüberstellung, Nutzeffekte und kritische Hürden. - In: Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2021, (2021), S. 11-20

Several concepts for digital-physical connection exist in literature and practice. This paper provides an overview over prevalent concepts. It characterises their specific attributes and places them in contrast with each other. Furthermore, it describes the major benefits as well as the most critical issues in the implementation of these concepts. These potential benefits and issues might then also serve as indicators for further research. From a practical perspective, this paper introduces a straightforward procedure to indicate the appropriate and most efficient concept for any specific implementation of a digital-physical connection system. It bases this indication on the specific requirements of the application.